Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Christmas 2017!

 We heard the kids awake around a quarter to seven Christmas morning and they snuck out close to 7:30. We let Alice continue to sleep while Kendal and Peter started on their Christmas. The kids got special books that we had made that have their names and their likes. Kendal's in The kingdom of You about her being queen and things in her kingdom she likes. Pete's is a story about him traveling in space and getting back home (909 Post Circle #3 ; ). Alice's has our family searching for "littlest bear" which turns out to be her. Kendal got mini hatchimals from us and American Girl stuff from Santa. Peter got a millennium falcon from us and a robot kit from Santa. They both got some Lego mini figures, stocking fun, and goodies. Alice got a doll from Santa and little people from us. Casey's parents came later in the morning. They got to see the kids gifts and spend some time with us! We spent the rest of the day enjoying, playing, and having quality family time.  I went out with the kids to play in the snow. We made a slide and shuffled around in the snow for awhile. We pulled out Casey's New ticket to ride game when Alice napped that afternoon. Peter lost interest and played with his millennium falcon. I squeaked out a win! It was a simple, easy going, and perfect day!

One of our gifts to the kids was taking them to a movie. We took them to see Ferdinand on Tuesday afternoon. Alice slept through the whole thing and the other two snacked, and enjoyed the movie. We took them out to Pizza Pie cafe afterwards. They have a balloon guy there. Peter chose Elmo and Kendal got a cat.

Logan Holiday Visist

Christmas break came and we headed to Logan for some pre Christmas family time! We made it Wednesday evening and the kids were happy to see my parents and Katherine and happy there was snow to play in. Thursday Kendal and Peter went out and built a snow cave / fort. They had fun while I ran errands and finished a couple of Christmas shopping needs with my mom.

My parents gave the kids their presents on Thursday evening. They did such a great job getting wonderful gifts for the kids and for us. Kendal gushed over everything she got. Peter loves his Start Wars figures, and little Legos, they both love their special pillow cases which they insisted go back on their pillows after laundry day today. Alice got a cute doll house and a very special and amazing pillow that my mom made. Also; I don't think I've mentioned here that each year my mom let's each of us pick out a special ornament that she then buys for each of us. This is a tradition that goes back to as long as I can remember. I have a tree full of memories and special ornaments that have meaning to me and my little family. Thank you Mom and Dad! 💗

The sibling gift for my parents was a new kitchen floor. (It was time to say goodbye to the 35 yr old floor.) The kitchen got taken apart on Friday. We spent that day and a bit into Saturday finishing it. Casey and David did the bulk of the work and the floor looks great! 
Without a working kitchen we ate out for lunch and dinner Friday. We hit up Fredricos that night. It's a pizza place that our family has frequented for many many years. 


 Saturday morning the kids went out and shoveled snow. Peter got to know the neighbor during the week and helped him shovel a bit. Kendal and my Dad made a snowman in the front yard. After lunch my Dad and Casey took the older kids sledding around the shop. They rode a garbage can lid behind a four wheeler and had a blast! We then took the kids bowling. Kendal jumped and spun around, Peter slid into most of his bowling, Elliot enjoyed pushing the ball down the ramp, Alice helped me with a few gutter balls, Casey and David spun their way to losing. Mom, Katherine, and I did our best. And Anica is a few weeks away from sweet baby boy coming so she supported from the sidelines. The kids got to do some arcade games after as well. The girls and I picked up Nana and we had our big family dinner Saturday night. I've wanted to inherit some books from my Nana and Papa and my biggest wish was to get a few 'Twas the Night Before Christmas' books from my Nanas collection for the kids and myself. I have many cherished Christmas memories with my grandparents and I remember reading a Christmas story each year at family parties. So I hope to continue the tradition with my kids and love that they have a book from my grandparents.

On Christmas Eve we got to go to a special sacrament meeting with my parents. I love the music and the spirit that it brings. We said our goodbyes after lunch and made our way home before the snow started to fly.

That evening we headed over to Brett and Vanessa's house to enjoy some tamales and family time. The kids played hard and we ate or fill! Before bed we listened to the nativity story and each looked at our special Twas the night books from Nana as I read the story.

Mid December

The annual Webb party was December 9th. That morning we got to go clean the church. The kids love having the opportunity to clean the church and Peter asks regularly if it's our turn. After we cleaned the church the kids and I headed to Raft River. Casey had basketball games that day so he stayed behind. It was a wonderful party and it was good to see some extended family. The kids had so much fun playing around with cousins / second cousins. We had a yummy lunch, sang some songs, did our traditional cereal pass along story, and played a relay race. The relay race involved unwrapping and eating random foods. I got pickles, Peter downed a fruit by the foot, Kendal had Oreos and a small wheel of cheese. The foods varied from prunes to V8 and anything in between. It was fun to watch and mingle with family; I love that the family party continues to be a tradition every year! After the party we spent the rest of the day at Grandma and Grandpa D's. We played and celebrated Grandpa's birthday!
Casey turned 34 a couple of weeks ago! He had early morning basketball practice so he could spend the afternoon with us! We took him out to Black Bear Diner for dinner. In December the teachers at Casey's school do a "12 pounds of Christmas" leading up the the holiday break. So they bring in goodies and food for a couple of weeks. He got spoiled with goodies from that as well as a load of student gifts / treats this past week that'll take him forever to get through. Casey also got to go see the new Star Wars on the 15th! Rhett and Aria had some tickets and Casey was able to go see the movie with them!
The kids and I made it to a few games this month. They did their usual snacking and playing around. Alice mostly stays near or with me. I've had to reign her in a few times because she wants to follow big brother and sister. I also have to keep an eye on random stuff that's been left on the bleachers. So far Casey's team has won a lot of games and lost a few games in the mix. He has a tournament this week and will be back to regular games next week.
We try and fit in a few traditions in December. Christmas jammies, picking out and giving toys to Toys for Tots, donating to local charities, trying to do a few light the world service opportunities, holiday classic movies, Christmas books every night, and making treats / cookies. This year the kids and I made gingerbread cookies. I was crazy and did cookies and Pizza on a night when Casey was at games. (He's away a lot in basketball season, however I learned my lesson and will fit it in next year when he's home.) The kids had so much fun making their cookies and pizza. Kendal made the nativity and Peter made a wookie family of us! Alice tolerated the mess and my lack of attention, and has benefited from all of the holiday chaos by getting treats here and there.

Tuesday the 19th! The kids got to wear their pajama's to school! Kendal loved it; Peter kept saying what if nobody else wears theirs. I got to go help out at Peter's class holiday party. I did a relay race with the kids. We did a penguin waddle (balloon between their legs), shovel of snow, (running with a cotton ball on a spoon) snowflake shuffle, (balancing a snowflake as they walked) Rudolph's nose (they had a dab of Vaseline and were supposed to dip their nose in pom poms) and mitten madness (where they had to don mittens and unwrap a Hershey kiss). The kids didn't really get the gist of a relay race and cheated at various parts, however they had fun and it was entertaining to say the least. Alice happily wandered around the party with Mrs. Philips (Oakley's mom - Oakley is Peter's class crush ; ).
We got to have Santa come to our house and visit that night. Kendal and Peter were thrilled he came. They were able to give him their list and received a candy cane. To put it mildly Alice was less than thrilled. When Santa came through the door she started fussing, but when I tried to put her on his lap she started shaking and screaming. She was there long enough for a picture and then we had to take her away and clam her down. Better luck next year.