Sunday, January 24, 2016

1st tooth lost!

Kendal has been having us regularly check for loose teeth for a while now. About a week ago I noticed her front tooth was no longer apart of its neat little row of teeth; sure enough it was wiggly. Since then Kendal has been wiggling and waiting for it to fall out. Today we noticed her other tooth was coming in behind it so we encouraged her to wiggle more, and let Daddy have a go at getting it out. Casey tired a pull and Kendal even let him lasso the tooth to pull it out. It came looser but she lost her nerve in the moment. Later we persisted that it just needed to be done. So finally with a basic pull from Daddy the tooth was free. Kendal is happy to have her first tooth lost; and thrilled the tooth fairy will make a visit tonight!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

bits of January

I had to eat my words from the previous post when I said no one got my sick. That very day Casey came home sick and had to take the next day off of work. Kendal also had a touch of it, but her's lasted one day. Peter has escaped it all (lucky little man). While we may still have a couple of scratchy throats the sick is pretty much gone. Yay!
We decided since we're going on a trip to Disney with my family this summer we'd better get acquainted / reacquainted with some Disney favorites. So last week I wrote down all of our Disney movies and a few that I know our library has to watch. The kids will pick a movie every week or so to watch leading up to our trip.  (This is a big deal to the kids since Mommy limits movies / cartoons, so lets just say they're excited!) We started our Disney movie extravaganza with 101 Dalmatians. Peter loved it, but wanted to see the bad guys go to jail, and Kendal liked the dogs, but not the crazy lady.
 After weeks of begging I let the kids take out their new scooters last week. Kendal did great and loved it. Peter liked that he was on a "big" scooter, but he had trouble balancing it so he stood on it while I pushed for most of the ride.
Last Sunday we had our monthly Darrington dinner out at Terry and Sarah's. The kids were thrilled to see each other and we had a good evening together. The kids even did a little dance for us off of youtube. We also got to celebrate Grady turning one! (Kendal is the blur at the bottom, kid can't hold still for pictures ever!)
The kids have been itching to play in the snow. We were sick on and off for the past month so our snow time was limmited, then the snow melted here. So this week when we got a good overnight dump the kids and I went out for a bit Friday morning to enjoy the snow and attempt a snowman. The snow wasn't building quality so we ended up with a mound for a snowman, but the kids had fun making tracks around the yard.

After a month with no home games for Casey's team we got to go to a couple this week. Thursday night we went and watched Casey's team beat Buhl. The kids cheered for the "boodogs", played hide and go seek, and ate giant suckers.
Saturday's game was over near Blackfoot at Snake River so I called up Uncle Arnold for a visit and the kids and I drove over to watch the games and see our favorite Great (great) Uncle. Arnold joined us for Casey's teams game and then the kids and I went over to his house for a bit. He told the kids about the neat art in his home and shared stories of their ancestors with us. He even treated us to some Pizza, and put up with the kids 1001 questions. It was nice to catch up and I'm grateful for Arnold and dear Margaret that love(d) us and are like bonus grandparents to me. It was a snowy day and I got my car stuck going up Arnold's drive way. Luckily we got it out in time for me to go back and get Casey from the games to head home. (Snowy drive, not so fun, but a visit with Arnold made it worth it.) Last picture is of Kendal eating giant snow flakes. She was in awe of their size.

Kendal's back in the thick of school and loving it. She adores her teachers and enjoys all that she does. She likes her "extra" classes (computers, music, library, p.e.) and loves to sing the songs she's learned with us, and is so excited she finally gets to pick and bring home library books.
Peter is doing well with online preschool and learning with me. He knows his letter's and is learning his numbers. He is learning his letter sounds and can sing the song, but has trouble when asked random letters to give the sound. Learning is still on his terms and when he feels up to it, so we'll continue as best we can.

At one of our Library times recently Peter was being his usual stubborn self and one lady told me it's a good quality to be "strong willed". It'll be the stubborn / strong willed that make it through these crazy latter days we live in and make it to the second coming strong in the faith. So while I may not always appreciate my stubborn little man, I know he will make a wonderfully stalwart and strong man someday.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

New Year

Last Wednesday Kendal got to join Casey at Basketball practice while Peter went to story time at the Library with me. Kendal loved being among the girls and Daddy even had her stand in place for a few positions because he was missing players. Wednesday night we went to Burley to spend time with Aria, Rhett and their girls. We had some delicious Costa Vida style homemade burritos. The kids had fun watching a kids movie in one room while the adults watched The Martian in the other.
New Years Eve was relaxed and at home. The kids played with their Lego's (which they do pretty much every day now). That afternoon I made crowns and glow jars with the kids. (success on how cool they looked, fail on how bad the inside of glow sticks stink.) We played family games including a new Disney Eye spy Peter got for Christmas. The kids got to stay up a little bit. After they went to bed Casey and I chilled out in front of the tube. I started getting the chills and was tired so I clocked out just after 10. Casey watched some Dr. Who and ended up ringing in the New Year alone. (Sorry hon I'll make it up sometime.)

New Years Day was worse for me so Casey played with the kids, took them to Arctic Circle for lunch and took Kendal to his practice that afternoon.
Saturday Casey and his brothers took the kids ice fishing at Dirkies lake. We bundled up the kids and they had fun. Sledding / playing around. Kendal even caught a fish! Casey and his brother's caught the rest of the fish while the kids played.

Sunday brought a new church time and a lot of questions from Kendal because she thought a new time meant we were joining the ward that usually met at nine. I was still under but bucked up and went to church so I could teach my new class. Peter happily took Kendal's hand and went to Sunbeams all on his own. His new teacher is Sister Arrington, but he calls her Darrington because they sound the same to him. Casey ended up last minute subbing and shifting around classes for his absent teachers. After church we relaxed and had an easy day.
School was back in on Monday. Luckily no one caught my sick so it's been good. Casey had a game in Jerome last night where they won. (Varsity is 13-0, JV is similar with one or two losses and Casey's team has two less games so I think it's 10-1 so far.)
This post has been delayed because I'm still on the mend from my mega flu / cold evil and I've been fighting off migraines and headaches. So while the beginning of the New Year hasn't started off on a high note in my books hopefully it's just up from here. No major resolutions for me. . . maybe a few hopes. . . mainly just to have a good year and good memories with my family.