Monday, June 28, 2010

Camping with the Family

This past weekend we got to go up to a family cabin near Soda Springs and spend some time with the Darrington clan. All of the siblings (minus our important missionary Cody) and Mom and Dad were able to be there. It was good to have a little getaway and have some wonderful family time. I love our family so much. We all get a long so well, and always have fun together. We reached the cabin on Friday night. Saturday we went to Lava Hot Springs. Everyone went tubing, while Vanessa and i had to stand in a long line for the pool with the babies. Mom and Dad took the babies a bit later so that we could have some fun with the others in the pool too. It was Kendal's first time swimming, we had her in a flotie for most of her experience. She seemed to enjoy the pool, and loved relaxing and kicking in the water. I just feel bad that we all got a bit burnt from the trip. We had fun walking around in Nature, shooting, cooking, eating, playing, and having fun together. It was a wonderful weekend, and I'm grateful for my mother-in-law who put it all together!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Some pretty AWESOME Dads

I've got to say there are some pretty AWESOME Dads in my life!

This will be Casey's first year celebrating fathers day. I am so lucky to have Casey as my husband and as Kendal's Dad. He is so wonderful and does so much for us. I always knew Casey would be a great Dad and he definitely is. Casey is such a cute Dad, he is always willing to help out and do things for Kendal. From the moment Kendal was born Casey has been a hands on Dad. He is so wonderful with her; i love to watch him talk with and play with her.
I am very grateful to have my Dad (aka Papa Pill) in my life also. I feel so blessed to have been raised in a righteous home with a Father who honors his priesthood and loves us so much. My dad has taught me so many things such as hard work, serving others, a love for the gospel, and so much more. He is a big influence in my life and does so much for me and my little family. I couldn't ask for a better Dad.

I'm also so very glad to have Casey's Dad as my father-in-law; and i know Casey looks up to him and loves him so much. He is such a kind and loving person. He has done such a great job raising his family, and i can see that in the way Casey is with Kendal and me.

It has been a joy to watch my father and father-in-law become Grandparents these last couple of years. I believe it is their calling in life to have Grandchildren. I love to see them with their Grandchildren because it is such a wonderful thing to witness these two hard working, serious guys turn into sweet cuddly Grandpa's as they see and play with their little Grandchildren.
I can't forget the wonderful Brothers / Uncle's (some Dad's, other's future Dad's) on this father's day. They are all truly amazing men, and i am so happy to have them in my family.
I couldn't imagine my life without all of these magnificent men. I am truly spoiled and blessed to be a daughter, wife, and sister to so many great guys. I love you all, and hope your Father's Day is a good one!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Thank You

Right now i'm listening to my new awesome CD i got for my birthday and i just wanted to give a BIG THANK YOU to my family. Thanks to my family i had a wonderful birthday yesterday. I'm so glad Casey's folks were able to come and visit (even though i know it was all for Kendal) i still loved the visit, and love them. It was great spending time with my family. We were all there minus one important missionary that returns in a month. I have an awesome family and they do so much for me; i can't thank them enough! I am missing the family that wasn't able to come and visit, love you all!

On another note Kendal finally decided to roll over this week. From her back to her belly. After many weeks of coaxing her to do it, she finally did it. Next step crawling (we'll see how long that takes). Kendal is growing every day. She's getting more hair, I've been trying to give it a little curl, but it won't stay. She babbles a lot and i'm working on DA DA for fathers day. Still loves kicking, and lounging. We love her so much!