Sunday, December 20, 2020

Tis the Season

Kendal had her well check on the 8th. She is just over 4 ft 7 in. and is 74 lbs. She's healthy and thriving! She was mad at me that she got shots when I assumed she didn't (she lived through it). 

We got to celebrate Casey's birthday on the 11th! Since it was a remote Friday he had an easy morning. Casey opened some gifts and got to eat some sausage and biscuits. He was my hero and took Peter to school with him to get some remote learning done / and grading on his part. We had Casey's birthday cake after lunch since he games all evening. Casey chose a chocolate carrot cake (for the most part he chooses a different flavored cake every year : ). I love Casey so very much! He works so hard and puts his all into everything he does. He's the kids' favorite (mine to ; ). 

Kendal's basketball tournament ended up getting moved to the same night as Casey's birthday. So I had to leave Alice and Peter with our other babysitter (Disney +) and go with her to her games. She played at 7:00 and won that game!! She played right after for the championship, but the other teams height won out and we just couldn't score / get around the girls so it was a loss. Kendal's team took second overall though; and that is a big accomplishment! She had great season and grew a lot in her skills thanks to hard work and some great coaches that taught her a lot. 

Since our Saturday was free Casey took Kendal and Peter to Gemstone climbing with some free passes they got from school. Peter is getting braver and climbed higher than he ever has before and tried out different walls / areas. Kendal challenged herself by going into the harder zone and enjoyed it all! (She's quite a natural, Peter's still a monkey - but he's a monkey with height issues). 

We got a few inches of snow last Sunday. The kids played for a bit in it and have sledded with their friends after school this past week. After we helped at the library this past Monday Alice decided she wanted to haul some snow from the school all the way home. (She thought she could build a snowman with it) Yesterday the kids headed out to build a sled "hill" in the backyard with what's left of our melting snow. Alice just ended up muddy from head to toe. 

Kendal's piano recital was supposed to be last Monday, however her teacher ended up sick. So all of her students just ended up doing their pieces at home and posting them to her piano Facebook group. We had to do the recording a few times thanks to Alice and Peter's background noise in the other room. Kendal did a wonderful job on her piece. We're proud of her talent! 

Peter had his basketball observation on Thursday! He's excited to play this next month! 

Unfortunately for Peter our ward "drive through party" was the same night and overlapped his observation. We drove to the church and got a pie and a Christmas story, then we got to see Santa. Alice was petrified and tried to hide from Santa and wouldn't talk to him. Kendal talked to Santa though ( he even promised her a pineapple - hmm - we'll see).  As we drove off Alice was upset because Santa hadn't given her her barbie that she's been hoping for. It took a bit of explanation to say he doesn't bring gifts for Christmas. (Time is hard for toddlers.) After Peter was done with basketball we had pie as I read the message (the symbols of Christmas) from the ward. 

Casey's had a handful of games this past couple of weeks. Three last week, two this week. He's got a few injured players so they don't win a lot, but it is what it is. This is the season we get to miss Daddy a lot more and sometimes my yw's overlaps leaving the kids at home, but they're troopers through it all. 

We've been watching a Star Wars Mandalorian episode every weekend since Halloween! It's been a fun little tradition and something we all truly enjoy! We do a pizza night and eat in the living room and enjoy the show. Even though "baby Yoda" got a name (Grogu) he's still Baby Yoda to us! Last night was the season finale. We've got another year to get our Mando fun in again, but there's other series we'll get to watch this coming year. With Covid / our desire to stay healthy we've limited outings with the kids and many things have been canceled lately so we've watched more Christmas movies this month than we usually do. The kids love it - Their favorites have been the Santa Claus movies!

Today was "Christmas Sunday" It's been hard not to be able to sing and feel the spirit that way. We did have some very nice musical numbers and the messages were very well done! We started a light the world prompt and Read Luke 2 with my parents and Katherine over Skype and are doing it with Casey's family over Marco Polo. We haven't done every light the world prompt. But we try here and there. It's been nice to add to the spirit of Christmas and the good feeling we want this time of year. 

Some more pictures just for a smile!

Monday, December 7, 2020

Catch up, again

 Once again I'm playing catch up. With the loss of our old lap top and I've yet to set up things on the third "second" new laptop so I'm trying to write this on my phone. 

Catch up:

Casey - Casey is in the depth of basketball season. His team has a few weeks worth of games down (with a few cancelled games due to covid). He's got a decent team this year. They win some, they loose some. Always a work in progress, but he does a great job with what he gets. Covid has taken away the spectator aspect of games (for both Casey and Kendal) so only one person per player can attend. Thankfully games have been live streamed so we can watch them!

Marianne - My days are full, my time seems short, along with feeling frazzled quite often these days. The kids and life keep me busy. I have Jemm to watch a couple of days a week, and volunteer at the school another, homework afternoons, young women's, plus all other household and holiday prep to do's are filling my weeks recently. After school has become a major tug of war over homework with Peter. (It's bad 2-3 hours long) We've decided to put more responsibility on Peter's shoulders so it's his decision and not us forcing things anymore. There may be days we fail at accomplishing things, but I can no longer sacrifice my relationship with him over homework. I've tried my best to keep young women's chugging along. We did wrapping paper temple dresses a few weeks ago and decorated and gave away cookies this past week with a secret sister week going on this week. 

Kendal - Kendal as always loves school. She's had a few basketball games since I last posted. Going into this past weekend Kendal's team was undefeated. Kendal is really improving this year with hard work and some great coaches. Her team did loose this past weekend by 5 points (it was so close the whole time). So going into her tournament this weekend her team is second and we'll see where they end up! Kendal has stepped up lately helping me here and there. I appreciate her willingness to go with the flow when I need it. Th

Peter - Peter will start his basketball season in January so he's at a bit of a lull for doings. Peter is doing well in school; however he's had a lot of struggle getting his homework done and remote Fridays continue to be long days. It's been hard because he looses time with friends and play because he chooses to procrastinate. Then he gets upset over many things (which I understand it's overwhelming to not have your way, and find things difficult). We know he's got it in him, we just need to give him our full / positive support to succeed. Casey took Peter out for a much needed night off. They went to Bearded Ax and did some ax throwing! They had a great time and even both got the bulls eye! 

Alice - She's my side kick in everything. She deals with errands and a busy day Monday. Plays the day away with Jemma Tuesday and Wednesday, lately does holiday / extra errands with me Thursday, and deals with life Friday while the older two get school attention. We mix in preschool throughout the week, but I don't push things so it's at her pace. After school she just wants Kendal and Peter to play but has to deal because Mom is at it with Peter. She continues to make us laugh every day, and still dresses up to the max every day (especially when Jemma is here). She and Jemma are quite the little pair lately with only minimal bickering over toys / dress up. 

The week before Thanksgiving Peter was given a school assignment to camouflage a turkey. I photo copied it and had all the kids do one. Alice made a princess, Kendal a volleyball player, and Peter a basketball player. 

We were naughty and went against Covid recommendations to visit family in Logan for Thanksgiving. We went down Tuesday night so Casey could help David Wednesday with a foundation. My Dad took Peter out to the job site and he happily dug holes and hauled rocks for awhile. That afternoon the kids got to ride four wheelers at the shop. Thursday Andy and his crew came to spend the day with us. We had a nice meal and a chill late afternoon together.  (I was bad and let the day pass away with no pictures) The memories are in my mind though! The next day we went out to Nana's to clean and pack up fall, so that we could put up Christmas on Saturday. I got my Holiday gifts bought early this year, plus covid is still: ( so I didn't go out black Friday shopping. It was a good visit and thankfully all are well. 

The kids got their holiday jammies at the beginning of the month! They have hot air balloons with holiday creatures in them - I love the design!

Casey and I went on a much needed dinner date last week. Mentally we're a bit spent so it was nice to have an hour or so out. The kids watched the Santa Clause while we were gone. 

This past weekend we got to see Keegan be baptized! The whole Darrington family was here for it!! Afterwards we had our holiday party at Brett and Vanessa's. Mom D is very (justly) nervous with the pandemic so we masked up and had a simple night together. We had dinner, and did our cereal and gift exchange. Casey and I chose a family history art print as our Christmas from Mom and Dad D. Cody and Mia have us a card game (Dragonwood), plus some sweet socks! Kendal and Peter got gem stone climbing passes, plus some money from grandma and grandpa. Kendal got a bath bomb set, and chapstick as her cousin gift. Peter got a robot 6 in 1 toy as his cousin gift. Alice got an Anna dress up (which she immediately put on ; ) and showed off the rest of the evening) grin Grandma and Grandpa. She got a princess stamp kit as her cousin gift. It was a very short night, but so good to see everyone. 

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Give Thanks

 We were asked by President Nelson to write about gratitude and share it with others. I posted mine on Facebook originally and am reposting them here.

Day 1

Typically we have a tradition to do Thankful leaves at the beginning of November and then I hang them for us to see the rest of the month. This year I let busy weeks and stress push it aside. Today I was reminded how important this opportunity is to have my kids display their gratitude. 

So today I am thankful for traditions, big and small that my family enjoys!

Day 2

I am grateful for hope. 

Hope it's what helped me through three bouts of infertility and blessed me with three amazing kids. 

Hope is what gave (gives) me light through my mental health lowes of depression and anxiety. 

Hope gives me courage for things promised, yet not seen.

Hope is a gift I can hold tight onto, yet also share at the same time. 

Hope and faith walk hand in hand. My Savior has taught me that. 

Hope inspires dreams, many of which I have and are blessed with, and many I hope to look forward to. 

Day 3

Today I am grateful for the gospel. I am grateful for all that it encompasses. 

- A loving Heavenly Father, the beginning and the end

- My Savior Jesus Christ, my light, my rock. . .

- The Holy Ghost, the ultimate comforter

- A living prophet, that gives heavenly guidance

- Scriptures, that teach and guide

- The Temple, that gives me eternal blessings and a forever family

- etc. - there are truly endless reasons I love being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints. It has blessed my life in innumerable ways. 

I am grateful for religion in all forms and for all its diversity. As well as the privilege to worship how, where, and what we may. 

Day 4

I've never liked the saying choose happiness. I don't have the ability to snap into a happy state at will. I do believe a set of choices can lead to Happiness. This year has definitely pushed me to find more choices that bring happiness and fill my personal cup. My top three that I'm grateful for are: 

Laughter: sometimes you just need a good laugh to lift you up. I've found that in my silly kids, shows, and people.

Music: I have a deep love for music. It may not be on my list of talents, but I very much appreciate it. Music is balm to my soul in any mood I'm in.

Reading: I've always loved books; and I love that my kids and husband adore them as well. This year I've read more than I ever have in a year! They've become a beautiful refuge to dive into when I need a bit of time to myself. 

Day 5

I am grateful for this little lady! Alice brightens our world and makes us laugh daily. She is silly, over the top, and wonderful all rolled into one. We couldn't imagine life without her!

We did our thankful leaves the other day! 

Alice is thankful for: grandparents, mommy, spinning, eating, twinkle twinkle🎵, sleep, blankets, Kendal, cousins / Jemma, bike, and rubber bands 😆


Day 6

I am grateful for my one and only Peter! He has a huge heart, an amazing mind, and a very strong will. He teaches, and stretches me in every way and I thank him for helping me be a better Mom. Peter; you are perfect for me! 

Peter's thankful leaves: Air, Daddy, Legos, food, home, family, learning, time, shoes, and his favorite stuffed Animals - chewy, little chewy, monkey, monk, and teddy

Day 7

Kendal was our first dream turned reality! She has a heart of gold and wears it on her sleeve. Kendal has a great light to her that reaches out to those around her. She is a dreamer and I hope she never looses her sense of wonder! 

Kendal's thankful leaves: light, tithing, Jesus, Holy Ghost, books, Alice, safety, health, help, trees, ducky

Day 8

I am grateful to have this amazing man in my life. Casey cares so much, is very dedicated, and works so hard to give his best as Husband, Father, Teacher, Coach, and his church callings. Casey and I are imperfect in every way, yet perfect for each other. Casey is the love of my life, my very best friend, our kids' favorite, and simply put a wonderful man! 

He's not one to post so I'll share Casey's thankful leaves: Peter, employment, education, diversity, singing, Christmas, automobile, pizza, warm bed, and being together

Day 9

Family and friends: They are our playmates, our examples, they teach us, love us, care for us, lift us, laugh with us, tolerate us, and very much bless us!! 

Day 10
Last grateful post 

I am grateful for our beautiful world. Thanks to covid my appreciation to get out and enjoy mother nature grew a lot this year. I love all the beauty that surrounds us; always there for us to enjoy. I love the change of the seasons. New life in the spring, sunshine filled days in the summer, beautiful changing leaves in the fall,  and the stillness of winter. Nature shows us change is a wonderful thing.