Monday, January 15, 2024

Alice is 7!


This amazing young lady is 7 today! Alice is at such a fun age. She's creative, silly, and growing up way to fast. Alice may get her way the most, but she also gets a backseat to big brother and sisters busy happenings which isn't always fun, but it's made her such a creative and little lady.  Alice has a big personality, she lives her life full of love and light! Alice is such a smart girl. She just tested at a 4th grade reading level and she's doing second grade math and advanced spelling in school. She is very into chapter books: especially princess in black and owl  / unicorn diaries. Alice is still on the picky end when it comes to eating, but she's slowly progressing. Alice spends her days making things, playing barbies, reading, and loving life. She's a true ray of light in our lives!

Alice got to have the day off of school for her birthday for MLK day. I still had to work and Casey and Pete went skiing. Alice decided to get up early so she could open gifts before I left with Pete to the school (Casey had early morning practice). She was very excited for her lego set and spent the morning happily ruling the house and directing what she and Kendal got to do. The girls built her lego set, watched Bluey, and baked her cake. I quit around lunchtime and took the girls into chick fill a for lunch. Kendal wanted to buy Alice a present so we went over to Target and she picked a little mermaid barbie. After picking up some groceries we went home. The girls finished the lego set and Alice helped me decorate her cake. She was so happy how it turned out (I've decided cakes made by the kids are 10x better than trying to make beautifully crafted cakes.) The boys came home and we enjoyed dinner, chatting with family, and cake and ice cream before bed.

Alice's top 7 things at age 7:

Unicorns, Barbies, Pink,  her family, arts and crafts, Bluey, and princesses. 

Sunday, January 14, 2024

January snow!

 Brett Welch took Kendal and Pete up to Magic Mountain on the 2nd to ski with Netta; Casey joined them at lunchtime and finished the day with the kids. It hadn't snowed much, so it was a bit icy,  but they had a great time. 

We went back to school on the 3rd. It was hard for the kids to go from two weeks of being off schedule and going back to 6:30 wake up call, but they dealt with it. I actually had a very short week because Kendal got to have her braces off on Friday the 5th! Her appointment cut into my work day so I took the day off. I got some studying in and then grabbed Kendal for her long appointment. She is beautiful! She's still getting used to her retainers and bare teeth. 

Pete had basketball games the last two Saturday's.  He had a great game on the 6th with a three point shot, a couple of other baskets, and some good playing time. His team won by a couple of points! Yesterday his team was down most of the game, but they made their way back and won by one point with one second left! Kendal got to go and do the clock at games for a few hours on the 6th then spent the afternoon at Netta's playing her new game Villainous. 

Pete was ordained a deacon this last Sunday by Casey! It still feels weird that Pete is old enough to be in Young Men's, but he is and he's so excited for this new chapter in his life. We're so proud of the young man he is becoming! Kendal and I also got callings on Sunday. I will be serving as secretary in a new primary presidency and Kendal is first councilor in her YW presidency! 

Kendal and Pete got to join the youth for temple baptisms Tuesday evening. Pete was so hyped and excited to go and Kendal was a proud sister telling him all the things and helping him get ready. They had a wonderful evening serving in the temple only to be topped off with frozen yogurt at Orange Leaf with the Bishop!

We had the last week of the quarter this past week in school. Pete is sad to not have PE anymore and Kendal had fun being Casey's aide this last quarter. We had snow come in during the week which made our drives to school not so fun on Wednesday. We continued to get snow and ended up having school canceled Friday for a severe storm warning. We didn't get a ton of snow, but the wind was insane and the snow drifted a ton. Games and practices were canceled as well. 

We had another severe storm warning last night into this morning and had church cancelled as well. We had drifts up to three feet in some places and waves of snow all around the house. Casey, Pete, and I got our driveway cleared (and part of the road, so we could get out tomorrow). After that Casey and Pete headed out and helped some neighbors with their driveways this morning. The girls and I played around in the backyard for a bit. The snow was too fluffy to pack into a snowman, so we made snow angels and tromped around getting stuck in the drifts. After our snowy morning Peter got the opportunity to pass the sacrament for the first time as we did "home church" today. We were given permission to have the sacrament at home today and it was so neat to have Peter and Casey bless and pass the sacrament to our little family. It's been a lazy few snow days. The kids went out sledding in the snow yesterday, but other than that we've been homebodies.

A few extra pictures from the last couple of weeks.