Friday, July 26, 2013

So long Challis

We will be leaving Challis in a couple of days. This will be our third move in three years. With some help and prayers we found an apartment to rent in Kimberly a few minutes away from Casey's school. We'll have downstairs neighbors and will be sharing some of our walls again : /, but the upside is we'll have AC, (haven't had that so far) 3 bedrooms, and decent rent. We'll probably look into getting a house next year when our car is payed off.
While I'm thrilled to be moving, we are grateful for Challis. Challis gave Casey his first teaching, and coaching jobs. Overall Casey enjoyed his first year of teaching. It taught him a lot, and he met some great teachers and students, and basketball players. We were apart of a very good ward. We are one of a number of families moving out of the ward this summer. It's sad because Primary will be practically cut in half, its only had a little over 25 kids, and it will be reduced to about twelve fairly active kids.
Casey will start work at Kimberly middle school the last week of August. He is teaching 8th grade World History and will have a study hall hour. He's happy he doesn't have 4 different classes he has to make up curriculum for anymore. Casey will be coaching middle school football this fall with his brother Brett. He will also be coaching ninth grade girls basketball this winter. He's excited for the new school and we're all happy to be closer to family and civilization.
Right now we have the nations number one priority fire going about five miles to the west of us over the hill. There are over 600 firefighters in the area right now helping (Challis only has a pop of 1,000) so it's a bit crazy. There is also a fire to the north of us. Both are bringing the smoke in, but no other major concerns right now. We moved here last year when the area was covered in smoke because of surrounding fires, and now we're leaving with fires all around.
Some things living in Challis has taught me:
I will probably never own a pet; why - I've seen enough mangy, gross, creepy dear and their scat to last me a life time.
We've learned to live without things. - Since there is no real shopping around here just a couple of markets. We've gone without and learned to make do with a scanty produce section, bread that's often out of stock, and overpriced or expired food.
We are now very good at starting fires. - With a wood burning stove as our main source of heat we learned the ins and outs of fire
Kendal is a friendly little girl. - Challis brought out a social side to Kendal. She will talk to anyone and everyone, and if your in the park, grocery store, primary, or at a basketball game you become Kendal's friend.
We've mastered the at home date / family nights. -  With just one park, a sad bowling alley, a few restaurants, and fishing / hunting (which are both gross and dumb). We've gotten creative in our family entertainment. Kendal's favorite outings are the park, grocery store where she can get a cookie, and the library. My most creative date with Casey was origami. Our funniest was a night of you tube videos. 
We've learned that we can function as a one car family. Thankfully after a winter stuck at home we gained a second car, and it's super nice having two cars.

Now for the important part - recent pictures
 Walk along the Salmon River

 If one does something, the other is sure to join in.

 Popsicle's, got to beat the heat somehow
 The cuties : D

Thursday, July 18, 2013

7 years!

One year older and wiser too; Happy Anniversary to Casey and me! Today is our seventh anniversary. I am grateful for the relationship I have with Casey; we are able to accept each others differences and shortcomings; we support and encourage one another, and we have an immense love for each other that continues to grow. I am so happy I get to spend my eternities with this handsome man by my side!

Our wedding day!

Thank you Casey for seven wonderful years, two great kids, and a life that I love!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Getting away

July started off with two weeks of spending time with family. We went down to Raft River to spend time with the Darrington clan over the week of the fourth, followed by a week in Logan with the Loosle clan.
Monday the 1st we spent lunch with Uncle Arnold and Margaret. Arnold has called us his Idaho neighbors since we moved to Idaho and it was good to see them. Monday afternoon Kendal got a tractor ride with Grandpa. That night we spent time with Grandma and Grandpa Darrington.
On Tuesday we went to Twin. Casey spent the day helping to put up gutters at Brett and Vanessa's. The kids played around and had fun together. We looked at a couple of places then went to Burly to shop and take dinner back to Casey's parents.
On Wednesday we spent the morning cleaning windows and playing outside. Kendal has been so curious lately about where the food she eats comes from. She was interested in seeing the cows getting milked; none where in the milking barn when we went so we just wandered around and visited the baby calves also.  Kendal didn't want to go near the cows, but thought they were great from a distance. Brett, Vanessa, David, Becca, and some of Vanessa's family joined us Wednesday night. The household was getting busier, nosier, and funner. Casey has been running the past month or so to stay active and prepare for the fourth run. His knees aren't the best, and his foot has been hurting him on and off, so when his foot was hurting he decided not to run on the fourth.

 Thursday we woke up and went to cheer on those who ran in the race. We had some free time between then and the afternoons activities so we decided to go to the Rupert parade. The parade lasted 45 min. (sooo long) and the kids got to see tractors, floats, cars, ate plenty of candy and got a lot of sun. We had a few minutes of panic after the parade when David went missing. Luckily he was found safe and sound. I think we all gave lectures to our kids after that. We ate lunch at Carl's Jr with Terry, Sarah, Bryker, and Keegan than headed back to Raft River. Nicole, Hunter and Jaxson soon joined us. We collectively decided to go simple and instead of hauling everyone to the slide and going up and down the hill all afternoon we would set up the kiddie pool and water at Grandma's. The kids had fun, they got so wet, and everything so sandy. We headed over to the Steadman's for the community dinner and entertainment. Unfortunatly after we got there and were ready to head up to the house Sarah got bit by a dog. She was trying to steer Hunter away from it and she got bit. I felt so bad, and I know she had some painful repercussions from the incident. Aunt Vanessa was kind enough to take Kendal down the water slide a few times since we missed it that afternoon. We ate lots of yummy food and listened to music. Kendal got to participate in some of the festivities this year. She joined in on the pinata, the treasure hunt in the sand pile, and the pie eating contest. At first she was wolfing her pie down, then she looked over at David who was only licking his so she just licked hers. Bryker was looking up and down the table with a confused look like they where all nuts. Casey participated in the toilet toss this year. He placed fourth amongst the guys (did pretty Awesome if you ask me : ). After a dust storm blew in and almost ended our night we got to watch fireworks. Peter slept through his second year of fireworks and Kendal loved the "Boom Boom's". 

On Friday everyone was either gone or left so we had a relaxed day at the Darrington house mowing the lawn and spending more time outside. Pete loved the freedom all week going wherever he wanted and getting into more than he should have. Kendal still gets into things she shouldn't. Grandma opened the pantry to see Kendal covered in flour eating it out of her bin.
Saturday we hung out with Grandma, Grandpa, Brett, Vanessa, and their kids. Played crochet and other games.

Sunday we went to church in Raft River and then we took advantage of nap time and drove down to Logan to my parents house.
Monday the 10th. I started out my day going to the eye doctors. We pulled out the kiddie pool at my parents and Kendal and Campbell had fun playing with Aunt Katherine. Pete joined in the pool time for a bit, then he had to go to his one yr. doctor appointment. At one yr Peter is 19 1/2 lbs, and 28 1/2 in. tall. He's a small fry if you go by the charts, but the doctor feels he's doing just fine. Peter is a wonderful eater, he's just so active that he doesn't pack on the weight.
 On Tuesday I mixed some sidewalk paint so Kendal and Campbell could have some fun outside. We went to the Research park after to feed the ducks. Later we got together with family at Andy's house for a hot dog roast. Kendal got her first four-wheeler ride in the fields behind Andy's house and she loved it. Pete's still a bit young for it.

On Wednesday we took the kids to the Logan Aquatic pool. The kids were free (sweet!), and they have a big and wonderful kiddie pool that the kids enjoyed. Campbell does so well in water we were trying to get Kendal to copy some of the things he was doing. We went during nap time so Peter didn't last long, luckily my Dad was just watching on the side so he could take Peter. Kendal enjoyed going down the slide with Casey but didn't enjoy going under the water at the end. When were were done and I got Kendal dressed I took Kendal towards the door and told her to join Grandpa outside. I go out a couple of minutes later and Kendal was nowhere to be found. Luckily the pool was empty (for their routine checks), and Kendal walked past less than a minute later holding the hand of a life guard. She couldn't see Grandpa so she found a life guard to help her look for him. 

Thursday was a chill day. We ran a few errands and hung out at my parents house. We took dinner to my Nana on Thursday night, and enjoyed some time with her. 
Friday we took Peter and Kendal to the local splash pad. Kendal loved running around, and Peter wanted to wander and explore more than get wet. Friday night after dinner we went up for Aggie ice cream (very yummy, and a good memories of Papa). We got back and we had a movie night of Peter Pan, and after the kids were in bed we played games.

Saturday we said our goodbyes and headed home to Challis. Casey and I love our families so so much, and we were happy to get to spend some time with them these past two weeks.
We still plan on moving at the end of the month. We have A LOT on our to do list, and still need to find an apartment. Wish us luck as we enter these next few weeks.