Friday, May 26, 2017

Water / goals!

Casey came to see the kids at their swim lessons last Monday (15th). Since he was already with us we decided to grab some subway and go see Shoshone falls. It was worth all the hype; the falls were amazing! They have been flowing at the highest they've been in many years. (We've procrastinated going because of crowds; they've had over 43,000 visitors in the last month. Lucky we went when we did because at the end of last week they opened up other waterways / canals so the water level dropped a lot and the falls aren't as cool.)

Peter has finished his preschool goals we set at the beginning of the school year! I regret not putting him in a traditional preschool because he would've done great, and learning from mom has been a tug of war this year. However Peter has grown leaps and bounds. I'm so proud of all that he's learned this year. He even knocked out two bonus goals (tying shoes and counting to 100) and he's working on a third goal (site words / reading basic books). I'm so very proud of this awesome boy! He's so excited to go to Kindergarten this fall and I'm so very ready to ship him off to Kindergarten as well!

I've been trying to get Peter to practice tying shoes for a while now.(Learning is always on his terms / timeline) Apparently I just needed to let him tie up the Lego bad guys. 
He did it a bunch of times and can tie shoes! 

Peter loves his Lego Rocket and Astronauts. To answer some of his astronaut questions he watched some videos of how astronauts live in space. One day for lunch he really wanted to eat his peanut butter on a tortilla just like they do in space. While his dream isn't to go into outer space (He thinks it's to far from family), he'd like to build rockets someday!

The kids finished swim lessons this week. Kendal progressed and gained some confidence in the water. She's having trouble holding her breath for long periods so while she can do the back stroke across the pool she can't go very far on her stomach before she stops for a breath. Kendal loved jumping off the diving board in her last lesson and even did it life jacket free! We'll keep working on holding her breath / breathing as you swim, and treading this summer. Peter was super timid his first lesson then shot off from there. He just jumps in and does his thing! He loved his lessons and did everything happily and with gusto. On the last lesson however he got super nervous about the diving board and didn't want to jump. With some heavy persuasion he donned a life vest and hung to the wall in the deep pool. Maybe next year. We'll continue to work on floating (he's still pretty tense), and basic swimming with Peter this summer!

 A few extra just for fun! Sweet Alice, Kendal's gotten her face painted a couple of times in the last couple of weeks at school, and Peter loading up Alice with all of her toys. (She tolerates a lot ; )

Monday, May 15, 2017

4 months & 7.5 years!

Today Kendal is Seven and a half and Alice is four months old! Kendal has always loved that she and Alice were both born on Sundays and on the fifteenth. It's something special they'll always share.
At Seven and a half Kendal is our little miss. She'll tell it like it is and she won't let you forget anything. She's our talker and our lovey child. She always has love for us and others. She has a sweet tender heart that she shares with the world. She's full of questions and full of words. Kendal's love languages are time, compliments, and love. She craves time with us and enjoys one on one time or doing something "special" with us (playing games, cooking, sewing, bike rides). She likes to give compliments, and also likes to receive praise and compliments. She is our little love. She loves to give us hugs, kisses, snuggles, and likes to be near us. Kendal is nearing the end of first grade. She has loved school this year and doesn't want it to end. She loves to learn and seems to absorb things like a sponge. Kendal is quick to learn. She amazes me with what she knows, what she's memorized, and what she learns. She is beyond excited to turn eight and be baptized this year!


Alice is four months old. She had her first roll over this past week from her belly to her back. She still kicks quite a bit especially in her bath and bouncy seat. She's got a strong core and likes to "sit up" and rock to her side. Alice had become quite the babbler and might just outdo her sister (which is saying something / heaven help us 😉) in a few years. She loves to coo and talk with people. She also has started to give some sweet giggles this past couple of weeks. She's generally a content baby, but she sometimes can give quite a fuss at night for no reason (colic, tummy issues??) Alice is getting some pretty sweet rolls on her. I love her squishy cheeks and leg rolls - they melt my heart. Alice is 14 lb 5 oz (50th percentile) and 26 in. talk (98th percentile) I've never had a baby this big; it's crazy to me, but I'm so happy she's healthy, happy, and thriving!!

Kendal adores Alice and loves on her everyday. She loves to hold her, love her, and talk to her everyday. She's started to lay on the floor with Alice while she reads for homework every day. Alice loves the pictures, and Kendal loves reading to Alice. Sometimes I feel like seven years is quite a gap in age and wonder how close they'll be growing up, but I know they'll share a special bond. I love these little ladies so much!

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Mother's day and happenings

The kids have two weeks of swim lessons done and two more to go. Kendal is making progress and trying her best in everything. She swims fairly well, but sometimes has a hard time holding her breath so she can't go long distances on her tummy yet. (She'll get side breathing down at some point I'm sure.) Peter is very energetic in his lessons. He likes to bob up and down in the water and his natural athletic ability is coming through as he swims. He still has trouble floating though. (he gets pretty tense and just doesn't want to relax.)

Last Friday Kendal's class put on a brunch as an early mother's day treat. The kids in the class made a casserole for us, gave us flowers and a sugar scrub, and sang us three wonderful songs. I loved watching Kendal sing the songs. She knew them all by heart and was so proud to sing them to me.
Last Saturday we decided to go on an "adventure" to Cauldrin Linn. It's a neat little spot out in Murtah that I never knew existed till this spring. With all of the rain fall this spring and the snow pack now melting the falls in the area are amazing. Now that track is over for Casey we'll hopefully hit up Shoshone on a non-busy day sometime soon. Since it's so busy we decided to make our way out to Cauldrin Linn to see the falls there. It was a nice little drive out and we enjoyed walking around and looking at the falls. Peter was very cautious not to go to near the edge of the rocks, and he also spotted a lizard on a rock.  Kendal pocketed a few rocks and flowers along the way.

We've had some wonderful days of sunshine and great temperatures. I've taken Peter and Alice out for a bike / stroller walk a couple of times. Our usual rout is going over to Ballards Way park. It's been so nice to get out and enjoy the sunshine and for Peter to get some energy out.

I would never have guessed last mother's day that I'd be celebrating this year with three kids instead of two. It's been quite the year, and we're so thrilled to have Alice! 
 My eyes have also been opened a bit to how I mother and how I want to be as a mother this year. Which has meant some reflection, and some changes. I'm still far from where I want to be, but I feel I'm trying in different ways to be better for my kids. I have been blessed with three amazing kids. They are my world; I love them dearly and thank Heaven for them every day.
I'm so grateful for my Mom. She is so wonderful! I cherish her and love her so very much. I am so lucky and blessed to be her daughter. I'm grateful for my Mom-in-law. She is a wonderful woman with so much love for our crazy crew. I am in awe of these two women. Since having three kids of my own my respect and appreciation has increased ten fold for them! The work they have done and still do amazes me, inspires me, teaches me, strengthens me, uplifts me, and I love them dearly. I have an amazing sister and sister-in-laws each with their own challenges, and journeys. They are so strong and so wonderful. All of these women are so special to me and I love them so very much!

My mother's day quote for this year -
A real mom: Emotional, yet the rock. Tired, but keeps going. Worried, but full of hope. Impatient, yet patient. Overwhelmed, but never quits. Amazing, even though doubted. Wonderful, even in chaos. Life changer, every single day. - Rachel Martin

Monday, May 1, 2017

Getting wet

We've had an easy going couple of weeks. We've had our share of rain the last couple of weeks along with some wicked wind; and are looking forward to a week of sunshine.
Casey's last two track meets were at home. We skipped the first because of rain, and the second because of wind. His boys won both meets. Tomorrow they have their district meet in Filer and then they're done for the season! Also we've got just over a month till school is out!!
 Kendal got her hair cut this past weekend. I decided since we were going for a paid cut, and it's getting warmer we'd go for a good chop. Kendal got six inches of long lovely locks chopped off. She wasn't sure at first, but she's enjoying her lighter and less tangled tresses.

Kendal and Peter started swim lessons today. I probably should've taken them to the pool to refresh last years lessons, because they spent day one being kind of timid. Kendal even yelled help to her teacher as she bobbed in the water and the life guard dove off of his perch to "rescue" Kendal who didn't really need rescuing (sigh, at least she's well watched over). Peter took a while to warm up to his teacher, but looked like he was enjoying himself during the lesson. It was hot and humid so Alice and I sat on the side lines having a good sweat. Swim lessons will continue Mondays and Wednesdays for the next three weeks. (I promise to get better pictures in upcoming lessons; baby + camera = get what you can.)

Alice has started babbling so much lately. I've even got some small giggles out of her this past week. I love hearing her babble away and she goes on for a while. (Looks like she'll take after big sister ; ) She's getting sweet baby rolls that I love to squish. She loves eating and sucking her fingers. When she's awake she prefers her fingers above her pacifier any day. Lots of finger eating equals lots of drool; she can get herself pretty soaked with how much she drools. Unfortunately she's following in big brother and sister's footsteps and has had some eczema issues. She's had sensitive soaps and lotions since birth, but I got lazy and wash and dry her clothes with a load that I put a dryer sheet with. Time to be more cautious.

Peter had the opportunity to go register for Kindergarten with Casey. He has learned so so much this year, and I'm proud of him! He is so excited to start school this fall!

 Peter made a boat, loaded it with his treasures, and made some epic adventures. 
I love this kids imagination!

So between the rain, swim lessons, and endless drool I'd say we've been getting pretty wet and we'll stay fairly wet in the near future ; )