Saturday, May 9, 2015

Thank You

Dear Kendal and Peter,
Thank you for making me a Mother.
You were both dreamed of,  prayed for, hoped for, and waited for. It is an honor to be your Mom. I thank our Heavenly Father everyday for blessing me with two amazing souls that call me Mom.
Kendal; you are my firstborn, my precious daughter, my little girl. You amaze me everyday with your love for others, your knowledge, and your spirit.
Peter; you are my wonderful son, my strong little boy, and our best buddy. You are inventive, you are funny, and you are curious about life.
You both teach me to have courage, to harbor patience, to explore, and to appreciate the simple things in life. I hope you both know how much you're loved. I pray to always be a good example for you, to appreciate the ages and stages your in, to share my love of the gospel with you, to care for you the best way I can, and to shower you with love everyday.

Dear Casey,
Thank you for making me a mother.
 I am grateful to have you by my side as we charter our way through parenthood. Thank you for the support, care, and love you give to me through my ups and downs of mommyhood. Thank you for being my solid place, my partner, and my best friend. You are a wonderful Daddy, and I'm so proud of the two amazing kids we have together. I love you so very much!
- Marianne

Happy Mother's day to my Mommy, and Mom in law, and Grandma whose examples have shaped me, taught me, and helped me be the mother I am today, and hope to be in the future. I love you all!

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