Friday, May 1, 2015

End of April

Last week the kids and I did a few earth day projects. We made a car city out of recycled materials and we made our own paper. The kids loved it and Kendal has been more conscience of what we throw away since our earth day discussion. The flowers the kids planted a few weeks ago are growing well. Kendal wants to see them and water them every day.

On Saturday we went to the local YMCA for a kids event. The kids got to go around and do a bunch of activities. They did some karate, yoga, limbo, a train ride, and played in some bounce houses. They enjoyed some snacks too. (chobani yogurt, jamba juice, kiwi loco) The kids had fun doing all of the activities and playing  the games they had there.
(I'll have to add pictures from Casey's phone later)
On Monday we went and registered Kendal for kindergarten. Casey and I both feel it's crazy that Kendal is old enough to go to school. She is more than ready and excited to go. It'll be a long summer for her (she asks weekly when school starts). After we finished registering the kids enjoyed playing on the school playground. Kendal was loving playing with all of the other kids who had been there registering as well.
We decided to do swim lessons in the spring this year so we could work on Kendal's skills throughout the summer. Kendal has loved her first week. She's a bit cautious with water, floating, and putting her head under water; but she was fairly brave and did well during her first two lessons. After her first lesson she was trying to teach Peter some of the moves she does to propel herself through the water. So she would do poses for monkey, airplane, and soldier then Pete would try and copy her. It was pretty funny to watch. Peter doesn't go willingly into pools yet and he's still a bit young to retain what's being taught so we'll hold off another year before we put him in lessons. Till then we'll try and get him to like more than just the bath tub.

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