Monday, January 22, 2018

Happenings, Alice's birthday, & nerdy love

Look at these handsome boys! We rarely have success getting Peter to wear a traditional Sunday shirt and tie. A few weeks ago he found this tie while shopping. He has worn it and his white shirt for three weeks!! Peter gave a talk yesterday! He started out taking about Grandpa Loosle and how he uses plans to make houses, and then went on to talk about Heavenly Father's plan for us. He whispered his talk, but at least he gave it so we're calling it a win. 

The kids got a fort kit from our friends and we set it up a few weekends ago. I also put it up on the ceiling in their room for a week. Simple times are some of the best times. (Also trying to stay busy and keep sanity while Daddy is gone on Saturdays for basketball.)
David and Anica welcomed baby Isaac into their family in the ninth! I'm so excited to meet him!
My parents and Katherine came up the Saturday before Alice's birthday. They gave Alice some books, little people for her house, jammies, and an awesome quilt my mom made. It was nice to spend time together. My mom and Katherine got to hear my lesson on Divine design Sunday. It's important to realize God's divine design in our lives and to be grateful for his hand in our lives.  I am truly grateful for the path my life has taken, and the many blessings I have (especially those I get to call family). We had Casey's parents over Sunday for dinner so we could celebrate Alice together. They gave Alice some cute shoes! We got to sing to Alice and She loved her birthday cupcake!

Alice's birthday was an easy going day. We went out to lunch with Vanessa and her kids at Arctic circle. Alice got to eat cupcake number two! We had a simple dinner when Casey got home and just enjoyed our little Alice! She's taken steps this past week. Still a bit away from waking, but She'll get there soon. She had her check up the following day. She's healthy and doing great. She got six shots : /, but took it like a champ. She's also working on her two front teeth which have made life a bit rough this week.

I had Peter hold Alice in place. I love his face peaking in the picture.

We made it to a couple of Casey's games these past couple of weeks. He won one and lost the other that we made it to. Alice is also no longer content on my lap so I had to follow her around the bleachers for a bit during each game. Casey's team has their last game tomorrow! The season for the older girls ends in a few weeks.
The kids had school off today. We went to Casey's classroom so I could work on a project. The kids played around. I caught this cute pictures of Casey's future students.
Kendal has been reading the second Harry potter this past month. She wanted to finish this weekend so she packed in a few hours of reading so we could watch the movie today. She enjoyed the book and was exited to read it and see the story unfold. Today we watched the movie and had our special treat of "poly juice potion" and "brooms". I'm proud of the little reader she's become and how hard she works towards her goals in school. I started reading the Harry Potter 2 with Peter, but felt it was more important to have him read and get play quality time with me so we let it go. Peter is also picking up words really well and is doing great with easy reader books. We've also watched a bunch of Star Wars movies this past month. Peter is really into them lately and has enjoyed being immersed in the stories. Casey and I are loving seeing our kids share our love of Harry Potter and Start Wars. Little nerds in the making and we wouldn't have it any other way. Can't forget our other cutie who may be to young to care about it all, but wherever brother and sister are she likes to be also. (The force is strong with this one ; )

Casey and I also got a rare date over the weekend! We went to see The Greatest Showman. It was really good, a wonderful break with my sweetheart. 

Monday, January 15, 2018

Alice is one!

Alice! My sweet baby girl you are one today! This past year has gone by way to fast. Alice, you long hoped for, much anticipated, and a dream come true. We feel so lucky and blessed you came into our family and our hearts forever!
Casey and I were trying to come up with words to describe Alice's personality and simply put we feel Alice is just an easy going, happy little lady. With the exception of being really tired, hungery, or extreme sibling "love" she is generally content and goes with the flow.
Alice likes to talk and babble to and with us. She even talks with her hands (Loosle genes ; ). Often times when she wakes up I here her in her crib just babbling away to herself. She has a girly voice we love to hear. She says hi Dad, and will say meme for me when she's upset / super hungry. She's said a few random words, but nothing consistent yet. She's stated to sign with us as well and uses the sign More at meals.
She is a mover and a goer. She likes to clap, wave, bounce to music, and explores all over the house. She likes her walker and goes all around with it. Sometimes she walks with us, but she isn't waking on her own yet. She'll stand for a few seconds and has attempted a hand full of steps, but her desire ends there (really she just knows crawling is faster and she's surrounded by people who haul her willingly and mostly without needing to).
After nine plus months Alice is finally sleeping through the night and goes down for naps on her own!!! It was a long time getting here and I'm so so happy she's figured it out! (Now we just have to figure out naps during afternoon church time.)
She doesn't have favorites with food or toys (unless you count our phones as toys). She'll eat most things, but when she's not in the mood for something she'll hand it back to us or spit it back out without a word. She's also defiantly the third child and has had more sweets and foods sooner than the other two did.
While Alice started out as a mama's girl she's found out how awesome daddy is. When he gets home she lights up and wants him to get her. She also likes to follow him around the house. Kendal and Peter pester, haul her around, and are very much in her face always, but she tolerates and deals with 98% of it.  She still finds her in the face brother hilarious and gives him her biggest laughs. Kendal still sMothers her with love and adoration. She likes to reach up and tap notes while Kendal is practicing piano and plays (aka eats) Peter's action figures while he plays. She also follows her siblings around and doesn't like being shut out when they are I'm the bathroom or playing Legos in another room.
Alice we love you so much sweetheart! Happy first birthday!


At one year Alice is 21 lbs (70%) and just over 29 in tall (~ 50%)

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Rest of Christmas Break.

We spent a few days at home between Christmas and New Year's. The kids played around with toys, we played the WII a bit, we cleaned, the kids played outside; basically we just had an easy going few days. Peter did get hit with a stomach bug that lasted for a day though, and Casey had a a cold that seems to be lingering. Casey was gone Thursday and Friday to Jerome for a basketball tournament. His team lost both games and the other Kimberly teams didn't fair so well either; however Casey says it was good experience for the girls. They have six more games till his team is done for the season then a few more weeks after that for the other girls to be officially done.
Friday evening we got to see Rhett, Aria, and their kids. We ate out at Culvers and then played a game at home while the kids watched a show / played around.

Saturday morning we headed out to Raft River. The whole family came for our Darrington Christmas party. We got to meet and gush over baby Maxwell. He is rolly polly perfection! The kids went sledding / pulled around by a razor after lunch. They played bingo with Grandma, played all around the house, and I did a relay race with them. We had a yummy dinner and opened cousin / adult sibling / grandparents presents. Kendal got a skip it and some tops from Grandma and Grandpa, she also got a color on messenger bag from David. Peter got Star Wars Legos, a new Maytor car, and some sweatpants from Grandma and Grandpa. He got a new Nerf gun from Becca. (He loves it all, and tries to sleep with his toys at night.) Alice got cute clothes from Grandma, Grandpa, and Grady! Casey and I received money to go towards our Disney trip fund from his parents, and games from Nicole and Jordan. They made us a washers game that we're excited to have! The siblings gifted mom and dad a painting of the Sake Lake Temple.

We let the kids watch shows with Grandma while the "big kids" played games upstairs. It was a late night, but so much fun.

Sunday we got to all go to church and see baby Maxwell get blessed. It was a nice blessing and wonderful that we could all be there for it. I got to steal Max for awhile during church and enjoyed waking him around and putting him to sleep.  We had a big lunch afterwards back at Mom and Dad's. The kids continued to play away. Terry, Sarah, Nicole, and Jordan left to go home and the rest of us stayed to celebrate New Year 's Eve. We snacked all evening and the adults got in more game time. The kids watched Mary Poppins and went to bed. We rang in the New Year, finished our game, and went to bed as well.
Monday we hung around for awhile. The kids happily played the morning away with cousins. We came home that afternoon. The kids watched Star Wars with Casey to end the day.

Tuesday everyone slept in!!! We had a lazy morning, then we headed out. We went out and found a new tree for next year! (Hopefully we'll have it in a new home as well.) We took the kids to Chick fill a for lunch (Thanks Mom and Dad for the gift card!) That afternoon we hiked Shoshone falls. The kids donned their winter gear and we made our way down to the falls. It was icy, and chilly; however the view was amazing and it made for a fun adventure. It was nice to have a couple of weeks off, to Relax, spend quality time with each other and family, and to just enjoy the break. We're back to the grind now with schedules and life. Here's to 2018! Looking forward to Alice's first birthday, family adventures, with luck a new house, and growth of one kind or another I'm sure.

President Monson passed away Tuesday. He's been our prophet for nine years and a church leader for decades more. I'm grateful for his light, his wisdom, his love, and service. I'm grateful to know he is  back home with our Father in Heaven and his departed family.
I keep quotes / scriptures in my phone - here are a few treasures from President Monson.
- Aim high. It is better to aim for the stars and drag your feet in the treetops than to aim for the treetops and drag your feet in the mud.
- We are responsible for the home we build. We must build wisely, for eternity is but a short voyage. There will be calm and wind, sunlight and shadows, joy and sorrows. But if we really try, our home can be a bit of heaven on earth.
- So much in life depends on our attitude.
- Of this be sure, you do not find the happy you make it.
- Charity is having patience with someone who has let us down. It is resisting the impulse to become offended easily. It is accepting weakness and shortcomings. It is seeing people as they truly are. It is looking beyond the physical appearances to attributes that will not dim through time. It is resisting the impulse to categorize others.
- One of God 's greatest gifts to us is the joy of trying again, for no failure ever need be final.
- May we ever choose the harder right than the easier wrong.
- Choose your love, love your choice!