Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Memorial day

For memorial day we went to rock creek park in the morning. Casey did the Frisbee golf course while the kids and I took turns throwing another Frisbee / carrying half a dozen rolly poly bugs in the Frisbee, and enjoying the nature along the way.
 We meet a very nice man along the path and he pointed out a nest and snake for us to look at. Further down the path he pointed out three baby owls in a tree. The gentleman was a bit hard to follow in a conversation. After a bit he pulled out a card explaining to us he has aphasia (He can think inelegantly but he has difficulty speaking, writing, and reading.) He tried to tell us a bit of his life's story and it was humbling to hear. He motioned to a small camcorder he had and the owls telling us he finds joy in tracking the birds and watching them grow. Meeting this man was a humbling experience; I feel so bad for his situation in life. It made me step back and think how my trials are small in comparison to many others.

After our park fun we picked up lunch and headed to the cemetery in twin falls. Casey's mom meet us there as we finished or picnic. For a while now Casey had been interested in our ancestry, knowing where our ancestors came from, and finding our where the more recent generations have been buried. He knew there were some in Twin Falls so we took the holiday opportunity to find them. Cheryl knew where a few were and we looked up the others in a directory. The kids had fun following us around and putting flowers on a few of the headstones. Peter liked finding the pinwheels to spin. Kendal commented how it was the prettiest cemetery ever. (Probably because she was surrounded by flowers.) We came home after and Cheryl treated us to yummy doughnuts and played a game with Kendal while we chatted.
We got talking about how we grew up celebrating Memorial day. Both Cheryl and my families would visit graves and spend time with family for the holiday (Usually the first BBQ of the summer season!). It's always a special day to reflect on family who have passed on, and being grateful we live in a free country because of all of the brave men and women who fought to make it so.

Tuesday we got to have Aria and Rhett's sweet little trio of girls over to play for the afternoon. We hit up the park, played play dough, and got a mickey cartoon in at the end. It's great having these guys closer. We're excited for more adventures this summer!

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