Monday, June 30, 2014

Swim lessons

 We decided to put Kendal in swim lessons this year. Casey and I feel it's important for the kids to learn to swim and have water safety; swimming helps with large motor skills, it is great exercise, and it's just plain fun. When Casey takes the kids fishing or when we go camping or swimming we want our children to be able to swim and be safe. Both Casey and I have limited swimming abilities so we know we wanted lessons to help the kids learn and do their best.
Doing swim lessons in Logan worked out this year because the price was decent and we were already visiting so we extended our stay a week to include lessons. My cousin Billie was able to get her two kids in swim lessons at the same time so the kids had fun seeing each other every day.
Kendal was in a class with another little girl and little boy her age. Her two teachers Chelsee, and Teesha, were awesome. They pushed Kendal to do her best and made the class fun. The first week of lessons was hit and miss due to the weather. The weather was overcast the first Monday so the kids were all crowded into the heated pool. Lessons were cancelled Tuesday and Wednesday the first week because of rain / storms. Thankfully Thrusday and Friday the first week got warmer. Because there were two cancelled days the first week Kendal had swim Monday through Saturday the next week.
In Kendal's class she learned how to enter / exit the pool, bob in the water, hand and arm treading movements, rocket on her stomach and back to move her body forward, flutter kicks on her front and back to swim to a teacher, staying underwater for 5 seconds, front crawl, fish fins, staying safe around water, recognizing lifeguards, how to wear a life jacket the right way, recognizing an emergency, call for help, and floating on her back and belly. She's better at back floats however she gets distracted and doesn't float long.
Kendal went into her lessons with enthusiasm and worked very hard. Her teachers had nothing but praise for her enthusiasm for the class and her willingness to try everything. We are proud of all that she learned and are excited to keep practicing her swim skills this summer.

Trip to Logan Part 2

Week 2:
On Sunday we went to church with my parents again. It feels odd going back to a ward I grew up in. I used to babysit the kids that are heading out on missions, and the ward has changed a lot. Peter only made it through sacrament meeting then he went home with my Dad for the rest of the meeting. After dinner that Afternoon we had a nice visit with my great Aunt Bonnie.
After swim on Monday we went to Gossners to get some yummy flavored milk for the kids and some for a trip we're taking in July. I let Kendal pick out the flavors to have at lunch. She got strawberry, cookies n cream, chocolate, vanilla, and orange cream. So yummy, and so cheap! We were itching to get out of the house so we went to Willow park to eat lunch, play, and visit the zoo.  My cousin Billie and her kids joined us. There was more play then food consumption, but I expected that. The kids enjoyed the zoo (sorry left my camera behind on this adventure). Kendal got to feed a reindeer, and the kids tried to follow around the peacock. I gave Peter a hair cut later on Monday. He's needed one for a while, but I procrastinate because he's got a stubborn cowlick that stays down better when his hair is longer.

During lunch on Monday Casey texted me telling me he was hurt. He didn't dive into details but I figured it couldn't be too bad if he just slapped on a band aid and continued working. When Casey came home at six o clock there was still blood oozing from his finger so I decided to help him clean it up better. He unwrapped his bandage and his finger was grey, swollen, and still bleeding. I immediately made him come with me to Insta care. Apparently Casey was holding a board at work that his coworker was nailing with a nail gun. The nail gun misfired when it hit a knot in the wood and the nail went into Casey's middle finger. He took his finger out right away and just bandaged it up. His finger got hit around 9 in the morning and he came home from work at 6. The nurses cleaned up Casey's finger, and because it was so badly bruised and swollen the Dr. wanted an x-ray. The x-ray showed that the nail had hit and fractured his bone. To top off Casey's fun night in Insta care I became light headed and pale during x-rays so I had to sit on the floor and drink Gatorade while the technician was trying to get me into a wheelchair. (low blood pressure + light lunch + plus ooky surroundings = me turning into a ghost) Poor Casey had to sit next to me till I got my color back and then he could go back and finish up with his finger. Casey was Crazy / kind enough to return to work the next day to help out my Dad and Uncle. He had a splint on his finger and a bottle of pills in his lunch box.
This is Casey's finger a couple of days after he got hit. It looks 100 x better than the day of.

On Tuesday we went to another story time at the library. Tuesday night we went to get some Aggie Ice cream and visit Papa's grave. Ice cream treats was a big thing with my Papa, and is also with my Dad.

On Wednesday we went to Adams park with Billie and her kids to play. Peter was so brave and went down the big slides by himself, and Kendal had fun playing with Emma and learning to make bracelets with Tate and Billie. Wednesday afternoon we went to library for a scales and tales event. Their room was packed solid when we got there. Kendal loved seeing the lizard, spider, snakes, tortoises, alligator, and kimono dragon. Peter was in my arms the whole time, but once he got sick of that my Mom and Sister kindly took him out.

On Thursday we went out to my Nana's again for lunch and to organize some things in her garage for her. Billie has been helping my Grandma de clutter a bit and we were helping her further organize it so we could get together on Friday with family to take some items home. While we were out visiting my Nana we put on a little tea party. My Nana has some pretty china and she let the kids pull out teacups and a teapot. We had little pies, cookies, and some juice.

Friday morning after swim lessons we went out to the Peperage Farm factory to get discount crackers and cookies. Kendal got to pick out some crackers with Peter and I bought some crackers and cookies to take on our trip in July. Friday night we went out to my Nana's house. We got to see family, eat dinner, and pick up a few treasures from my Nana's house.
Saturday was our last day. After swim lessons we celebrated by going to a new spud nut store. We enjoyed our treats then headed back to my parents to play and pack up.
Before our visit to Logan Kendal had taught Peter to climb out of his crib. So our entire stay was a battle of naps, and bedtime. With Peter being sick and grumpy for part of our stay it made things interesting. We invaded my parents home and brought chaos, mess, and noise. Thankfully they love us a lot and we had some wonderful times. Kendal was overjoyed to have Auntie Katherine as her play mate for two weeks. Katherine and my Mom played, colored, and loved the kids so very much! We got in a few game nights with my Mom, Katherine, David, and Anica. I had a lucky streak going because I won a fair share of the games. It was a good visit with my wonderful family; and now it's nice to be home back to our own routine again.

Logan Trip Week 1

We decided to go to Logan for a couple of weeks so we could spend time with family and put Kendal in swim lessons. The Friday before father's day we stayed over at Casey's parents. Saturday morning Nicole and her cute kids visited and we spent time with them before heading to Logan. Saturday afternoon Kendal and I joined my Mom, Katherine, Anica, and Nana to see a play called “Your a good Man Charlie Brown.” The play was a mother's day gift and we went with the girls. (Minus Carly and sweet Lila). Saturday night we grabbed a pizza and headed to the park for dinner.
We went to church with my parents on Sunday and were able to have the whole family together for Father's day dinner. The kids had a blast playing together, and Kendal was sad her cousins didn't get to stay longer.
Kendal started her swim lessons Monday and Casey joined my Dad and Uncle working during our visit. We spent Monday enjoying the toys, sandbox, and swings at my parents house.
Tuesday and Wednesday brought rainy weather so we were at my parents a lot. We went to story time on Tuesday at the local library. The books were all about butterflies so Kendal enjoyed herself, and Peter enjoyed being surrounded by other kids. On Wednesday we got lunch and went out to visit my Nana. The kids pulled out all of her toys and Kendal found a “treasure” box she played with. Kendal and Nana read teddy bear books for a while before we had to go.

The weather warmed up Thursday so we went for a walk to feed the ducks at the research park near my parents and went to Lee's to get a treat. The kids had fun again playing outside, and eating homemade popsicles.

Peter got a stomach bug and spent a good deal of Friday throwing up and sick. Peter was miserable so we stayed in and had a more relaxed morning. Later in the day we went out and rode bikes and drew with Chalk.
Saturday was Peter's second birthday. Peter woke up still sick. He spent the morning laying on the couch and snuggling with us. He opened presents throughout the day. We gave him Legos, he got clothes, and some neat toys from family. Peter perked up as the day went on and we had a hot dog roast that night. My parents sister, brother, and sister in law helped out and we enjoyed a good meal. My aunt Patty, Uncle Eric, Nana, Billie, and her kids Tate, Emma, and Ben also came to celebrate with us.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Peter is 2!

We're spending a couple of weeks in Logan having fun with family, and Kendal is in swim lessons. (I'll post about our visit when we return home.) Peter's birthday landed right in the middle of our trip, unfortunately he had some kind of stomach bug and isn't having the best day. Below is a bit about the birthday boy.

Peter is getting older and with it he is becoming more independent, opinionated, funnier, and active. Peter does a decent job speaking for his age. He's got a lot to say and likes to be heard. Peter is getting into the "What's dat?", and "Whatcha doin?" and the "NO! Mama" mode. He is very curious and wants to be in the know (just like his sister).
 Peter has mastered child proof door knobs and the latch to our sliding glass door. His sister has also recently taught him to climb and exit his crib (which has made this trip an adventure in sleeping arrangements). He's mostly moved on from climbing and scooting chairs to get stuff, but food is left near the edge of the counter he does whatever he can to get it.
Peter has his sweet moments of cuddling, hugs, and playing contently; however he has a crazy side of pulling his sisters hair, and throwing toys, and getting angry . The nursery has commented a few times how quiet and sweet Peter is in nursery and I think they must have Peter confused with a different kid. Then I realize Peter is a bit shy around people he doesn't know well, and plays very contently with himself and adults. It seems to be when his sister enters the picture and wants to control the play or share (take) toys when he becomes upset and doesn't play nice anymore. Peter's favorite toy is his Lego train. He loves putting it together and rearranging the pieces. Peter also loves cars. He pulls out the basket of cars and will drive them all around the room. He also likes to sit on his big dump truck and scoot around the living room. Peter also likes the kitchen stuff where he can "cook" for us. He makes us food (or Lego's) and brings it to us then he smacks his lips and chomps and he wants us to do the same to pretend we're eating with him. Peter enjoys play dough time. He squishes, attacks, and chops it up. He and Kendal can play with it for an hour. Peter likes going outside. He either wants to swing, ride bikes, or play in the dirt. Peter is fascinated when he finds "buggies".  He watches them for a while, follows them, squeals in delight at them, then tries to squash them. He likes to kick balls to us, but he won't really play catch yet.
Peter is going through a stage where he likes to get naked. It usually happens when Kendal is playing dress up and he see's her changing, when he needs a diaper change, or sometimes just because he wants to be naughty (I mean free ; ). So we don't come in every morning to find him naked we've resorted to putting him in onsies at night. 
Peter is our comedian. This kid does the funniest things and makes us smile every day.

 Winter hat and mittens on an 80+ degree day. Why not!
 When Kendal's in the mood to dance or play princess', Peter likes to join her by stripping down and putting on her tutu.
 Peter getting comfy. He also does this on the arm rests of the couch.
 Peter likes to roll our rug up. This time he got in it.
Just because he's cute!

Happy Birthday Peter! You keep us on our toes, you try our patience, you make us laugh, you melt our hearts, and we Love you so very much!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Peter's bike

We've been wanting to get Peter a tricycle for his birthday.Peter loves Kendal's bike and likes to get rides on her scooter. We got a used bike and I cleaned, sanded, and re painted it. While it's not perfect, i feel it turned out well, and Peter is very happy with it.

 Before and After

 We pushed Peter for a few minutes trying to get him to push the peddles by himself. He soon became bored with that and spent the rest of the time pulling his bike along the sidewalk.

Sunday, June 8, 2014


We decided to have a get together for family birthdays this month. It ended up just being Casey's brothers and families that live in the area. We went down to Dirkies lake to swim, play, and picnic.
Kendal is excited about swim lessons this month so we were happy to get some water time in before so she's more comfortable at her lessons. Peter took a few minutes to get used to it, but he fell in love with digging in the sand and going in and out of the shallow water. Peter was in his element of building and doing and happily played for quite a while. Both kids got cold at one point because the sun was hiding and the wind picked up. Once they warmed back up they returned and happily played. We cooked up some hot dogs and had some delicious watermelon for dinner. It was a perfect beginning to the summer.
I'm mad at myself for forgetting the camera. So no pictures this time. : (

Casey ended his school year this past week. Casey says he had a good year, he's continuing to learn and adapt his teaching, and he hopes his students learned from him. While he had his fair share of buggers, he had a decent group of students overall. Casey is spending the month of June helping out with girls basketball. They have games twice a week, and a few camps to attend. He's happy to get a break from school, and we're happier to get in some quality family time this summer.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Western Day's Parade

This past week we kept seeing commercials for a Western Days and a parade in Twin Falls. We haven't done much in events in the valley so we decided to go. We went to the Western Day's parade on Saturday. We grabbed a couple of doughnuts and a prime spot on Blue Lakes blvd. to enjoy the parade. I never anticipated such a long parade for the area (it lasted 2 hours). We had the local radio DJ's nearby so we got to hear good cometary on everything that passed us. Kendal was loving the candy of course and Pete wanted to eat every piece he picked up. Since the parade lasted so long and we had a couple of other errands we ditched going to the park for the rest of the day and went home soon after lunch. The kids had fun seeing horses (when they passed Pete would ask where the moo went). Kendal liked the music, candy, and rodeo princesses the best. Kendal and Pete waved and clapped throughout the parade and ate a lot of sweets. It was nice to get a taste of Twin Falls and we look forward to more events and traditions to come.

Above: My parade buddies, tractor from the 1950's with art pieces on it, Pete loved all of the trains we saw. 


 With summer heat setting in I decided to get a hair cut. When I went in I was not expecting to loose about 3/4 of my hair (NO JOKE!). I had about six inches cut off, and then she went at me with her hair thinning tool like she was pruning a bush with a weed whacker. I wasn't given the hair cut I asked for, and I was not prepared for the result. Let's say I'm not in love but I'll get used to it. Casey likes it though so I guess there's a small plus.