Friday, February 17, 2017

One month!

Alice is one month old!

Alice is a fairly mellow baby. She withstands her "hands on" siblings. She likes white noise (fan, shower, blow dryer, vacuum). She's still a sleeper (but we're still working on nights). She has occasional tummy / gas issues that cause some discomfort. On Sunday she had some congestion that has lasted this whole week. She hasn't slept well all week because she can't breath well. Unfortunately she also stated having a horrible cough a couple of days ago as well. Because Casey was headed off to Boise for a few days and I didn't need a late night insta care visit with the kids on my own so we headed into the Dr yesterday. She has a mild case of croup. It's "mild" because her lungs still sound good and she is still breathing well enough to eat and sleep decently. We found out at the Dr that she is up to 9.6 lbs! It's crazy how fast she is growing and I'm sure she'll look like a giant when she meets get new cousin soon.

Valentine's was low key. We had a nice dinner at home and then Casey took Kendal and Peter out for Ice cream!

Monday, February 6, 2017


Time flies when your having fun. . . or because you have a newborn where your days are full and your nights are long. Alice has been here for three weeks! She had her two week appointment last week (which should have been Wednesday morning, but we had to go back Wednesday afternoon and wait an extra hour because they scheduled us wrong. To top it off they had to get a blood draw from Alice and it took three pricks and a lot of screaming to get four little circles filled with blood. Poor girl hated it and Peter was so sad for her that he and had to look away after a while. However, the good news is she's back to her birth weight and she's eating and growing well. She's our highest percentage baby so far in weight / height so we'll see how she continues to grow!
Alice also got to meet the teachers at Casey's school and some students on Wednesday. (His seventh grade team is a bunch of girls and they were trying to throw a luncheon for Alice and me, but I cheated and just showed up with Alice and brownies one day, because my introvert side wasn't going to allow a party with me at the center of it ; .)
Alice is having more awake time throughout the day which is sweet, however she's carrying on her awake time into the night and we've had a few long nights with not enough sleep for my liking (I'll deal with it for now since she's so cute ; ).

Kendal and Peter are very much in love with Alice. They request to hold her throughout the day and love to talk to her. Poor Peter has been stuck inside with winter weather and a recovering mommy so he's had a few days of being stir crazy. Aunt Vanessa has been so wonderful and taken him a few times so he can play and I can take a break, or clean. We've been spoiled with a few dinners from ward members, Vanessa, and Casey's mom brought us a meal when they came up to David's basketball game. (Thank you everyone, you've been such a blessing!!)
Casey took the kids to David's game last week and then he took Kendal by herself on Saturday. He also took the kids to Home Depot to the kids workshop since he had to pick up some wood for a project. The kids built and painted their own box frames. They each requested pictures of them and Alice for their frames. Since we had some warmer days last week the kids went out Friday and built a snowman, it didn't last long in the warmer temperature, but they enjoyed making it!
We had a snow day last Tuesday(24th), and then there was no school the 23rd and 3rd so we've had a few extra days with Casey which we love!! Last week he was gone Monday through Thursday though alternating between district basketball games, and parent teacher conferences each night. (p.s. Casey's team won their final games, JV won district, and Varsity is set to win districts this week and head off to state in Boise next week!) While it's been interesting going without Casey here and there we've gotten by; a bit frazzled with a messy house, but we managed.

I ended up doing Kendal's parent teacher conference over the phone with her morning teacher. Kendal's teachers had only good things to say about her. They appreciate her participation, her enthusiasm to learn, her kind heart, her helpful side, and her sweet personality. She is a quick learner and often completes tasks / assignments quickly. She gets to help fellow students, read her chapter book, do extra assignments, or go to centers when she's done early. She tested above third level in reading, but her teachers would like to keep her on second to third level books for comprehension reasons. She's very good at math, but sometimes rushes through her work and can miss easy problems. Kendal adores her teachers and her extra classes (music, library, p.e. etc.) She has a music performance in a couple of weeks she's so excited for and has the songs down pact! Kendal often asks to sew something so last week we cut out a ton of felt hearts and I let her sew them together all by herself to make garlands for above the crib and valentines decor.

Peter is still working with me on Preschool at home. I can tell we've gotten out of our routine because it was a struggle this past week to get him focused. He has definitely grown and learned a ton since the school year started. He picks up on things very well; however his strong stubborn side often prevails and he just gives up trying on the occasional day and it feels like a battle of wills to get him to focus and learn. I can say he's Kindergarten ready in what he should know going into school, but there's always more to learn, and skills / lessons he could have down better. We've got his goals up on the wall and we'll keep working on them!
Peter is still all about Lego's, he can endlessly build and play if he could!