Sunday, April 19, 2020

Hello Sunshine!

We're still in the depths of home school - sadly with no end in sight. Kendal has gotten into a groove with school. She gets going on her own (mostly because she wants to begin her day emailing friends). She's also self motivated and goes through her lessons and subjects on her own. When / if she needs help she'll ask for guidance, but for the most part she's pretty self sufficient. We do have to motivate her to practice her piano and get her chores done after the fact. Peter has decent days and hard days with school. We have to push and prod him through each subject and lesson everyday. I know it's frustrating to do all of this, sit still, have what feels like endless lessons to do, and have school - friends - and a regular schedule taken away. I understand his attitude about it all, I just hope we can gain a more positive attitude about school, or the days go by quickly. Both kids love days that they get to video chat with their classes. Peter rambles on and wants to be silly with his classmates. Kendal loves talking to everyone and asking questions to everyone. The kids enjoy extra computer games (math games) after their school work is done, but I try to limit that since they're on the computer most of the day and they need outside time more. We don't hold out much hope that school will go back in session this school year, but it hasn't been ruled out just yet.


We've had Jemma less this past month. One of Sarah's two nursing jobs is shut down (surgery center) and the other dr's office has cut hours. Plus Terry is home a bit more because he can't see any patients just video conference with them. Alice and Jemma get along for the most part, but sharing certain toys can be hard sometimes. Jemma is now comfortable with Casey and enjoys the kids at home as well.

Living in an apartment during quarantine has added an extra element of stress and : (. Our downstairs neighbors already made life hard. . . they don't tolerate much from us or have patience with the kids. We had a smidge of hope when our neighbor switched to day shifts for a week, but he's back to night shifts - thus he sleeps during the day and we're supposed to be "quiet". Quiet and Quarantine may sound like they go together, they don't in this household. We're thankful for any sunny day we get so we can kick the kids outside and go for walks or to the school playground to play.

We dyed Easter eggs last Friday in preparation for Easter. It felt weird not doing the typical Easter hunts and family gatherings that we're used to. Casey's parents dropped by briefly to give us Easter goodies on Saturday morning; Mom D made us cookies and gave us some soda to enjoy this past week. She also gave us her sweet testimony of the Easter season. The weather wasn't great Saturday but we needed some time away. We gathered the kids, picked up stale fries and burgers from Arctic Circle and headed to Shoshone Falls. We ate in the car and watched the view from our seats. We briefly looked at the falls that were nice and full from the winter run off then we had the kids run the hills for a bit to burn some energy.

Easter morning the kids were up early looking for their baskets and eggs. They couldn't gather their eggs until they found their baskets. Alice's was under a blanket, Peter's was in the dress up, and Kendal's was in the cupboard above the fridge. Both Kendal and Peter took awhile to find their baskets. We knew we had all day at home so we let them sweat it out for awhile before we "helped" them find them. The Easter Bunny hid the eggs well and the kids searched for quite awhile. We had a nice easy morning and then got ready for the day. The kids each got a new book, swimsuit, and bubble bath for Easter. We had church later in the morning. It was a nice starting off Easter week with the Christ videos and going over his last week on earth, then on Sunday the significance of the resurrection. We were able to video chat with Casey's family in the early afternoon. Our audio gave us grief for a bit, but we were happy to see everyone nonetheless. We also got to skype my parents and Katherine.

The kids have enjoyed their bubble baths this past week!

I got to do a zoom activity with my Young Women this past Wednesday. Mostly I've been giving them challenges, ideas, lesson inspiration, and positive thoughts via messages. It was nice to see the girls and have a bit of fun doing a scavenger hunt and trivia games with them. Our Stake girls camp is officially canceled - another Covid side affect. We'll see what they end up doing instead and how our summer turns out church wise - especially with Peter's baptism in July.
We backed off a bit with school for Peter this past week, and decided he needed a project. So he and Casey are building a doll bed for the girls. Poor Alice smashed her finger hammering with the boys on Friday.
We knew yesterday was going to be a nice day so we wanted to get away again. We decided to do a hike to Pillar falls. It was a longer walk and a much steeper journey than anticipated, but the kids did great. We walked just over three miles going from the top of the canyon to the bottom and back again. I'm not going to lie, the last half mile felt like it was strait up and was hard on Casey and I. We made it though and enjoyed the time out with the kids. We ended up seeing Terry, Sarah and their crew for a few minutes at the top. We celebrated with a quick pizza pick up and ice cream for soda floats with the kids.

Today we had our home church in the morning. We had Kendal give a talk (aka read a story out of the Friend) and discussed this weeks lesson. After lunch we played tickets to ride while Alice napped. We went out this afternoon for a walk. Peter fell hard on his scooter so he and Casey went home to get patched up, and they came back and we few kites at the school. It was the first time we've gotten all three kites going well for a long while in the sky!! It was also the first time Alice flew a kite on her own. She even tried to take the kite on a walk.

We've enjoyed more movies with the kids lately. We've trying to watch movies the kids haven't seen. We've watched the new movie Onward (twice ; ), Shreak 1 and 2,  Sleeping Beauty, the Arisocats, Pocahontas, Fantasia, and an Elephant documentary. We've also let them have longer time on the wii once a week.
Lastly, Just a couple of porch pictures (a remembrance of the times and place we were at during Covid 19, - kind of like the porch pictures you see from the depression era.) Plus a few pictures for fun ; )

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Covid 19

I want to put in an extra post with Information about this time in life. Casey and I cannot recall anything in our lifetime that has been so impactful as this Covid 19 global pandemic. I want to write about happenings so when our family looks back on this years / decades down the road we see what the world was like in the beginning of 2020.

- Gas prices 2.18 (Lowest in 18 years, but we can't go anywhere thanks to the Stay Home order from the State.)
- School being Cancelled - Never did we think when this first surfaced that we would end up homeschooling our kids for weeks to possibly months. We are in uncharted territory figuring out working from home. The first week proved to be a lot; but somehow we'll find our way through this. The kids are on the computer throughout the day getting their work done. (Heaven bless Teachers for all of their behind the scenes work, and technology for getting us through.)
- Work from home / different. With so much shut down the US is having a major unemployment crisis. Thankfully Casey is necessary and is still doing his thing taking things week by week. He's got videos and lessons online for his students and helps them throughout the week with anything they need.
- Stay at home order: When Covid 19 first rolled onto the news media feed it felt so far away that I couldn't have imagined it's effects. We are now on Mandatory Stay Home orders from the state till at least April 21st (with the likelihood it will be extended). Living in 1000 sq feet apartment with three kids has given us a new definition of "Stir Crazy". (Plus living above grumpy neighbors who complain at our usual noise let alone home 24 /7 noise. . . and the guy works the night shift and sleeps during the day : / ) We've had bad weather that's given us even more inside time that is mentally challenging us. We've had to make the kids go outside to play (lame weather plus lack of friends the kids suddenly think outside is a very boring place).
- Self Distancing: First we were limited to gatherings of 50, then 20, now just our household. We are asked to Stay home, but when we go out we are supposed to stay six feet from others. Even stores have lines on the ground telling us where to stand. Along with that the CDC has now advised us to wear masks out. So Today I sewed up some masks for my family. Something I still can't believe I'd be doing or see my family ever need to do.
- A month ago people around the US started panic buying products. It started with toilet paper, paper towels, meds, and water and has ended up affecting almost every item that comes into the grocery store. It's crazy seeing empty shelves for weeks. I'll be honest I panic bought a couple of items in the beginning, but thanks to my LDS upbringing food storage is a thing and we haven't been without. I have had to make Casey hunt around town at almost every store for a few things (yeast, flour). Now that our state has a stay at home order in place all unnecessary buildings and stores are closed. Basically if it sells food, it's open, if not, it's closed. We can still "eat out" - meaning we can get drive through or pick up food - if we're willing to go out. - The medical world is taking a hit with a major shortage of gloves, gowns, masks, and supplies.
- Places closed. It's not just cities and states that are on lock down orders its even countries are on lock down. National and State parks have had to close their doors to deter people flooding areas for "outside social distancing time".
- We have to go without gatherings for holidays (Easter) and celebrations (birthdays). Weddings cancelled. It will be a very different Easter for us; no community hunts, no visiting family. We had to cancel our Spring Break to Utah - no Arches, no family time.
- Temples: First the Temples shifted to Live ordinances only, and now the temples around the world 168 (learned that in conference today ; ) are all closed. Along with that we don't get to go to church. We hold church in our own homes. It's truly a revelation that the Come Follow Me home / church program was released last year. Little did we know then how important and helpful it would be this year. Our family continues to partake of the sacrament (Thanks to Casey's Priesthood authority), and learn about the gospel from the safety of our own home. I never want to forget sitting around our dining table as a family as Casey prepares, blesses, and passes the sacrament. Our simple covenant covered in white handkerchiefs that helps us continue to worship even in the worst of times.
- Entertainment has come to a halt: First sporting events were cancelled, then entire seasons - so no NBA or NCAA tournaments etc. The Olympics have been cancelled and postponed for a year (The Olympics have only ever been cancelled one time in their history.) All media has come to a halt, no shows, movies - being made or shown in Theaters, productions are being done, - just an altered news. Disneyland : / (all theme parks) closed its doors. - It's only ever done that twice in it's history for a day each time. Thankfully we still have TV, Disney plus, and You-Tube funny to get us laughing in these interesting times.
-World Travel is altered. First people couldn't come into the US, now they can't leave the US. Your tested for illness at airports, Flights with only six people on board / or not going at all.
- President Trump has held daily pres conferences. With a mix of medical, economical, government,  issues, crisis, information, etc. unfolding everyday. The stock market has hit a low that hasn't happened in 30 year. - Economic implications will be ? for ?
- We rely heavily on Truckers and food industry workers who fear going to work, but still do. And the Medical field who put themselves in harms way everyday - even having to not see their own families at this time to keep them safe from this. 
- Video messages, conferences, are huge. Foremost for us with school - the kids got to video chat their classes this past week, and Casey posts videos for lessons. Casey's family has utilized Marco Polo to stay connected during this time. We joke, we check up on each other, we share moments. We've also been able to video David and my parents and Katherine as well. (Again - heaven bless technology to keep us all connected when we cannot be otherwise.) 

I wish I was writing this as we were coming out of this pandemic; however I feel we are just at a point that could go up or down or even linear from hear. It's a big question mark with a big unknown in front of us.
I'm beyond grateful. > I have my family - we are safe and healthy - we will end up closer (crazier, but closer I'm sure). I'm grateful for a loving Heavenly Father that will see us through. Jesus Christ who is our light and hope, and the Holy Spirit that can comfort us and guide us through it all. I'm grateful for the gospel and the blessings / privileges it gives me.

We will get through this - we will come out on top - All will be well - I hope for it - I know it!

On Repeat

When all of your quarantine days flow together, and those days feel like the same day repeated suddenly it's been a few weeks since I've updated the blog.
Going into the week of March 17th we knew we had Monday off of school - little did we know that would snowball into school cancelled till then end of the month - now till?, and the state doing a mandatory stay at home order the following week - Goodbye Spring Break to Arches and Logan : (
Starting out we figured we'd occupy the kids with what we could and they'd just play a couple of weeks away till school, then when everything came to a halt and now is rolling into . . . we've had to shift and deal with new and unknowns.
The first week we did quite a few art videos online, the kids did paper houses and other paper crafts from an artist / illustrator. They enjoyed some Mo Williams art stuff as well. We had them doing reading and online math games for the first two weeks. We didn't do much for St. Patrick's day. We wore green and had green doughnuts.

That first week was decent weather, we tried to get the kids to go out and play. We've found it really hard - with no prospect of friends, bad weather, attitudes, we've had to force them to go out. : ( Casey took Kendal and Peter on a bike ride on the 20th, they ended up at Brett and Vanessa's house where the kids played and Daddy helped with yard renovations.

That night Casey and I left the kids with Pizza and a movie while we went on a car date night (Post social distancing / pre - stay home order). We picked up dinner and dessert and ate in the car overlooking the canyon. Saturday the kids made their pinewood derby cars with Casey and painted them. Peter wanted a shark, and Kendal's was a happy random design.

Last week Kendal started writing notes to her friend Addie Bingham. They've exchanged (door ditched) notes for a week and a half. Even Peter sent a couple of notes to her little brother Deacon. Now that school is rolling Kendal is able to email Addie and other classmates. (Poor girl is such a social butterfly, that no friends and no school is rough) (Peter's had a temper through this whole thing - he's set off by lots of things - poor dude - it's a lot to handle.)
Starting on the 15th we've had church at home. It's been a unique experience to have the sacrament be such a personal experience around our little table with just us and Casey presiding over everything. We've done simple lessons both weeks because we know the kids don't last long. Last Sunday we went on a kick on Family Search where we put the kids pictures and our own and found "face matches" with family and ancestors. We had matches going on both sides of our families. It was fun to see the connections and who looked like who. Kendal had stronger matches on Casey's side. Peter and Alice were a good mix, leaning toward my side of family. Kendal's top match was Elizabeth Susan Ottley (Darrington side); Peter's top match was Wilford Charles Cox (McAllister side); Alice's top match was DeVere Richard McAllister (My grandpa!)

On the 28th the kids did a sewing project with me and made bunnies. Later that day Casey and Peter shot arrows in the backyard.

This past week we started online school. I thought I was prepared with a good schedule and mentally, but it's been quite the roller coaster. Peter's teacher gave him quite the load to take on this week. He's been a mix of printed worksheets and online videos. Kendal's entire school load has been online (it's a battle with the laptop / tablet - who gets what - needs - doing what - when. . . )
We start school at 9 and have ended between 2:30 and 3 everyday with a lunch break. I wont lie - it's been hard. Kendal has had a lot of needs / figuring online stuff out, and Peter is a tough cookie to motivate, focus, and keep positive about things. I got frustrated too many times, and the kids were upset many times, plus the weather kept us inside a lot - just lots of emotions going on. Casey has been able to go to the school a few hours everyday to work on what he needs to do for his class / students. He's put videos and assignments online, and answered questions all day every day. (These poor teachers have such a load on their plate, and were stuck with a million parent / student questions, it's a lot.) We did indoor P.E. with paper airplanes on Tuesday, and salt art on Wednesday, we did Steam and made bath bombs on Friday. The kids' highlight was on Thursday when they got to video call their classmates. Kendal was so happy to see everyone. Peter was quiet for a bit then went nuts with show and tell around our house.

Kendal started off still going to piano, however when the stay home order came into play we've had to do virtual piano lessons the last two weeks. We've videoed Kendal's pieces, sent them to her teacher along with pictures of the pages in her lesson, then they video conference her lesson Virtual piano. (Let's just say this past month has made me grateful for many things - mainly technology!!)

We had an earthquake on Tuesday. (Technically the Stanley ID area did, but we felt it!) The kids were rattled so we watched videos and talked to them about plate tectonics and such. (Really I was thinking - are you serious!) I'm not much for pranks plus the world's already doing a great job at being a joke so we didn't attempt anything on April fools day. Poor Alice got the short end of the stick with home school. She's got to occupy herself while I'm helping the other two.

Grandma and Grandpa Loosle sent an Easter package to the kids. They tore into it on Friday and were thrilled with all their goodies! I think they've had non stop sugar this whole weekend. The kids have made a few forts over the past couple of weeks. They had a couple this weekend as well for conference. Conference was good. Saturday morning I made a table coloring sheet for the kids. They did puzzles and played as well. We played croquet in between sessions on Saturday. Kendal did really well and listened to almost every session of Conference taking notes. Now that the CDC recommends masks I spent some time making masks today between sessions. Casey also made some delicious cinnamon rolls! So much goodness from Conference - I'm coming out of it hoping to be more Christlike with my kids and being a light to others with hope for the future.