Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Basketball and Love

Peter had basketball games on the 5th and 12th. Both games ended in losses. Peter's had a tough season. He's playing his best, but his team is on the short side of things and their defense is very lacking. It's a year of growth for sure, and throughout it all he's maintained a good attitude. 

Casey's basketball season is over. JV was out in their first game, and Varsity got shut out a week later. They hoped to make it farther, but that wasn't in the cards this year. Since we didn't know Casey's basketball schedule we got in our Valentines date on the night of the 5th. We used a gift card and went out to Texas Roadhouse and ended our date walking around Home Depot for "dream home" ideas. 

Peter reached his reading goals at school and earned recognition and a free game at a CSI basketball game. The game was on the 9th; Casey was supposed to be at a game that night, but since the girls lost Monday he was able to take Peter that night. They had a good time, and came home just after half time because it was a late game on a school night. 

Another perk to basketball ending for Casey is he was able to join Peter on the 4th grade ski trip last Thursday. Peter was so excited to go and came home all hyped about his day. I think he considers himself an expert now at skiing and is begging to go back. Casey said he did well for his first time skiing. Peter had his lessons and then they hit the bigger hills and stayed on them till closing! 

Alice had her preschool Valentine's party on the 10th. She was so sweet writing her class mates names on each valentine along with her own. She is loving preschool and Mrs. Tysha. I got a call from her Waterford rep and Alice is reading in the first grade level now! (Holy Moly!!!) She's almost in first in her math and science skills as well. The lady was so impressed with Alice's progress, dedication, and drive. She is working really hard and enjoying it for the most part. Sometimes the repetition gets to her, but she's rolling along so well!

We headed out to Raft River for our monthly family dinner and watching the Super Bowl. The kids just wanted to watch cartoons and pal around with cousins. The game was on downstairs and I didn't really watch it because I was sucked into a book. We had delicious pork burritos and enjoyed the day with family. 

For young women's Kendal has had a hair braid tutorial night with all of the girls. They boys put on an escape room night last week, and tonight she had a get to know you night that she put together herself. She's now first councilor in her YW's class. She's in the thick of planning and meetings. Piano is going well, she's going through her last lesson book this year and she'll probably be done with it by summer. So talented! 

Valentines was a good day. Casey and I heart attacked the kids' doors with love notes and left a treat for them to find in the morning. Alice had a Valentines party at preschool and got to play games, make a craft, and enjoy her buddies there. Peter's teacher opted out of a party and let his class pass out treats and watch a movie while they ate their goodies. Kendal exchanged a few valentines with friends and wondered why her classmates are all of the sudden weird about valentines and boys/girls. ; ). (I'll enjoy her innocence as long as I can.) We ended our night with a fancy dinner. Pulled out the China and had a delicious dinner and cheesecake. 

Some extra pictures of my awesome family. Love these peeps so very much!