Saturday, October 30, 2010

A Boo

Today we took Kendal out for her first ever Trick or Treat. We had Kendal dressed up as Pebbles from the flinstones, and her cousin Campbell was Bam Bam. Kendal enjoyed visiting family, however the car rides in between were another story, she wasn't to happy to be put back into the car every twenty or so minutes.
Kendal can say "A Boo"; i'd like to take credit and say that i taught her that for Halloween, but really she learned it from many games of Peek a Boo. She can't say the whole phrase, so she just says "A Boo".

Well enjoy the pictures of the little one, and enjoy your Halloween!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

That's right, Eleven months BABY!

Since i forced my husband to do homework all day yesterday, Kendal's eleven month update has been pushed back a day.

I'm finding it hard to believe that in only a month i'll have a one year old. Time has gone by way too fast in my opinion. I miss the days where my sweet little girl would just sit there cooing at me, kicking her feet a lot. Now she is everywhere, into everything, and babbling a lot. Kendal has turned everything into her phone these days. She puts her play phone, the remote, or even a block up to her ear and starts talking to it. It's funny because when she has a real phone to her ear, and someone is actually talking to her she just stares at it and wonders where that voice is coming from. Kendal still loves her books, and loves to open them and babble as if she's reading them to me.

This past months big milestone would have to be the fact that she Finlay went from her army crawl to a full on crawl. I still believe walking is a ways off, but i'm glad to see her up off of her belly (it was a lot of laundry). Kendal is a good eater most of the time, she doesn't hate any food, however she can be picky about how it's prepared (a bad habit i think i passed on). Unfortunately she still throws up somewhat often. I think that her horrible acid reflux that she had as an infant has affected her, and these days she tends to throw up easily. We're constantly switching formulas and trying to keep her calm and not fidgeting while she eats. Yes i switched to formula, i had a very hard time from the start of nursing, and figured once teeth came around i could finally have an excuse and switch, so when her teeth popped out, i jumped at the chance. (She also eats 100% better from a bottle, because of her reflux she'd either cry at most feedings, or throw up). Kendal loves playing right now she likes to discover things whether inside a box, cubbard, or toy she loves it. I can't keep a pair of socks on this girl for too long. A summer without socks has made her dislike them (honestly i think she's just taking after Casey, if he could he'd where sandal's as long as possible throughout the year). Kendal has a good crop of hair on her now, so i've been having fun with pony / piggy tails. She won't keep a headband on anymore either. I'm still so grateful everyday for the blessing that Kendal is in mine and Casey's lives. We are privileged to have such a wonderful little girl!

Update on Casey and i. Casey is in the middle of his busiest semesters of his entire academic Carrier. He's constantly at school, studying, at his practicum, or at his clinical. It's a little hard some days when i see him for two minutes in the morning, and a short time in the evening, but i know we're both doing what we need to right now. He's got so much to do and only so many weeks left, but i know he is working so hard, doing his best, and he can accomplish anything he wants. I get to spend most of my day with Kendal. We play and have fun, then she spends the afternoon with my wonderful family members while i work. I was able to go back full time to my After School job, i'm now a manager which is making me more money than before :). I enjoy the short break from home and Kendal, it's a wonderful job, but can have it's up and down days.

Well that's our life right now, a bit chaotic, but we're all doing well! I'll post a few pictures on here, and the rest on facebook.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Weekend Review

Friday night kicked off our weekend with the USU / BYU game. Casey's parents came down to watch the game with us, and enjoy some time with Kendal. Kendal spent the whole game going back and forth between all of us, and begging food off of anyone around us. Surprisingly USU won 31 to 16. I honestly expected a closer game, or BYU to win, but i won't complain that my awesome Aggies beat down those BYU bugs. I know Casey's dad was a bit disappointed in his team, but i feel that BYU needs some humble pie since they think they're all that to go independent.
Saturday Casey, Kendal and i went up to Idaho to spend some quality time with the Clan. Everyone except Jordan and Cody were there. We had fun together, and trying to watch conference (not so easy with two very active little ones stealing your time and attention away from conference). I have to say my favorite talk though was Elder Hollands talk, i felt inspired and uplifted from the whole conference. It was good to see the family. I love them and really enjoy our time together, it is sad that our visits tend to be spread apart so much though. David who is three months younger than Kendal is outshining her with how active and mobile he is. David has been crawling for a bit now, and Kendal had Finlay gotten up this past weekend. They're both so cute together, and it was funny to watch them.
All in all it was a wonderful weekend. I'm so grateful for our family and think the world of all of them!