Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Alice is two!

 This amazing little lady turned two today! Sweet Alice you have such a great personality. You are talkative, sweet, musical, polite, busy, silly, funny, loving, curious, and just wonderful to behold.
Alice you make us laugh everyday. Between you're singing everything, how you act, and the things you do we are always kept smiling and laughing.
Alice, you love your babies. You carry them around, love them, undress them, and talk to them all day. You love "doodles" (noodles). You may be the pickiest eater we've ever had, but you'll always down a plate of noodles. You also enjoy "chss" (cheese) and "bnanananas" (bananas) a lot.
 You have such a personality. Your full of life, curious about everything, knowing what you want and go for it! Alice, you have your sisters love of books and can spend the whole day picking and demanding more "boots" (books) to be read from mommy. Like Peter though you're prone to getting into things. (Climbing for "cackers" and knowing where mom's "tandy" stash is.) You still nap (hallelujah!), and even though you wind up at your siblings bed time (running circles singing ring around the rosies,  or gibberish) you'll usually go down well when it's your turn though.
We are lucky and beyond blessed to have you little lady! Happy birthday sweetheart!





Alice is never in short supply of amusement with what she does or wears. I often send my parents pictures of Alice with her daily accessory (ranging from smiles, to full on crazy get ups, to messes. Plus a mission of the day (eating / coloring with butter, reading books, feeding babies, etc.) I know it brings a smile to their day as it does mine (i just get the added bonus of crazy in front of me ; )

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Christmas Break

We got a surprise visit from Santa the Saturday before Christmas. The kids were so excited to see him. Kendal was a chatterbox the whole time. Peter seemed tongue tied and forgot his list. Alice sat in Santa's lap, but refused to look art him or talk, but she didn't cry so I'm calling it a win!!

Sunday we only had sacrament meeting. It was a nice program. The kids sang and Casey sang with the ward choir. After church we made cookies for Santa with the kids. They decorated and enjoyed the afternoon away. That night instead of wrapping gifts Casey and I put together a USU puzzle and watched White Christmas.

Christmas eve was casual. Casey took the girls to enjoy a dinner with Casey's family at Brett and Vanessa's that evening. I stayed home with Peter whose temper had been on full display for a few days so he lost the privilege to go out.
Christmas morning Kendal and Peter came out around 7:30. We had them come into our room and listen to the story of Jesus's birth. We woke up Alice afterwards and got to go out to see Christmas! The kids were very happy with their gifts and had a wonderful morning playing and discovering their gifts. Alice got a doll bed from us and a kitchen set from Santa (with cupcakes she's fed us everyday since ; ). Kendal got art supplies and goodies from us and much coveted twin hatchimals from Santa. Peter got a kiwi crate subscription from us and a Ninjago robot from Santa. We had the kids give each other books for a Christmas this year. They gave and received fun books (hopefully a tradition we continue).  You can see the rest of their fun extra gifts and such in their photos. I got a coat as my big Christmas gift and Casey counted his phone as a birthday / Christmas gift. Casey's parents had stayed in town and came over in the morning to see the kids haul and visit with us.


We headed off to Logan after lunch to spend a few days with my family. Peter was sad to leave his mega robot behind (and let it be known all week). The kids got to open gifts from my parents and Katherine that afternoon. My parents gave the kids jammies and slippers, some books, a science kit, and they added to the kiwi crate subscription fur the kids to enjoy. Peter got a tie. Kendal got a game called exploding kittens. Alice got a fun Lego set! Aunt Katherine gave books to the kids. She gave Peter a fun Lego set (that saved us since he missed his Legos at his the rest of the week!), and Alice got a fun puzzle. (Thank you for the gifts Mom, Dad, and Katherine!) We had a nice Christmas dinner that evening. Overall a wonderful Christmas!

Wednesday the kids got to go to the shop in the morning and got pulled in sleds by four wheelers around the lot. We played the afternoon away with Elliot and Isaac at my parents house.
Thursday we took the kids to see Mary Poppins Returns that morning. We all enjoyed the show; good music, great cast! After lunch Casey stayed back with a napping Alice while I took the older two to Nanas. Kendal played around with cousin Emma. Peter was a either sneaking treats or bugging the girls, but played around a bit. I got to spend some time reading,  listening, and  talking with Nana! I need to write more down that she talks about. She told of Papas mom and her journey to America as well as the day Papa got baptized in the temple and got to shake Heber J Grants hand. Nana says she remembers her baptism day was cold in the temple basement that used to have high ceilings ; ). She also shared stories of my dad and his siblings as kids. It's always fun to hear how they were as kids.

Friday my whole family got together. We took the kids to do arcade games at the Fun Park and went bowling. Peter got a ticket jackpot and was in heaven. We all enjoyed bowling together. Alice even attempted a frame or two with me, but mostly wakes around with patient grandpa. That evening we went out to Uncle Kelly's for a Loosle family dinner. It's been a few years since we've made it to one. It was nice seeing family we rarely see. Kendal has been pen palling with my Aunt Peggy. Peggy and Nathan were beyond sweet and gave the kids gifts that night. Kendal got a couple of awesome books she'll love reading. (A love of reading is a big bond between her and Peggy.) Peter got an amazing Lego avengers ship he's loved. Alice got a sweet teddy and I got a super plush blanket Alice has tried to steal since.

Saturday morning we left Logan to join the Darrington clan that had gotten together the day before. We had an afternoon of chaotic awesomeness. For our family party we had chili, did the nativity play with the kids, and exchanged presents. Kendal got a crystal growing kit from cousins and a climbing gift card and a much loved locket diary from Grandma and Grandpa. Peter got battleship from cousins, and a climbing gift card with slime from grandma and grandpa. Alice got a skirt from cousins and a baby doll and shirt from grandma and grandpa. (She's obsessed with her doll and even ate breakfast with our under one arm while she ate with the other one morning.) Most everyone filtered out that night, however we still got some play / game time with those that stayed. Mom D was sick while we were there and others got sick as well so we cut our Raft River stay short and headed home Sunday.


I knew I didn't want a crazy new years eve just in case anyone got the sick bug (thankfully we escaped the gunk!). The kids happily spent the morning with their Christmas goodies they'd been missing for a week. Casey took Kendal and Peter to the rock climbing gym after lunch to play. Kendal as usual did amazing. Peter was everywhere and climbing well, but he still has limits with height so he'd only go up to high. We had delicious Korean bbq for dinner. That evening we had family Wii time and let the kids stay up later than normal. Casey and I casually rang in the new year watching tv, and sharing a smooch!


One of our Christmas gifts to Kendal and Peter were one in one dates with mom or dad. So Wednesday Casey took Peter out. They went to the indoor glow in the dark mini golf and played arcade games there as well. They ended their outing with ice cream! Kendal has saved up her money for awhile and finally earned enough for roller blades. So Thursday when it was Kendal's turn to pick she and I went out to skateland to roller blade for awhile. She's getting the hang of her skates better and we had a good time. We ended with ice cream and pants shopping.
Both Kendal and Peter got a kiwi crate last week. Kendal's was a bonus one I earned. She got to make her own stamps by tracing and scraping away at the rubber to make cute images to stamp. Peter's second crate came and be got to build a hydraulic claw with Casey. I love seeing his engineering mind at work, he's got such a gift! Saturday Casey took Peter out to do some archery set a range. It was free so they didn't get to shoot a lot, but they had a good time anyway. The kids had extra Wii time, movie time, and just lots of days playing away. Overall out was a really nice break.




Sunday we started the new year with two hour church and a 9:00 schedule. I got what I could ready the night before and despite three kids that wanted to sleep in we made it on time! It was a good couple of hours. After Casey got home and Alice was napping (yay for having nap time back!) We sat down with the older two for a gospel lesson. Peter wasn't thrilled with more church, however he endured and we kept it semi brief. Afterwards we put together a puzzle and played games together for some extra quality time.

 I had New Beginnings that evening. I came up with a popcorn theme so I conducted and connected the theme with the evening. I related popcorn to the girls. Each popcorn kernel is unique just as the girls are. Each flavor of popcorn has its good qualities just like the YW values that these girls get to partake in. They get too learn about and gain these amazing qualities helping and shaking them into amazing young ladies! The changes with advancing the youth all at once made our planning quick, but out turned out well. I gain six new beehives; fire of which I taught in primary years ago. It'll be interesting for sure, but fun!