Monday, May 14, 2018

Rainy days, sunny days.

Kendal had a field trip on the second. They went to the Herrit center at CSI and then to First Federal park. Kendal got put in a group that combined three classes so she got to have her best buddies, their mom, and David in her group. At the museum the kids got to check out the displays, watch a planetarium show, and see a reptile presentation. Afterwards they went to the park for lunch and some play time for a couple of hours. Aunt Vanessa got to tag along and be there for the day so she sent me pictures.
We took the kids to the Home Depot build a couple of weeks ago. Peter is always happy to build and create and Kendal enjoys it as well. We had some nice sunny days between the rainy ones and it's been wonderful. The kids played in the back yard that afternoon. Alice loves it when she gets to go out exploring, eating dirt, and finding rocks! We also celebrated "May the fourth be with you" that weekend and rented the most recent Star Wars that the kids and I haven't seen. Casey and I are Star wars fans. Peter has definitely become a Star Wars fanatic and Kendal isn't obsessed, but likes it also.

Casey's track team had their district meet on the first. The seventh grade boys and the eighth grade girls won, the seventh grade girls took third and the eighth grade boys took second. Overall a decent season.
We got to have the missionaries over on the sixth. Elder Kartchner, Elder Walker, and Elder Quiner joined us for some tacos. The kids loved having them over. They gave us a thoughtful message about reading scriptures and challenged us to give pass along cards out. (Kendal has been the only one brave enough and gave a card to her friends Brook and Meadow.)
The kids have swim lessons this month! Both kids are being confident and doing well in their lessons. They have two weeks down and two to go. Peter is growing a lot this year and is improving each lesson. Kendal is strengthening her skills and is loving lessons! The first lesson I was in the open swim area with Alice because I knew she wouldn't leave the water alone. She was in and out loving the water. (A little too fearless for my liking.) Since then Casey and I have taken turns going  while the other stays home with Alice.

Sarah graduated nursing school this past weekend. Kendal and I went to her pinning ceremony with Grandma and Grandpa. After the ceremony the whole family (plus Sarah's family and a few friends) showed up for a surprise party in Sarah's honor.  It was held at the local Boys and Girls Club so their bouncy houses were pulled out and the kids had a blast. We're proud of Sarah and her accomplishments. I loved that Kendal has a wonderful example of what hard work and going for your dreams can achieve. Congratulations Sarah!
Despite Peter finishing off a cold and Alice being sick I had a good Mother's Day. Casey let me "sleep in" then made pancakes. Peter made a card and painted a flower pot and planted a flower for me. Kendal made a pot holder at achievement days and made a thumb print necklace for me at school. Casey got me a phone since mine has had a slew of problems. We played Ticket to Ride  in the morning before meetings. We decided to just go to sacrament meeting since we had sick kids,  plus Casey had meetings and the kids were singing. After Sacrament meeting we went to  Raft River to spend time with Casey's parents for Mother's Day / their anniversary. It was raining and sometimes pouring the whole weekend, but as we were leaving Raft River we spotted a rainbow.
Besides a very sick Alice it was a nice Mother's Day with good bits. I'm so lucky that these three are mine for eternity. I come up short often, but I'm trying my best, learning and changing for the better, and just loving these three blessings I get to call my own.
As the years of mommy hood continue I am more and more grateful for my mom and Casey's mom. My appreciation and gratitude for them has grown ten fold over the years. I am blessed by their love, light, example, and care. They are amazing mothers and wonderful grandmas!
We noticed Alice wasn't herself Saturday, and at the party she was burning up and super unhappy. It continued into Sunday and she spiked a temperature of 103 after sacrament meeting. Poor girl was upset, lethargic, and wouldn't eat or drink the whole day. She had a rough night so I took her in this morning. With her varying symptoms the Dr. decided to put her on an antibiotic just as a precaution. She perked up today, but still isn't 100% and needs to eat and drink better. Hopefully the medicine and a better nights sleep will continue to help her get better.