Sunday, April 17, 2016

Embracing the warm days

We're embracing any warm days that we have by playing outside. Peter and Kendal like to join some neighbor kids to ride bikes almost daily. Peter is doing so well on his bike. If he falls he'll get right back up and zip off again in no time. His poor legs are bruised and scraped from his many spills (thinks he can go as fast as he did with training wheels). 
Last Saturday we went for a walk around Dirkies. It was a beautiful spring day. The kids enjoyed themselves. We ended by going down to the lake where Casey and the kids put their feet in the chilly water.

Yesterday morning we ran some errands in town. Cody and Momma D were in town to see Davids game so we got to see them for a few minutes. After lunch we played outside with the kids. Casey got a giant bad mitten set from school that we tried out. We decided to go over to the school and play Frisbee golf with the kids.

Casey's had two track meets so far. Valley was two weeks ago on a very windy day. This week they were at Gooding on a very wet day. Casey and Brett Welch are over the boys (6th-8th grade). They are doing very well in the meets so far and expect to continue their success. The next two meets are at Kimberly and the last meet - "districts" will be at Filer. Hopefully the weather for the meets will be good, because they've had very iffy spring days with only a few good sunny days mixed in.
The kids start swim lessons in a little over a week. It'll be Peters first time and he is nervous, but I'm hoping with some super life savors and a Disney bribe he'll be cooperative with his teacher and do his best in lessons.
Kendal and Casey are winding down the school year. Six weeks left and Kendal will be done with her first year of school. In her words she's going to be a smart first grader and she can't wait for this fall to have more time to learn, play, and have a blast in school. Casey's just fine with school being out soon. You reach a certain point in the year and the kids have spring fever and testing is coming up, so those two together the end of school can't come fast enough.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Must be spring

Last Monday we had a snow storm all day long. It accumulated to over three inches in snow and covered everything. The very next day the sun was out and all of our snow melted. Thursday the kids asked to go ride bikes and it felt as though the snow didn't even happen. (Idaho / Utah spring is bipolar.)
Friday Kendal had the day off of school. We went to the Kimberly park that morning. The wind made it a bit chilly, but the kids didn't care one bit. Peter's determined to fit in the baby swing at the park for as long as possible just because he likes me to push him crazy high and he can stay in better. (I told him when he turns four no more baby swing, especially since he can pump on his own now.)
That afternoon we got to have cousins over. David, Becca, and Thomas joined us to play. We spent time in the backyard, walked to the park, played play dough, and Uno attack. The kids had a blast together as always. They even held hands on our walk (so stinking sweet).

Friday night Daddy treated us to a night out. We grabbed some Fiesta Ole and then went to the high school's play Peter Pan! Peter was nervous about captain hook, but once the play got going he and Kendal were captivated. Kendal loved the live action and seeing people she knew (fellow bus buddies - she seriously makes friends with everyone, even high schoolers.). It was a small production but well done by the students.
Saturday was conference. The kids and I started out making cinnamon rolls to take to my VT ladies and to enjoy ourselves. The kids played around while we enjoyed sessions of conference. When Casey went to priesthood that night I let the kids jammie up and they enjoyed cinnamon rolls as they watched Frozen. (We've watched a different Disney movie every week since January and will end just before we go to Disneyland!)

The Sunday morning session I had the kids play conference bingo. Kendal was loving it and kept trying to make the speakers words into ones on her sheet. Both listened fairly well. In between session we got wiggles out by going for a family walk and letting the kids play at the park for a bit. I'd like to say they listened just as well Sunday afternoon but they at least occupied themselves playing.

We've been itching to fly kites since Easter; it's been crazy windy for weeks, but temperatures and life happened. So Monday night we pulled out the kites for family night. Peter's helicopter was up and going strong the whole time, Kendal's lady bug did well, but it took work to keep it up.

Both got great reviews from the Dentist this morning! Kendal's other two six year old molars are on the verge of coming in and she has two front teeth that are wiggly, but not coming out for a bit.

Conference ♥'s
Keep trying. Keep trusting. Keep believing. Keep growing. Heaven will be cheering you on today, tomorrow, forever. - Holland
Challenges are at times an indication of the Lord's trust in you. - Christofferson
May we ever choose the harder right than the easier wrong. - Monson
The Lord does not make it easy, but he makes it possible. - Oaks
A sheep is worthy of help simply because it is loved - Uchtdorf
Our present circumstances may not change, but through Gods compassion, kindness, and love, we will all receive more than we deserve. - Renlund