Monday, November 26, 2012

So much to say

So much to say; i think i better start from the day after my last post. Casey's parents were able to come and visit us for the weekend. We took Kendal bowling for the first time. She loved the shoes and enjoyed bowling. We also went around Challis a bit and showed Casey's parents the Salmon river. It was great to see them and spend time with them.

Sunday night: My Grandpa's funeral was set for Tuesday so the kids and i hitched a ride with Casey's parents to Pocatello, then my Brother and Sister-in-law met us and drove us the rest of the way (BIG THANK YOU TO YOU ALL!). The kids did well to Pocatello, but a 5 min. pit stop apparently wasn't enough cause both kids had some melt downs on the way to Logan.
Monday morning started my crazy week of errands / activities. I've had my shopping list for /Christmas and other misc. items set for weeks now; and i knew this trip was my only chance to get non-Internet shopping done. I also squeezed in a much needed hair cut (it's a joke trying to get your hair done in Challis). Monday night was my Grandfathers viewing. Kendal was everywhere and Pete was sweet and nice being passed around all night.
Tuesday morning Casey drove in (He couldn't take Monday off of school and basketball - he didn't even get a sub for Tuesday; the secretary said she would look in on his classes). We attended my Grandfather's funeral. My Grandpa was a wonderful man. We shed many tears, hugged, and caught up with family. It was neat to hear of my Grandpa's life and stories about him. We were lucky to have him as a part of our lives.
Link to my Grandpa's obituary.

Tuesday night we needed some fun. Along with my siblings and nephew we met up with my Uncle Tony and his family to have some fun at the Fun Park. The kids had a blast playing games and earning tickets. Afterwards just my family went bowling. While Kendal enjoyed it, she had a bit of a rough time (no nap = meltdowns). Little did i know Pete was giving my parents a heap of grief back at home. (Thanks for putting up with him, and giving me some time off Mom and Dad)

Wednesday morning brought on more errands for us. Kendal had her 3 yr. doctors appointment that afternoon. She is 36 and 1/3 in. tall and 27.4 lbs. Other than her issues with her skin (Keratosis Pilaris and Eczema) she is right on track and doing well. We spent part of the afternoon at my Grandma's home.

Thursday took us to my Brother's home for Thanksgiving. At one point before dinner we realized it was all boys in the kitchen doing the last min. prep. : ) (the girls did do a lot of the cooking before hand)  It was a good day with family, and great food.

Friday morning we headed out for some black Friday deals. (not too early though, I'm not that dedicated) We ate lunch at Pizza Pie cafe and then Kendal got to open presents from my family. She was over the moon having her birthday spread out, and enjoyed getting presents every few days. Friday night we went out to my Grandma's house and got to see my cousins baby boy blessed.

Saturday i again went out to get more of my monster list done. Casey went shooting, and then got to go to the football game. The Aggies crushed Idaho : ) ; and won the WAC title for the first time in 76 years. (Big thanks to Aunti Katherine, Mom, and Dad for watching the kids so much this week) After dinner we all headed up to Preston for their annual lights parade. Kendal loved it, and Pete was memorized by the fireworks and lights. We also got to see some light up homes. (One that was crazy decked out with a plethora of Disney scenes (It was like some park ride going around this place seeing the lights, scenes, and the music). 

Sunday we packed out overstuffed car, gave loves and headed home. On our way we stoped to meet our new nephew (he is so precious) and chat with Casey's family. 
Now we are home. Casey has his first two games coaching JV this week (he doesn't feel ready, but i know he'll do great!). I am back with the kids. It's long days where we only see Casey for a couple hours of the day, but I'm managing. I start my new calling as the primary chorister next week. I'm excited to put up Christmas (It was my Grandpa's favorite holiday - he would play Christmas music year round).

Friday, November 16, 2012

Until we meet again

I was told in my P.B. that i should always look to the example of my parents and grandparents because they have a profound effect on my life. I have been blessed with wonderful parents, in-laws, and grandparents; all whom i love, respect, and look up to.
Today my Grandpa Loosle (aka Papa) passed away. I am honored and privileged to have known him. It's been hard the past couple of years to see my Grandpa steadily decline, and within the past month to hear of his health taking a big turn. I am grateful to know he is in a better place. I grew up close to my Grandpa and Grandma Loosle. They lived in the same area as my family so we saw them regularly. I have many fond memories of times spent with them, memories of their Stillmedow home, family gatherings, and so much more.
This is Kendal's first major experience with loosing a family member. She has only known him for a few short years, but i hope she will keep some memories of him in her heart (i know i will).

 I thank my Heavenly Father for his great plan. I know that through his plan I will get to spend eternity with my family.
I love you Papa and will miss you. . . Until we meet again

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Birthday Pictures

Our three year old! She had a fun day (crazy but fun)

We ate lunch with Daddy at School. Kendal opened her presents their. She got Candy Land, a Leap Frog game/tablet, and a little Mickey figure with a car (to go with the Minnie one she has)

Kendal was so excited for her butterfly cake. She helped me make it, then decorate it by spreading the purple frosting on its wings. It was quite the chore keeping her away from the cake today - she could hardly wait for Casey to come home from basketball practice to eat it!

: D

Happy Birthday Kendal

Kendal turns three today. For weeks she has been reminding us that her birthday was soon approaching. The past few days she's been randomly blurting out how she is so excited for her birthday. Being the little sneak she is she's already seen her stack of wrapped presants and can't wait to open them. She has also insisted for a while now that her cake needs to be a butterfly.
There are many words to describe Kendal at age 3 she is . . .
- Energetic; Sometimes we have no idea where her energy comes from because she can keep going and going.
- Mischevious; Kendal loves to be sneaky. A few examples are, sneaking into the other room to find things i like to keep hidden like stickers, sissors, etc. - going into the bathroom and playing with the soap, q-tips, or cabinet items - changing her clothes after we put her to bed finding her later with diffrent clothes, her minnie ears on, gloves on, or her brothers booties crammed onto her toes.
- Imaganitive; Kendal is gettin so colorful with her play. She can take the most random objects (measuring spoon, pvc pipe, wisk, etc.) and make endless stories and play with them.
- Intellegent; Kendal is quick to pick up on things and is always asking questions. Kendal loves to be read to. She brings us books throughout the day wanting to be read to. She also loves "reading" stories to her animals at night. She takes the book we just read to her and paraphrases it. She knows her letters, their sounds, and is interested in reading (she can sound out simple words like cat, ball, etc.) Kendal can write some of her letters also. She knows numbers and counting to ten (some days twenty). Casey and i are amazed at the things she remembers and knows. I love that she is smart like her Daddy.
- Musical; Kendal loves songs. Her favorite is I am a child of God. We sing to her every night and Kendal has a handfull of songs she has memorized. Lately she likes to make up songs. The other day she sang to my parents about how she went to church  and nursery that day.
- Loving; Kendal has endless love. A hug from her can melt my heart. She loves her brother Peter(sometimes too much ; ) ). She has started calling Casey "My Daddy" every sentance addressed to him goes something like "Thank you for dinner My Daddy!"
- Inquisitive; Kendal likes to ask leading questions. For example we tell her she can't play a computer game, so she'll say "I need to clean then i can play a game?" "no Kendal" "after lunch i can play a game?" No Kendal. or "We go outside to play?" "not now Kendal" "Pete goes to sleep and we can go outside?" No, Kendal i can't leave Pete alone" etc. etc.
- Gamer; Kendal loves to play games. If we'd let her she would be on the Mickey Mouse clubhouse website, or the PBS kids website any time of the day. She also loves games. Her favorite right now is Uno; she also knows how to play trouble, and loves to get our dominoes out.
- Likes to say "i got an idea", "i'm thinking, i'm thinking"

I interviewed Kendal and here are some of her favorites at age three:
Favorite color: Yellow (she said yellow, but most days she'll say purple or pink)
Favorite Toy: Ducky
Favorite Food: Peanut Butter (any time we ask what we should eat peanut butter is her most common reply)
Favorite animal : Buzzy (her bumble bee Papa Webb gave her)
Favorite TV show: cartoons (she loves cat in the hat, dinosaur train, and would love it if we had disney channel with the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse show)
Favorite Song: I am a child of God
Favorite Holiday: November 15th
Favorite Snack: Gummies
What Kendal wants to be when she grows up: A Butterfly

I will post birthday pictures later : D