Sunday, November 20, 2022

More of our November

Kendal had a basketball game on the 7th in Buhl. Her team had to fight hard against some fairly fierce Buhl players, but they ended up with a win! Kendal started her game and got a couple of baskets during the game! 

We got a bit of snow that week and Alice was eager to play in it. It melted within a couple of days, but she took advantage of half day kindergarten and played when we got home from school. 

Peter had an activity day activity on the 10th. The boys made cards and delivered them to veterans in our ward. 

We took the kids out last Saturday for Kendal's pre birthday celebration. Kendal chose to eat at Cafe Rio and then we went to hands on to paint some ceramics. Kendal chose a dolphin, Peter chose a gnome, Alice chose a mermaid, and I chose  little Idaho ornament to paint. Casey opted to keep an eye on everyone and help Alice paint since being in a place full of breakable things with kids is not his idea of fun. When we finished up our painting we went shopping for some birthday clothes for Kendal and some work pants for Casey. 


Casey's had a handful of games with his team so far. They haven't yet won a game, but they've fought hard and I know they'll get there soon. He's done a lot of early morning practices this month so he can work and do house stuff as much as possible afterwards. The girls and I went to his game last Wednesday. Kendal enjoyed it more, because she's got some more basketball know how in her. She also couldn't believe how into the game Casey was as he coached. (Obviously she's never watched him much, because it's one of my favorite parts - watching Casey get so into the game and coach his heart out for his team!)

Kendal had this last week off of basketball games. (One team wouldn't play them because they're to good, and the other team has to be shared with our 8th grade team). So she had some late night practices. Which she likes slightly better than early morning practices. (She's been a trooper to get up so early, and when her early practices coincide with Casey's she has to get up even earlier because Casey has to be early to open everything up.)

Kendal's birthday! Kendal had a simple birthday. She got to have breakfast and open presents before school. She got a bag / purse, a robe, books, a new charm for her necklace, and butterfly earrings. We also got some clothes shopping over the weekend for her birthday. I had Kendal take cupcakes to school to share with her friends. Her good friend Netta spoiled her by decorating her locker, having people sing to her, and giving her birthday smiles all day long! Kendal had piano lessons, and basketball practice that evening, but we were able to squeeze in her birthday dinner before her busy night. 

House progress: Last week 10th - 12th we got the foundation floor poured and the boards up all around the foundation walls. It was a windy day the day we poured the floor and the boys had to work hard and fast to get it done before it started setting. Andy and I battled the wind to keep the tarps from flying away while we tried to spread them out to dry. (David climbed all along there putting boards on and I scooted along after him tightening the bolts.) That Saturday Casey, Peter, and I finished the garage area of boards. 

This week Andy, David, and Dad came back up on Thursday to start the support walls and main floor. I helped after school on Thursday and Friday, then we worked a good part of Saturday as well. The boys had so many issues with generators and the compressor that held some things up and set us back each day on our timeline. (Can't be easy when it comes to our house. : ( The temperatures and wind have been against us for the most part, but we knew it wouldn't be a picnic starting this in October. We are so very grateful for the sacrifices and blessing of having my Dad and brothers' help with our house. While I'll never keep up with these awesome boys i'm trying my best, learning skills I never thought of let alone thought I'd do! I'm also grateful for kids who are dealing with me less at home and taking on more responsibilities. They're being troopers for sure!

We've got a teenager!

 Kendal turned 13 this last week! I wish I could've written my usual birthday post on her birthday my days are full lately and I tend to play catch up when I can. 

Kendal is beautiful inside and out. She's grown a lot this last year in many ways. She makes us so proud. Kendal is our A plus, school, and book loving girl. School is where she thrives and enjoys absorbing and learning all of the things. She is so talented with the piano and her skills are growing all of the time. Kendal is logical and takes a lot in, so she's developed some anxieties. We love her so much, and can see her gaining grit and skills as she grows and matures. Kendal has such a big heart and gets praised often for her kindness and love of others. She is always willing to participate, share, and help out in school, church, and at home. She's truly one of a kind and we are beyond blessed to call her our own!

Kendal's 13 yr old interview:

Favorite color: Magenta, purple, blue

Favorite activities: reading, basketball, hanging out with friends, and going to young women's

Favorite food: Costa vida sweet pork, or lime chicken taco's

Favorite treat: trix, snickers, almond joy, or anything caramel

Favorite subject in school: all (making her pick would be torture ; )

favorite book: Keeper's of the Lost Cities, and Harry Potter

when I grow up I want to be: Something in the medical field, or a teacher / coach

Sunday, November 6, 2022

End of October, Start of our house!

Monday the 17th Alice got to go to her friend Clara's birthday party. It's fun that she still gets to see her preschool buddies from time to time! That evening Casey and I got to run into Twin and get our car back! It took about a month for our car to get fixed and we are so happy and grateful to have it back. We are grateful it wasn't worse and it got done fairly quickly, and very grateful that Kenny lent us his car for the month.

Kendal had a busy week of school and basketball practices. She also had a fitting for her new orthotics on Wednesday. I had an early parent teacher conference for Alice on the 21st. Alice is doing great in school. she's above grade level in many areas, and doing great all around. Her teacher is going to start having her do AR reading since she's reading so well and she's been having her do first grade math stations since she's doing well their as well! Kendal got her grades in as well all A's and A+'s for her first quarter of school. She finished with P.E. and Office Aide, and got put in Finance and Library Aid for her second quarter. 

Saturday the 22nd Alice, Peter, and I had primary program practice at the church. That afternoon we ran errands and cleaned up Kenny and Cheryl's car. That night Casey and I got to go on a date and do the Wanda Witch scavenger hunt! This year we were team teal and we got to be with the Meidell's and the Garrison's. We started off with the hardest clue of the night a clue hidden in a big box of crayons. We tore apart every bit of those crayons and box and still had to have help finding the tiny note hidden in the bottom of a crayon. It took us to downtown Twin where we found our "Ingredient" at a restaurant and another on a statue, and a third by a blue door. We had to find our second packet outside of Canyon Ridge High School. Our first clue took us to Target to find a clue, which ended up being with a couple of YW in our ward. We had to look for a clue at the Perrine Bridge and had to get Wanda Witch guidance to look under the bridge. We had to send a funny dance to Wanda Witch for one ingredient and go through a "haunted office" for another. Our third packet took us to Kimberly where we found it at the park. We had to head to Arctic Circle and get a shirt out of ice, solve a mystery, and forgo our last clue because another team had mistakenly taken it. We ended up at the Morgan's and came in 4th place out of 12 teams. It was such a fun night solving all of the clues and puzzles, and running around in my mermaid leggings. Always a great date night and fun with friends. 

Sunday - 23rd we had our primary program. I sat by a wiggly little guy in our ward, but the kids came through and gave a beautiful performance. Alice gave her part (quietly) and sang so well. Peter did great on his part and sang like a champ!  After lunch we went out to Raft River to give Kenny and Cheryl back their car as well as make dinner for them in a humble thank you for their help. 

Tuesday we went into the bank and signed our life away for the next . . . years. Alice came with us and took countless video's and pictures while she waited for our "long" meeting to be over.

Kendal had her first game that afternoon. Her team played a mix of 7th / 8th graders from Lighthouse Christian. Kendal played now and then and did a good job. Her team ended up winning 38 to 21!

My Dad and David came up very early Wednesday morning to start work on our house! I got off work and fed them lunch then headed back to help them for the afternoon. We set up all of the forms for the footings that day to get ready for cement Thursday morning. Alice was a trooper and played around in the dirt for a bit. She even made piles of the stakes for David. Not long after she chose to play in the car for a while. Casey came after school and we had couple of YM from our ward help out as well (Coleman and Hyrum). The weather was pretty fickle that day, hail, wind, rain, but we made it through.  

Early b-day present from Grandma and Grandpa! 

Thursday Andy came up to help and the boys put in cement. The truck was just leaving as I got out of work. I did a couple of errands with my Dad that afternoon while the cement cured, helped for just over half an hour, then ran off to Kendal's second basketball game. Kendal played at Robert Stuart Middle School. Her team dominated and won their game 46 to 6. Kendal got a lot of play time and did a great job. She made a basket and worked hard! Casey missed the game so he could work on the house. 

Friday Casey took work off to help the boys set up more of the foundation. They had to set the rebar and panels. I had an early morning setting up the book fair (that should've been set up the night before, but basketball people got their way). Alice and I fed the boys on a lunch break and then I left her home with Pete and Kendal while I went to work for a few hours. The guys had a very long day and I was so grateful for them! Peter got to go with the Welch's to the Trunk or Treat, and I took Alice and Kendal after Kendal's practice got out. Unfortunately they were already cleared of candy. So the girls got hot chocolate and Peter was sweet enough to share his candy with them when we got home. 

Saturday morning Casey, David, and my Dad got an early start on the foundation. I got the kids up and fed then took Peter and joined them. Peter has been digging / making a fort on the side with a bit of help here and there. We finished up the panels. So much was accomplished in only a few short days and it's all thanks to David, my Dad, and Andy. Casey put in a lot of work the last day and half. Thankfully the weather was mild for our cement pour and putting up the foundation panels. We sent my Dad and David home after lunch and cleaned house for the afternoon. Peter got to have a movie night with friends, and the rest of us watched the new Hocus Pocus movie. 

We had church today. I got to go to Relief Society with Kendal. The kids carved pumpkins (mostly Casey, because they were so thick. (Last pic is what happens when we have boxes lying around and a little boy with a crazy imagination. I asked Pete to vacuum and this is what I got.)

Monday / Halloween was packed. Kendal had early morning basketball, and Casey started his basketball try outs that day. I helped out at the book fair throughout the work day. Kendal had an orthodontist appointment after lunch and was in pain the rest of the day. Peter wanted to go trick or treating with friends. Wyatt came over just before 5 and they headed out to trick or treat Ballards Way with Austin, Elijah and crew. I took the girls an hour later at 6 with Hope. Part way through our trick or treating Casey got out of practice and joined us going around Ballards Way. Pete beat us home by a bit, so he and Wyatt watched a show and then the kids played the Wii for a bit longer till we took Wyatt home. 

Kendal had two games this week. The first was at Lighthouse Christian on Tuesday. She made two baskets in her game and had a couple of assists! Her team won 27 to 16! Thursday her team headed out to Wendell to play. I was stuck at the book fair that evening so Amy Welch was my hero and cheered Kendal on and gave her a ride home after Sariah played in the 8th grade game. Kendal started the game and had a good game! Her team won 32 to 12! 

Book fair / parent teacher conferences were this week and it for sure kept us busy. My days were packed and work was stressful, but we made it through! I had to be there Wednesday afternoon and evening and again Thursday afternoon and evening. Sarah Lindt got PSI to donate money and every kid in the school ended up getting a free book! It made for extra work and coordination on our part, but it was such a neat thing to be a part of!

House progress this week! Dad, David, and Andy came up Thursday. Casey took half a day off work and I sent Alice off to Sadie's so we could help pour the foundation! They boys rocked it and we got five trucks of cement poured in no time at all! I had to ditch out at 3:30 to get Alice and run over to the book fair, and Casey had to head back to school at 5 for parent teacher conferences. Friday we had work / school off so thankfully Kendal was at home to watch Alice and Peter so we could help strip the foundation. It was a long workday in the wind and then rain! We even had Brett come help and Hyrum was able to come. We also had Duane there moving dirt so the plumber could do his underground work. The plumbers came a bit later and got all of our water and sewer hooked up. It was a busy and hard day of work. We accomplished so much and got everything worked on enough so the boys could head home at a decent hour on Friday. Yesterday it rained on and off most of the day. Casey had practice in the morning, then found a spot in between rainfall where he could pry off the corner forms (all 18 of them ; ). He patched up some cement and hopefully we'll find some a day when it's not to wet this week to go and tar the foundation. We know were racing the weather and seasons right now and we'll keep hoping and praying we can accomplish what we need to as best we can.