Monday, March 15, 2021

Here comes the sun

 We've had some sunny days lately and we're all for it! When the wind isn't giving too much chill we've taken advantage of the warmth! Last week I took Alice and Jemma to the park for the first time this year. They had a good time playing around for an hour. We've gone to the school playground a couple of times, once on a sunny Sunday afternoon, and I took Alice last week. Saturday morning we walked west along the canyon rim. It's a rout we've never taken before, and was nice to see that side of things. The kids have enjoyed playing with friends outside a lot as well!

We had a hair / face care night for Young Women's last week. Kendal enjoyed getting some curls done and learning more about face / hair care. 

Casey went with his students on a field trip to Minadoka Internment camp on Friday. Always an interesting field trip for the kids to learn about some history they might otherwise not know about.

I have a continual need to organize Peter's Lego's. My drive for that need drove Casey and Peter to built a new shelf to hold Peter's massive mini figure collection on Saturday. Peter enjoys building and loved making the shelf with his Dad!

 The beginning of March still held a lull in extra activities for everyone. Casey still had school stuff to do on Friday's, plus some student's who needed to do make up work; so he had to go in. The kids have had those days off, and have been enjoying more friend time. Casey started Track today; he'll have that for the next 8 weeks. Kendal starts club volleyball tomorrow. She practices 3 x a week for a little over a month, with games on Saturday's. Peter ends his after school program this week. Alice still does her thing with me / Jemma / life. Silly, bossy, and just enjoys life.