Monday, January 19, 2009

Little Buddy, o how we love you!

This is Campbell Loosle, he is my first, and for right now my only nephew. His parents are my brother Andy, and my sister-in-law Kim. They are wonderful parents and are a great example that i hope to live up to some day.

Campbell turned four months old this past week. It seems as though he was just born, but he's already growing so fast. Casey and i love to visit with Campbell, he is so cute, sweet, and his smile will melt your heart. Although he's still a baby and has limited abilities, his entertaining us is never ending; we could watch him all day!

I am so grateful for this Little Buddy. He is a source of joy and happiness in my life. I love him dearly. Thanks Andy and Kim for allowing me to spend time with, and enjoy your Little Buddy!

Casey and I had to get this Aggie Big Blue for Campbell. Kim graduated from USU, as did I; and someday Casey. Is it too soon to have him cheer for his future school? Just kidding.

Now that's one cute smile. We love you Little Buddy!