Sunday, March 17, 2019

Marching into sunny days

Casey started track this past week. He's got a good group of kids this year and thankfully the weather's been decent and looks good (for now) this week. Casey has Judy duty this month. The first week he was put on a case that got settled the day before sho he cancelled his sub and didn't go in. This past week he went in Wednesday, but wasn't ultimately selected. So he's up for another case this coming Tuesday. It's been obnoxious for him to have to plan for subs, cancel, take important days off, and have everything shift around this. : / Two more weeks, two more weeks.
Peter has been in a reading program since January. This will be his last week. His teacher didn't push him doing it, but I figured it couldn't hurt so we've dubbed it reading club and he's been positive about it. I've seen a difference and am grateful it's added some confidence to his reading. He's gotten into his first chapter book series!! It's called Desmond Cole Ghost Patrol. . .It's challenging him just enough and he's enjoying the story line. Peter is thrilled the warm weather is back, playing outside, skating, riding his bike. Peter is also making strides with his attitude. While he can still have a short fuse; he is managing his temper and controlling himself better. Positivity and focusing on the good has been our best tool.
Last weekend I got to go to the Stake women's conference. The speakers were very good, and I felt uplifted and enlightened.  While I was gone Casey took the kids over to the school. The older two roller bladed around while Alice played around.

This past week my beehives picked interior design for our activity so I put on my Pinterest hat and taught them about design style, incorporating it in their space, and a bit on organizing. I love HGTV, and organizing. My own style is very simple and wah wah to most, but it's something that interests me.
Kendal received an award (that she earned back in December) of student of the month for generosity. I'm proud of this little lady. She often gets overlooked with a little brother who is more to manage and a  little sister in the middle of everything. She is such a good soul and really cares about everybody. I've tried to  support her more during piano practice and she's doing great passing off her songs! This past week she had achievement days. She learned how to conduct and made a batton.

Yay for warmer weather! Peter's thrilled about it, and even Alice is begging to wing and blow bubbs. Let's hope this earth weather sticks. I'm done with the iffy weather, but can't help that where we live.

Alice keeps us laughing and busy everyday. Alice is all about books and would read them all day with me. She has her favorites and is also into the look and find books. She'll scour them too find the things. She's also still obsessed with Anna and Elsa. She requests the Anna song daily and still sings randomly. Here's some accessory of the days to add a smile to the post. The

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Story time at the library always celebrates the holidays a week late. The little kids got to decorate cans and pass out Valentines. Alice decorated and un-decorated her can with stickers then gave out "tandy" to the other kids. A couple of days later we cashed in Peter's Book-It's he's earned and got some Pizza Hut. Later that night Alice found a piece of Pete's pizza, put it into her Valentine can, settled in next to Daddy and ate her Pizza, then sang into the can for a bit.

We seem to have a lot of general weeks with regular happenings then weeks that are very full. So two weeks ago was our typical week, and this past one was full of the following extras:
It was Dr. Seuss week at school. The kids wore green on Monday. Peter got to eat green eggs and ham at school (and he liked them Sam I am)! Tuesday was character day; both kids wore stars on their stomachs and were sneeches. Wednesday was wacky Wednesday. Peter went pretty crazy with just odd socks. Kendal was in a mismatched outfit, with two different socks and lopsided pig tails. Thursday was read ins so the kids wore sweats and happily took their loveys and blankets to school.

Peter had the first grade patriotic assembly Tuesday. The kids did a great job with their songs. There were eight songs they all did and each class did an individual song. Peter knew the words, did the actions, and made me so proud! Alice on the other hand was a handful, but we made it through with hi-chews and letting sitting down expectations go.

Casey had parent teachers Tuesday and Wednesday night. Not his favorite, but he survives. Friday we had off of school. Casey and his Dad headed up to State boys basketball for the day and watched a handful of games including Declo and Kimberly play.

I had a lip sync battle with the beehives Wednesday. I pulled out an awesome rendition of "you're welcome" from Moana. (With a side of crazy Peter joining in.) Alice circled and "sang" as the girls did their songs with the kids being a bit much all around us. It was fun to see the girls personalities come out more and have a fun night without focus on goals and have tos. I got a much needed break the next night going to Sips with some gals from the ward. Indulged in some treats and night off win win!

My parents and Katherine decided to get away for the weekend and come and see us. The kids waited (not patiently) all day for their arrival Friday. Like my Dad said Skype just can't compete with a real visit and the kids loved having them come.
Saturday we left Alice with Katherine and my parents so we could hop over and see Bryker baptized. He's one of four cousins getting baptized this year. I love the spirit that comes with Baptism and the priceless family time.
While we were gone my parents took Alice around town to a few places and to eat. She loved the bookstore, pulling out books and animals to enjoy. ( 100% busybody ; ) Later that afternoon Dad treated Peter and Kendal to a some fun at the climbing gym. Kendal did great and kept pushing herself more, just her height restricts her abilities, because she is fearless otherwise. Peter  is getting a bit braver, but he's also on the short end so his abilities will continue with time. We all meet up at panda express for dinner. Not really the kids jam (not what mommy makes at home) and Alice was enjoying freedom to run amuck, but delicious for Casey and I. (Eating out these days isn't easy.) We all went to church this morning and had a nice meal and gospel discussion over dinner. It was a nice weekend visit!


Bonus pictures that make me smile. : )