Friday, September 30, 2016

Last bit of September

I can't believe it's been over a month since school started. Kendal is enjoying being in first grade. She likes her teachers, all that she's learning, her extra classes (art, music, p.e., etc.), eating lunch at school, and the extra recesses. She has adjusted well to her longer days at school. Kendal is doing well with her reading. She loving Junie B. Jones chapter books and has read a harder level Kristen series book too. Kendal is still a sweetheart but on occasion she tries to debate with us to get her way on things. The only thing she really gets in trouble for is trying to tell her brother what to do.
With Kendal gone all day Peter took longer to adjust to no sister all day; and while I wish he'd sleep in a bit he now wakes up with more enthusiasm for the day than his sister. Peter has been doing ABC mouse online academy with some side preschool stuff with me. Vanessa and I have been deep in wedding projects so we've spent a lot of time at his cousins and he loves going and spending time with Becca. We have Grady over once a week and Peter's been so good with him. While Peter is still stubborn, I think the naughty stubborn is thankfully starting to go away. He's still all about his Lego's (big and little) as well as his cars.
Casey has half his games done for the season. The team has lost three and won one. He's doing fine with the seventh graders and having a good time teaching them so far. They think he's a fun teacher and generally like his class. The school had homecoming this past week. Peter and I snuck in and watched Casey teach for ten minutes till it was time for the parade. Casey got silly string and confetti shot at him by former students which was messy, but peter didn't complain about the handfuls of candy that was coming our way. The kids and I went to Casey's first home game Thursday. The kids enjoy finding daddy throughout the game, but have little interest in the players so they wandered the bleachers and played with another little girl.

I'm thankfully moving on from morning sickness (mostly), however I've had a lot of pain that's making some days difficult (I can't walk, get up right, or move well. Thank you Static nerve, and pelvic girdle pain) But I'm trudging through and relying on Casey a bit more. We picked apples and peaches a few weeks back that I've spent a couple of Saturdays canning. I'm helping Vanessa make four skirts, three little girls dresses, and eight bowties for Cody's wedding, plus I'm doing table decor as well. I've felt very busy this fall with a big list of projects and watching kids some days during the week, but it's a good busy and even though I'm tired more I feel very productive.
We went out to Tubbs farm last weekend to get pumpkins for the wedding. The kids got to help find the small white ones in thousands that were around the field. Peter mostly wanted to push around the wheel barrow. They fed a miniature horse while Casey and I sorted pumpkins, then we picked raspberries.

The kids had their Primary program this past week. Kendal was loud and proud to give her part and sang all of the songs. Peter gave his part (happy he did because his primary track record for talking isn't great.) He sang one song well and mostly listened to the rest. I was released a month ago from primary (i've been in primary over five years; but now I get to teach relief society.) however my class hasn't received a new teacher so I got to sit with them through one last program.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Drum roll please!

 This little lady will be joining our family in mid January 2017!!

We found out the gender of our soon to be little one today! Kendal and Casey were at school, and Peter insisted on being surprised along with Daddy and Kendal so he went to Aunt Vanessa's house. The kids requested a cake, so I baked a pink cake that they got to cut into after dinner and baths tonight. The kids were both super excited and jumped up and down for a bit over the news. Kendal has wanted a girl since the beginning, and Peter a boy. I knew though they'd be fine with whatever it was and excitement is contagious so Kendal is thrilled and Peter happy. We took a pole among family. My side of the family, minus David and Nana chose girl. Casey's whole side minus Terry and Nicole were guessing a boy. Casey said girl because at some point the boy girl ratio has to start shifting in our families and I've been on the fence the whole time, but kinda felt girl too this past week.
I went solo to my appointment this morning. We were able to tell right off the bat that the baby is a Girl! However when it came to giving us a good head shot she was being camera shy; and even had both arms across her face at one point. She is healthy and growing well. I am technically due the 22nd of January, but since I'll be a c-section she'll come a week earlier. It'll be in the depths of basketball season for Casey, but we'll make it all work out. 


For a third time we decided to add to our family. Each time we've decided to add to our family it took time; two years for Kendal, and half a year for Peter. It was no different this time, but when months turned into a year my hopes fell again. We kept going, but to be honest the second year was a roller coaster, in which I tried my best to convince myself it just wasn't going to happen and I would be fine if it didn't. As we rounded on two years we felt it was time. Time to decide would we pause give ourselves a break, or would we just be done. With a lot of thought we decided to give it to this summer and be done. I began looking towards the future for myself. I applied for a part time job and if that didn't work out I was going start a preschool. However as per the norm God has his own timeline for us in life. Late May came and I wasn't convinced being late and feeling icky meant pregnancy. (I'd had the same thing happen countless times before never resulting in anything.) However, we were heading to Disneyland in early June so I felt it would be dumb to do Disney and all its awesome rides if I was in fact pregnant. I was shocked to see a positive pregnancy test. To be honest it took some time getting used to the idea we were having another child, when I'd spent the last year convincing myself we wouldn't get to, and the last month planning a baby less future. I cancelled my job application and felt bad I wouldn't be able to do a full preschool with Peter since I would have to take off near two months in the middle of the school year when the baby comes.
As usual we kept the news to ourselves even though I was convinced me skipping all major rides and acting off would tip off my family at Disneyland. But we had other fun distractions so I got away with it. We told the kids just after I was twelve weeks along. It took a few minutes to sink in for Peter then he was excited. Kendal was full of questions and skepticism (probably because we've told her for two plus years we may not have another child.) Once the questions passed Kendal was beyond happy. Peter keeps hoping with each appointment I go to the baby will come back with me. He's also offered to share his toys and underwear with the baby. Kendal loves to talk to my belly and tell the baby it will be so cute (She's really been hoping for a sister; Peter a boy).
We told family in the following weeks and are letting the news slowly leak out till the gender is revealed.
This pregnancy has been my roughest so far. Kendal was a no big deal, and Peter I moved on from sickness in my second trimester; however this time I've had more sickness, and have felt a lot more pain than either previous pregnancy. Plus my sciatic nerve is giving me a run for my money.
It's funny I've written for this post three times. My first thoughts were put down in mid spring. I was expressing woes and the fact that we were leaning towards being done. It was an emotional post and I had a hard time with it's content. I was planning on adding to it as we made our decisions final and mapped out the future. My second edit to the post was the initial reaction when I found out  that I'd gotten pregnant. In the post I expressed my, Joy, shock, and initial thoughts on our unexpected turn of events.The final edit is what's written. It's long, but I want it as a part of our story. It's memories to be shared and treasured. We are pretty definite this will be our last addition to the family. We've looked back on all that we've gone through to get to this point, and feel good with our decision that this will be our whole family. We are truly blessed and grateful we have two great kids so very very happy to have another one on the way!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

School begins and more

Casey went back to work on the 19th of August. He's now a 7th grade teacher surrounded by a bunch of females (both things he has to get used to this school year ; ). He also started football practice on the 22nd. His team is a lot smaller than in previous years. He wasn't complaining at first; less kids means less kids to have to make sure get equal play time. Lately though he's wishing for a few more since some kids are sporting injuries and other issues making his roster a bit smaller. Tomorrow is his first game at Declo. He had fun doing a river rafting trip on the 25th with his fellow middle school teachers.
Kendal had back to school night on the 25th. We got to take her load of school supplies and meet her two teachers Mrs. Erickson and Mrs. Hufsetler. She is not in David's class, but they've seen each other and played during some recess time since.
Casey gave both kids blessings on the Sunday before school. It was sweet and Kendal was glad to have a boost to calm her nerves.
Peter will be doing Preschool with Mommy again plus ABC Mouse learning Academy online. He'll go to preschool story time at the library and hopefully we'll have Becca over for some preschool playtime. I'd love to give him more options, but we haven't come up with any great solutions yet.
Kendal and Casey had their first day at school on the 29th. Kendal woke up ready, excited, and a bit nervous. Peter and I walked her to the bus and her nerves seemed to melt away as her neighbor buddies gathered before the bus pulled up.
 (Some of us were a bit more chipper and excited than the others bright and early on day one.)

She has really enjoyed first grade so far. She likes both her teachers and is getting good marks for her work and her behavior. She told me her teacher let her pick a Junnie B. Jones book to keep in her desk when she finishes work early. (She's really into the Junnie B. chapter books lately and has had fun reading them this summer.) She has a few kids from her class last year and has gathered a few more as school is rolling on.

This past week Vanessa and Brett moved to Kimberly! I helped a bit and Peter happily had cousin time for a few days. There was no school on Friday so I had eight of the grand kids (including my duo) over while the other adults helped with the move. I made do with the kids and felt I had the (slightly) easier job of watching the kids vs moving a house load of belongings.

We set off that Friday night and made our way to Logan. Casey was awesome enough to offer his help to David for the rest of the long weekend to put up the siding on his house. It's fun to see the progress on the house and the kids adore visiting and exploring the construction site. David and Anica have a ways to go, but they're progressing and my Dad is putting a lot of work in too. I'm excited to see it's progression and completion in the months to come!
The kids had a blast in the "powder" dirt surrounding the house. We ate our meals Saturday and part of Monday up at the house to help the boys out.
"Let's get to work!"

 "Let's get dirty!"

"Let's explore!"

Sunday we celebrated my Dad's birthday (even though it was Monday, Happy Birthday Papa Pill!! We love you Dad!) We had steak and some awesome dutch oven. My mom made her classic oatmeal cake (YUM!) and we enjoyed family time.
Monday the boys were back at work so we had a chill morning at my parents. After lunch at David's new house the kids along with my Mom and Katherine went to the Willow Park Zoo. They enjoyed themselves and liked the animals. Kendal was enamored with a King snake that a zoo employee brought out, and chatted with her / pet the snake for five minutes while I maintained my distance. (I seriously don't know who's kid this is sometimes.)
We made our way home after dinner Monday night to start a new school week on Tuesday. I had a dental appointment yesterday and will have my second ever cavity filled next month. (The kids and I have the good teeth genes; Casey not so much.) We're making our way towards fall and all that it brings; football games, cooler weather, school activities, pumpkins, Cody and Mia's wedding!, halloween, etc.