Saturday, October 27, 2018

October in a flash

I feel like I'm always playing catch up with the writing. Because my free time is when Alice is napping or sleeping, and that precious spare time this month has been filled with other to dos. Plus the computer I prefer to use is in the room with the sleeping little one. So here's the last few weeks highlights.

Piano is in full swing. The weather has been so nice that I've spent every Monday afternoon outside with the kids while piano is going on inside. (Most of my Monday mornings I have James and Thomas over while Vanessa mentors) so it's a full day of kids. Kendal finished her first set of piano books and is going on the next. I'm proud of her for all the work she's put in. She's doing well and enjoying piano.

Casey and I snuck in a date earlier in the month. We went and did a round of mini golf, shopped for Tupperware (super romantic), had a yummy dinner at La Fiesta, and got some cookies on the way home. We don't really get date nights out so it was nice to just have some us time. I got to hold his hand and sit next to him at dinner. Woot woot! ; )
I joined Peter's class for the field trip to the corn maze on the 11th. I took Peter and his buddy through the maze. I was given misleading directions and we ended up back at the beginning then had to "cheat" our way out. The boys wanted to run through the whole thing, however it was to muddy so I held them back a bit. The kids got to pick pumpkins at the end as well.
It rained and cancelled two of the last three soccer games, but finally the last game of the season was decent enough for the kids to play. Both of the kids had a good season and enjoyed playing this year! When Peter was into the game he played great and did a wonderful job, when he wasn't into the game he was in his own world. Kendal tried and improved through the season. While she has a bit to learn (less talking on the field, and a little more focus) she did great for her first year!

Last week was an early release on Wednesday so we had Brooke and Meadow over to play. Kendal has been missing her best buds something fierce so she was beyond excited to have them here. (Truthfully she's had a bit off a hard time finding a new group to "join" at school. She's so friendly she gets along with everyone and can play in most groups she just hasn't find one she's felt completely apart of yet. I know she will, just takes time and a little courage sometimes.)
Kendal has also started basketball. She did a couple of open gyms and then had try outs so they could make the teams "equal" in skill. She's looking good and ready to start her season this next week!

Alice is definitely in her active toddlers phase with a good dose of mischief and sass to go with it. She's opinionated and knows what she wants, which is fine until she's dragging chairs to climb up and get it, or crawling into my bed to find daddy's candy stash on his nightstand, and thinks wearing clothes and a diaper is overratedoverrated (hello duct tape diapers). She's also learned how to climb out of her crib this past week. One day I didn't hear her get up from her nap. Next thing I knew I had her tapping at her door. Well, that night we tried countless times to put her to bed only to have her climb out. We had to wait till she would fully stay down which was at a quarter to eleven. Then a train woke her early the next morning and out she climbed. So let's just say her crib is now pretty much on the floor. We love her funny attitude and silly ways, just have to keep an eye on her ; ) 


I had the opportunity to go with the youth to do baptisms last weekend. I've never seen the Twin Falls Temple baptistry. Even though I was on bathroom attendant duty it was still a neat experience. I've never served in Young Women's before. I was intimidated at first, but I feel like I'm getting the hang of things and my respect for Casey teaching these kids everyday has increased my respect for him a hundred fold.
 I've been asked this month by the Stake YW presidency to forgo social media for the month. Honestly I've felt like I've missed out on stuff, however it's given me back time to get things done, and a better perspective of living in the world, but not of the world.
 My friend Kate lost her baby a little over a week ago. It breaks my heart, but it's been so incredible to see her and her husband's faith through this tragedy. So heartbreaking, and makes me so grateful for God's plan and eternal families.
I've also taken on reading the Book of Mormon before the year ends. My goal has been to finish before Thanksgiving so I've read twenty pages almost every day. Casey has taken on the challenge also and he's doing great! I'm so grateful for this book, the knowledge, light, and guidance it gives. Christ is indeed apart off all things and always there for us if we are worthy of him, seek him, and keep holding onto faith and hope.

Yesterday was the kids' harvest parties. Kendal won a game in her class and came home with loads of goodies! (She also reached her AR goal this week!) Alice and I joined Peter's class to make boo bubbles (bubbles made by the power of dry ice, that are also filed with the "vapor smoke"off dry ice) the kids loved seeing and playing with the bubbles. It was a fun time! Alice had an even better time going back and forth between me and the snack table. 
It was an early release day so we got to have Brooke and Meadow over for a play date again. We did more boo bubbles since I had leftover dry ice and the kids played outside to their hearts content!
Last night was our trunk or treat and ward harvest party. I decked the trunk out with Harry Potter stuff. I made a sorting hat, textbooks, balloon owl, cauldron, hanging banners, and floating candles. My creative juices were in overdrive this week. It was overkill for a dark night of trunk or treating, but alas I do love me some Harry Potter. For Halloween this year Kendal will be Hermione, Peter is Harry Potter, and Alice is Hedwig the owl! The ward had a chili dinner and then the kids got to go around doing a costume parade to music while cars were set up. Finally they got to trunk or treat to end the night! Sorry for the lack of pictures. Casey left for a playoff game while Alice and I handed out candy and the other two walked around.
Today we carved / shaved pumpkins. We did it during Alice's nap and made one for her because the thought of her around knives and the mess just didn't sound fun. After much debate Kendal chose a butterfly, Peter a monkey, and we gave Alice her initial. Daddy and Peter drilled hearts in the pumpkin also. Kendal had a birthday party this afternoon and got to go to skateland so the rest of us watched the Han Solo movie. Peter loved it!

Monday, October 8, 2018


The weekend of September 22nd we headed down to Logan. Friday I took my mom down to an appointment it UofU while Casey and the kids hung out with Grandpa. I attempted some last minute family photos that night. The kids were less than helpful, but alas well see if I can find a decent one or just settle for mismatched chaos that's in most pictures. Saturday morning the kids got to go ride four wheelers at the shop while Casey was changing oil in some cars. We played the afternoon away at my parents with Elliot, Isaac, Anica, and David. That night we had the opportunity to go to a Tabernacle Choir concert. I took Kendal and Peter to the concert (Dad, Mom, Katherine, Nana, Peggy, Megan, Linda, Eric, Patty, and Patty' s mom were there with us to, making it even more special)! It has been in my want list to take the kids to see the choir especially since Nathan retires next year. So we took the opportunity when they came to Logan. Peter was wiggly, but did amazing for the two and a half hour concert. He liked the clapping and lively songs. Kendal enjoyed it all especially the songs she knew. Craig Jessop (former choir director) is a Dean aft USU and the got to guest conduct the choir in the Aggie chant and a piece from the sound of music. It was a wonderful night and a memory we'll keep forever in our hearts! (I'm kicking myself I didn't get a picture of our group that night : ( Casey had a ticket to the USU game that night so he got Alice for awhile. She wandered and snacked her heart out and he happily handed her over to watch the rest of the game in peace.


We've had soccer twice a week since the beginning of September. Peter is getting to the point where if he isn't feeling it he's not into the game, however when he's ready he's in there doing great. Always a mix in games. Kendal is improving, however she still needs to remember to listen to coach (aka Daddy) and pay attention to her surroundings a bit more. Alice is so done with soccer and being stuck in a stroller (since we can't have her in the field or running anywhere she pleases). Luckily the weather's been nice up until last Thursday when rain cancelled the game. This is our last week, I'll try to get some pictures.
Alice had a sweet few months where we'd announce bedtime and she's walk herself to bed (what Kendal did as a toddler) now she's taken to saying no when asked and just wants to play a bit longer. This picture is one night She was tired, but not wanting to go to bed so she dragged pillows into the floor and insisted Casey lie next to her. (He's mimicking how she was laying before she flopped over for my picture.)

Friday the 29th was homecoming for Kimberly. I checked the kids out of school to go see the parade with Casey and his students. Peter wasn't thrilled to stand with middle schoolers because they can get candy faster, however the kids soon realized as a (favorite ; ) teacher daddy gets thrown a lot of Candy. So the kids were satisfied in the end. That night we went to the football game. We were stacked in pretty tight. Alice didn't like the lack of escapes, and Peter went through my snack haul quickly. I lasted with the kids till half time. Casey stayed and retreated up to his usual spot in the announcer box to finish the game. They crushed Filer!


That Saturday Kendal had a birthday party at the rock climbing gym. Casey took Peter also to have his own fun. Kendal was a champ and braved all sorts of walls. Casey says she's a natural rock climber and surprisedhim with her talent. Peter loves Rock climbing and can go around like a monkey, but his fear of heights keeps him from going all the way up.
Also below:
Kendal caught the singing bug in sharing time! Bubus in the tub with Alice!


We had fall break this past weekend. The kids got a yes day on Thursday. They started out getting Wii time playing their favorite game go vacation. Kendal did a sewing project with me making matching American Doll dresses for her and her friends dolls. While Peter ran out with Casey and Alice to pick up ice cream supplies. He chose Oreo chocolate custard ice cream. It was really good as you can tell from the pictures below! We took the kids too see the Movie a House with a Clock in its walls. Casey, Kendal, and I read the book and while the book isn't bad the oh movie had some creepy moments Kendal was nervous over. We were hoping Alice would sit or sleep during the movie, she proved otherwise by wandering the theater (luckily it only had six other people there) and then passing out the last twenty minutes. With a wet evening soccer was cancelled, Casey went off to the football game while the kids and I played at home.
Friday we got into a cleaning groove and cleaned up the kids' room and a bit of our room. The kids got some more Wii time and played the afternoon away outside. Casey let Peter build in the garage (he's working on a giraffe).
Saturday I helped the young women with their doughnut fundraise before conference. We then headed out to Raft River for the rest of the weekend. Cheryl was watching Terry's boys and Nicole's boys so the kids got to play the day away with cousins. The local church wasn't broadcasting women's season so Kendal was stuck watching it on the couch surrounded by chaos eating pizza. (I promise I'll do better next year 💙) We stayed overnight and enjoyed conference on Sunday. The kids did conference bingo during the morning session and did well listening They played and partially listened to afternoon session.
It was a wonderful conference (I can't believe church is gong to two hours - crazy! It'll be interesting for sure.) I felt uplifted and can't wait to go back and listen to talks I missed or want to hear again. I've started my book of Mormon challenge to read by the end of the year and Casey's joining me! I love the gospel and I'm so grateful for Latter day Prophets and leaders that share their wisdom and guidance. I'm so grateful for a Father in Heaven who's always watching over me, a Savior at my side through the good and the bad, and the Spirit to comfort and guide me. Casey watched the kids so I could go to the temple Friday. I'm so grateful for that time there. Families are forever!