Saturday, September 19, 2015

School and such

We're now into the school year a few weeks. Kendal's got her routine down and is enjoying her time at Kindergarten. She loves everything and is always happy to share her day and all of the fun she's had. Kendal talks about playing with many different kids at school. So while I don't think she has a specific buddy at school yet; she gets along well with her peers and likes them all. Kendal's snack day came this past week. She helped me make apple muffins in the morning to take to her class. She just had to carry the big bowl all by herself onto the bus and to school. (She is loving riding the bus and doesn't even like me mentioning taking her to school.) They're still doing introductory stuff at school so we've kept up with reading on our own at home and she enjoys Khan Academy and the ABC Mouse websites for extra learning fun. Kendal likes it when her class has extra things like music class, P.E., or library time. She loves to talk about them and share what she did. Lately Kendal's play is all about her dolls or her Lego's. She loves to create and likes to do a project or make something with me.
Peter's doing well at home with Mama. Most days he does fine without Kendal, but occasionally he'll want her to be home soon after she's left, or wants her home early. I don't have Peter in any kind of preschool, but we've been doing and just general play at home. We've missed preschool library time these past few weeks but they're moving the time so hopefully we can make it now and get some more social time for Peter. Peter is doing well with the school year routine. His attitude is generally better and my very grouchy three year old is now only occasionally grouchy three year old. Peter is all about his Lego's and cars right now. He wants to build and move everyday all day. I love to listen to Kendal and Peter's imaginative play lately. Sometimes it's hilarious what they come up with. I still put Peter down for a nap most days; he still needs it and if he doesn't have one he's either extra grumpy or does this ↓ at 5 p.m. ruining bed time later.
Casey's having a good start to his school year. He had his first football game last week against Declo. The kids and I went to watch / support. Kendal was all questions as usual and Peter played find Daddy on the field, watched the game, and then just played around on the bleachers. The game ended in a loss. This past week they played Wood River and won! The kids and I didn't go because the temperature's had drooped and it was too windy out to enjoy the game.
 (Game against Declo; Casey is on the bottom right of the picture in the khaki shorts.)

 The kids were happy to get in some cousin time this past weekend. We watched David, Becca, and Thomas a bit and then we had family dinner on Sunday. While Kendal still plays a lot with David / Bryker she is gravitating towards her cousin Becca more and it's cute to see their girl bond growing. (Gotta be strong together with all these active boys around!)
Last weekend Casey and I canned / froze a couple of boxes worth of peaches. It was a long day and I was sick so Casey's help was so appreciated! It's nice to see some homemade goodness among my food storage. I'm enjoying my one on one time with Peter. Kendal got so much Mommy time as a toddler it's nice to give some of my time to Peter as well.
We made it to the park today to soak up a warm fall day. I've pushed the kids outside this week, we've hit up the park, and rode bikes and just enjoying the sweet transition of summer to fall.
( ↑ One of the experiments the kids beg to do; color mixing.)

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

School, Marta's funeral, Labor day weekend

Kendal is loving school. She has been so happy everyday that she's gone. She wakes up and says Mom today is my 3rd (4th, 5th) day of school, and she wants 11:20 to come fast so she can hop on the bus and go to school. When we pick her up she gives me the download of her day and loves to show me any paper's she's brought home. She has gotten to know many kids but has only learned a few names. We've told Kendal since she's fairly learned in many things to be helpful to other students who may need help if she already knows something. She came home Thursday very proud of the fact that she tied her friends shoes for him. She said his Mom must have forgot double knots are important. Kendal and Casey shared each others days when he came home from school all week. Casey's off to a great start to he's gotten some comments that he's a favorite teacher for some kids. He likes to play music on occasion in class and has enjoyed introducing and torturing the students with 90's classics and funny songs he likes.
I had a Mommy fail this week. The bus dropped off Kendal 20 minutes late its first two days. So on day three I am determined not to wait 20+ min. on the corner wasting time and Peter digging up the neighbors yard. So I went ten minutes past when I usually do. Well half way to the bus stop I received a call that the bus had left and would return at the end of the rout and they would like it if I was there. I ran to the end of the corner to see the bus stopped 50 feet away, and talking to the bus people on the other end of my call. I ran to it and got Kendal off with a bunch of stares from kids, and a you'll do better tomorrow from the bus driver. Kendal just laughed at me. The next day I went earlier than planned and met the bus just as it pulled up so we'll see if i can keep up with this schedule. Kendal adores riding the bus or I would gladly pick her up.

Friday we woke early and made our way to Blackfoot to attend my Great Aunt Margaret's funeral. I learned many things about my aunt that I never knew and laughed and teared up at memories of her. Everyone had stories of chocolate and how blunt she was. She and Arnold were like extra Grandparents to me and my family. It was so nice to see Arnold; as old as he is his whit is still sharp as a tack and he's still as awesome as ever. I got to see quite a bit of family and extended family which was nice.

After the funeral we made our way to Logan for the weekend. My Dad celebrated his birthday on Saturday. Kendal made a huge picture for him and wrote about school. After a pancake breakfast Casey and My Dad took the kids to ride on the four wheeler and backhoe down at the shop. The kids loved it and Peter can't wait to go back to run the backhoe all by himself. After the shop they went to the kids workshop at Home Depot. They build little football games and loved working with Grandpa and Daddy. After lunch we played outside the kids had a Christmas in September where they found and played with a box of toys my dad unearthed out of the barn. We had some kabobs for dinner. After cake we went to a local park to fly kites. It was touch and go getting both kites up but it was a good time nonetheless. I'll never forget my dad running with the string to get the kite up : ).

 We went to church with my parents on Sunday. After church we all hung out at my parents. We cooked dinner for everyone and enjoyed some family time. Billie and Sally came to pick up Nana that evening and we ended up having a family history / discussion for a couple of hours. It's funny because the relief society lesson was on. I love hearing old stories and finding out where I'm from. I'm grateful for so many family members who do family history and know I'll probably dive in deeper in future years.
Monday morning we were all there and went to the river walk in Logan. It was a nice walk and a beautiful day to enjoy it. We had a picnic lunch at Willow park. We played a bit of Frisbee and the kids enjoyed the playground. After the park we headed back to my parents and made a kids mini golf and played boccie ball as a family. When dinner was done we headed home so it wasn't a late night.

(Thanks for the visit Mom and Dad!!)