Wednesday, September 29, 2010


To date Kendal and i have read 16 chapter books and countless picture books. We just finished the seventh Harry Potter. I chose to read it because i know the movie (part one) comes out in Nov. I am very much anticipating this movie. I like to read books and see their movie counterpart. I just can't do them too close together because i'm usually disappointed in the movie. I'm also anticipating the next Narnia movie, because that is another series that we've read this year. I'm very excited and i'm looking forward to this holiday seasons movies!

Short update, Casey is pushing along through his crazy semester. He's got so much on his plate right now and is working very hard this semester. I'm very proud of him and wish him great success with everything he does. I get to spend my days taking care of our little lady bug Kendal, and i work afternoons in the After School program. Kendal is doing very well. Casey and i feel so lucky and blessed to be parents to her. She entertains constantly, and we love her so much!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Campbell!

Happy Birthday to our Nephew Campbell who is turning two years old. Campbell is the first grand kid in the Loosle family. He has been a joy to have around and to watch as he grows. We are a very lucky to have Campbell in our family. He has so much personality and spunk. As my dad always says it's amazing to see babies grow up; how much they learn and what they do is so awe inspiring. I always look forward to seeing Campbell he knows my, Casey's and even baby Kendal's names; and he always gives wonderful hugs and kisses. He's definitely a Loosle in how much he's obsessed with Tractors, four wheelers, trucks, dirt, etc. We love this little buddy so very much and feel so blessed to have such an AMAZING kid in our lives.


On another note Kendal is now ten months old. She and Campbell were both born on the fifteenth of the month (just fourteen months apart). Our little lady has turned into quite the active little one lately. Kendal's new play time consists mostly of climbing over, and onto anything in her path. She thinks Casey and i are jungle-gyms and loves to crawl all over us. Crawl is something we say Kendal is doing, but in all reality she is still scooting. Kendal has mastered the Army crawl and should be recruited any day now. She'll do everything, pull up, sit on her own, etc. but she just wont get up on her hands and knees to crawl. Kendal has obtained two new teeth this past month. She has quite the bite on her and looks so cute when her little teeth show in her smile. She's eating a lot more table foods, and a lot less pureed. Kendal enjoys most foods, but still isn't doing well with cheese, and dairy. Kendal has a good crop of hair now, however it is so fine i still can't keep a clip, or ponytail holder in, so for now headbands have to suffice. Kendal gets more talkative everyday. Sometimes she can go on and on babbling to an object or person. Casey and i are more in love with Kendal everyday, and love watching her grow and blossom. Love you Kendal, our little Lady Bug (sometimes she's a lady, much of the time she's a bug)! (i'll post some pics from this past month on facebook)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

True Blue Aggie

Yesterday Kendal went to her first of many USU sporting events. Casey was excited for the beginning of football season and our first USU home game yesterday. We made sure Kendal was sporting her Aggie Blue to go out and cheer on our Aggies to a victory over ISU (We won 38 - 17). (Sorry to our relatives that attend ISU, but we kicked your butts) Kendal had a good time at the game, she just watched the people, the game, clapped with the Fan's, snacked a bit, and eventually fell asleep in the fourth quarter. Casey and i are pretty sure that Kendal said Aggie yesterday; even though it was a baby talk we're counting it.

Yes we are True Blue Aggie fans, even though football isn't my favorite sport to watch (i more look forward to a basketball game, indoors and sitting in seats) i still enjoy the Aggie spirit and spending time with my husband who loves football. I think Kendal is well on her way to becoming an Aggie (Which is more than fine with me)!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Happy Happy Birthday to You (DAD)

Today is my Dad's birthday, i wont divulge how old he is, but i'm guessing he's feeling older than his current age. I love my Dad so very much and appreciate all that he does for me. I have been truly blessed to have such a wonderful Dad. Since i'm not sharing his age i'll just make a list of my Dad's wonderful traits; and if you take the time to count them all you'll know how old he really is.
- hardworking - caring - supportive - gospel oriented - strong - talented - kind - silly - superbalous - thoughtful - considerate - clever - trustworthy - gifted - talented ears - funny - sometimes pessimistic - sweet tooth - lovable - handsome - adores his grand kids - teacher - grand - spiritual - provider - selfless - wonderful - practical - capable - accomplished - competent - noble - decent - gracious - witty - realistic - story teller - helpful - terrific - concerned - careful - loyal - friendly - obedient - loving - decent - righteous - handy - sweet - amiable - good natured - religious - giving - honest - reliable - exemplar - awesome

Dad, you are all these things and more. We love you so much. Have a wonderful birthday, and may all your wishes come true!