Sunday, May 24, 2015

Rain rain, play play

We've had a lot of rain the past two weeks. This week any time it was sunny enough to go out I made sure we were out getting our wiggles and energy out. We rode bikes when we could and made mud pies too. On Thursday we meet up with Sarah, Vanessa, and their kids to eat lunch at arctic circle and let the kids go wild in the play area (we stayed for about three hours.)
The pictures from above are from an awesome new park in the area that we went to on Friday with my visiting teachers and their kids. It was rainy in the morning so when we went we had the park to ourselves for a while which was great, because it got pretty busy a while later. The kids had a blast on the playground and we ate a picnic lunch there.
Kendal was able to go to both swim lessons this week. She's doing really well and can go a small distance swimming. She's getting comfortable being under water and has really enjoyed the lessons. She's got her two make up lessons at the end of this week then she'll be done and we can practice her new skills throughout the summer.
Saturday morning we went and ran errands. We got the mattress for Peters bed so when we got home and the sky's were looking sunny Casey painted Peters new bed. Kendal helped for a bit and Peter got in a few strokes before we had to remove the brush because he was being a bit too helpful. We let Peter pick out the color for his bed from the paint section at the local restore place. He was pretty adamant that he wanted blue. We went around the neighborhood with the kids on their bike and scooter so they'd let daddy paint in peace. I also drew a hop scotch to play on.

No major plans for memorial day. We'll see what the weather brings and what we can find to do.

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