Monday, December 27, 2010

pictures to come

Unfortunately i forgot my camera on our weekend Christmas visit to Idaho (i know very bad on my part). I captured some holiday moments on my mom-in-laws camera, however those pictures aren't in my position for this post. We had a wonderful time in Idaho this past weekend. Kendal had a lot of fun with her Grandparents, her Aunt's and Uncles, and her cousin David. Casey's Mom even watched Kendal so Casey and i could go on a mini date to the latest Narnia movie! (Good movie, didn't think the 3D was amazing) On Christmas eve we did our second annual Christmas eve pajamas for Kendal. So very cute (pictures to come). Christmas day we ate breakfast with the Webb's (always a joy to spend time with Casey's Webb family). We got to talk with Cody (Casey's brother on a mission in Cech Republic) just after lunch. He is doing well, and enjoying his mission experience. I can't wait for Kendal and her other cousins to meet him this next summer. We had a wonderful Christmas dinner with Casey's parents, Brett, Vanessa, and David. It was definitely a wonderful week.
Sunday we trudged home through some snow so that we could be with my family for our little holiday get together. We ate well, opened some presents, and spent quality time as a family.
Casey, Kendal, and i were definitely spoiled this year. We just wanted to give a big THANKS!!!! to our Super Fabulous family for all of the love, and gifts we received this Christmas. Wonderful week, exceptional company, and out of this world family!

And don't worry pictures to come.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Signing and Cheesing

We have been working with Kendal to start signing some things so we can understand what she is wanting. We do not understand what screams mean yet, so we needed extra help. She has kinda adapted some signs for her own preferences, but it is so much easier to uderstand her during feeding time. She can sign "more" for more food, "drink" for water, "please," "thank you," and blows kisses for goodbye. She still needs prompts most of the time, but she responds really well and is starting to initiate sometimes. It is great to watch her learn and grow.

That sour face that Kendal is giving through the video is her "cheesy" grin. We are not feeding her anything sour, she just pulls these faces when the camera comes out. She is a funny little girl and we love her!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Recognition of Excellence

I have to brag here for a minute. My husband is a GENIUS! Today he received an award for getting a very high percentage on the Praxis exam (very hard test to become a teacher). He hasn't even received his scores or results, but he figures he passed since he's got an Recognition of Excellence award. I've always known i am married to a smart guy. Casey does so well in school, and has such a vast knowledge. I'm very proud of Casey and all the work he's put into his schooling this semester. He's worked so hard, and next semester it finally comes to an end and he gets to graduate after his student teaching.
Since i won't be by a computer this weekend. I want to wish my Papa-in-law, and my Husband a very Happy Birthday. Casey's dad's birthday is tomorrow and Casey's is on Saturday. These two men are such wonderful guys, i feel very blessed and lucky to have them in my life.
Casey turns 27 this Saturday and doesn't have to take a final on his birthday for the first time in five years! I love my husband so very much and can't believe i got to marry the man of my dreams. I feel very lucky and truly thankfull to have Casey and Kendal in my life.

Happy Birthday PAPA D, and CASEY!

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Thanksgiving has come and gone, and i feel that we are truly in the midst of the holiday season. We had a good Thanksgiving. We celebrated with some of the Loosle side of my family this year. Kendal had a good day, eating random food from everyone the whole day (Didn't take a proper nap though). I am very thankful for the wonderful family that surrounds me. Casey and i feel so blessed with the family we have.
This weekend marks the first tradition of the holidays for me. It is when the Christmas decorations make their way out of storage and the tree goes up. When i say tree i'm being kind. My tree is actually smaller than the stockings that hang on my wall. When Casey and i were first married space was too precious to put a tree in our already crammed apartment so we got a small tree that has done the job well for us until we get the room to accommodate a real tree. Ornaments are always a given for tree decorating, and my Mom has a sweet tradition where she gives us each an ornament every year. However my small tree won't accommodate very much, and some ornaments though awesome are too heavy. So until that bigger tree comes along Casey and i have found other ways to decorate the tree. Every year we've done something different; for example we've done holiday candy, decorated gingerbread men, paper snowflakes, and tiny ornaments. This year we are doing pictures. It's been fun coming up with different ways to decorate our rather small tree.

Well, i cannot wait for the rest of the holiday traditions to come around. Family Christmas parties, Christmas eve, etc. This is Casey's favorite time of year; he's pulled out the music always has the holiday spirit about him. It definitely is a good time of year, i'm excited to continue our wonderful traditions and maybe start some new ones with Kendal.

Thought i better add a picture of our Sweet Pea; Enjoy!

Monday, November 15, 2010

ONE - derful

It's hard to look at my little Kendal and believe it's been a whole year, but it's true. Today Kendal officially turns one, and i am so happy she is in my life! It's been quite the year, and in my opinion has gone by way to fast. Lately i've been looking back and reflecting on this past years events and happenings. I love to look at pictures and remember the wonderful times we've had with Kendal this year.
I just love this little girl from head to toe.
- I love her wonderful crop of blond hair. It took some time to come, but Kendal has a lot of hair now and it's so much fun putting piggy tails in it.
- Kendal has some sweet eyes; She has her Grandma Loosle's eyes, and i love how you can see her sweet spirit through them.
- Kendal has a pretty cute nose. When she gets a big smile going her nose will crinkle up and it's an adorable site to see.
- Kendal has a great cheesy smile. (Pretty sure it comes from Casey). She has two teeth on the bottom and a third making an appearance on top.
- Kendal has a little belly, that Casey and i just love to tickle.
- Kendal is always using her hands, whether to eat, crawl, grab, play, clap, wave, etc.
- Kendal has always been a kicker, and her legs haven't stopped moving since she was born.
- Kendal has some petite feet, with cute little toes (i think she got those from me). They're so ticklish, and we can never seem to keep socks or shoes on them, especially when we're in the car.
Yep, we love this little girl from head to toe!

This past weekend we celebrated her birthday with family. We had all of my family there, and were happy that all of the Darringtons were able to come too (except Cody of course). Kendal is surrounded by a wonderful and loving family. We feel blessed and thankful for the love and care that our families give to us and especially to Kendal.
It's been such a great year, and i'm so happy to have such a ONE - derful little girl. I love you Kendal, and i can't wait to see what this next year brings.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

A Boo

Today we took Kendal out for her first ever Trick or Treat. We had Kendal dressed up as Pebbles from the flinstones, and her cousin Campbell was Bam Bam. Kendal enjoyed visiting family, however the car rides in between were another story, she wasn't to happy to be put back into the car every twenty or so minutes.
Kendal can say "A Boo"; i'd like to take credit and say that i taught her that for Halloween, but really she learned it from many games of Peek a Boo. She can't say the whole phrase, so she just says "A Boo".

Well enjoy the pictures of the little one, and enjoy your Halloween!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

That's right, Eleven months BABY!

Since i forced my husband to do homework all day yesterday, Kendal's eleven month update has been pushed back a day.

I'm finding it hard to believe that in only a month i'll have a one year old. Time has gone by way too fast in my opinion. I miss the days where my sweet little girl would just sit there cooing at me, kicking her feet a lot. Now she is everywhere, into everything, and babbling a lot. Kendal has turned everything into her phone these days. She puts her play phone, the remote, or even a block up to her ear and starts talking to it. It's funny because when she has a real phone to her ear, and someone is actually talking to her she just stares at it and wonders where that voice is coming from. Kendal still loves her books, and loves to open them and babble as if she's reading them to me.

This past months big milestone would have to be the fact that she Finlay went from her army crawl to a full on crawl. I still believe walking is a ways off, but i'm glad to see her up off of her belly (it was a lot of laundry). Kendal is a good eater most of the time, she doesn't hate any food, however she can be picky about how it's prepared (a bad habit i think i passed on). Unfortunately she still throws up somewhat often. I think that her horrible acid reflux that she had as an infant has affected her, and these days she tends to throw up easily. We're constantly switching formulas and trying to keep her calm and not fidgeting while she eats. Yes i switched to formula, i had a very hard time from the start of nursing, and figured once teeth came around i could finally have an excuse and switch, so when her teeth popped out, i jumped at the chance. (She also eats 100% better from a bottle, because of her reflux she'd either cry at most feedings, or throw up). Kendal loves playing right now she likes to discover things whether inside a box, cubbard, or toy she loves it. I can't keep a pair of socks on this girl for too long. A summer without socks has made her dislike them (honestly i think she's just taking after Casey, if he could he'd where sandal's as long as possible throughout the year). Kendal has a good crop of hair on her now, so i've been having fun with pony / piggy tails. She won't keep a headband on anymore either. I'm still so grateful everyday for the blessing that Kendal is in mine and Casey's lives. We are privileged to have such a wonderful little girl!

Update on Casey and i. Casey is in the middle of his busiest semesters of his entire academic Carrier. He's constantly at school, studying, at his practicum, or at his clinical. It's a little hard some days when i see him for two minutes in the morning, and a short time in the evening, but i know we're both doing what we need to right now. He's got so much to do and only so many weeks left, but i know he is working so hard, doing his best, and he can accomplish anything he wants. I get to spend most of my day with Kendal. We play and have fun, then she spends the afternoon with my wonderful family members while i work. I was able to go back full time to my After School job, i'm now a manager which is making me more money than before :). I enjoy the short break from home and Kendal, it's a wonderful job, but can have it's up and down days.

Well that's our life right now, a bit chaotic, but we're all doing well! I'll post a few pictures on here, and the rest on facebook.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Weekend Review

Friday night kicked off our weekend with the USU / BYU game. Casey's parents came down to watch the game with us, and enjoy some time with Kendal. Kendal spent the whole game going back and forth between all of us, and begging food off of anyone around us. Surprisingly USU won 31 to 16. I honestly expected a closer game, or BYU to win, but i won't complain that my awesome Aggies beat down those BYU bugs. I know Casey's dad was a bit disappointed in his team, but i feel that BYU needs some humble pie since they think they're all that to go independent.
Saturday Casey, Kendal and i went up to Idaho to spend some quality time with the Clan. Everyone except Jordan and Cody were there. We had fun together, and trying to watch conference (not so easy with two very active little ones stealing your time and attention away from conference). I have to say my favorite talk though was Elder Hollands talk, i felt inspired and uplifted from the whole conference. It was good to see the family. I love them and really enjoy our time together, it is sad that our visits tend to be spread apart so much though. David who is three months younger than Kendal is outshining her with how active and mobile he is. David has been crawling for a bit now, and Kendal had Finlay gotten up this past weekend. They're both so cute together, and it was funny to watch them.
All in all it was a wonderful weekend. I'm so grateful for our family and think the world of all of them!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


To date Kendal and i have read 16 chapter books and countless picture books. We just finished the seventh Harry Potter. I chose to read it because i know the movie (part one) comes out in Nov. I am very much anticipating this movie. I like to read books and see their movie counterpart. I just can't do them too close together because i'm usually disappointed in the movie. I'm also anticipating the next Narnia movie, because that is another series that we've read this year. I'm very excited and i'm looking forward to this holiday seasons movies!

Short update, Casey is pushing along through his crazy semester. He's got so much on his plate right now and is working very hard this semester. I'm very proud of him and wish him great success with everything he does. I get to spend my days taking care of our little lady bug Kendal, and i work afternoons in the After School program. Kendal is doing very well. Casey and i feel so lucky and blessed to be parents to her. She entertains constantly, and we love her so much!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Campbell!

Happy Birthday to our Nephew Campbell who is turning two years old. Campbell is the first grand kid in the Loosle family. He has been a joy to have around and to watch as he grows. We are a very lucky to have Campbell in our family. He has so much personality and spunk. As my dad always says it's amazing to see babies grow up; how much they learn and what they do is so awe inspiring. I always look forward to seeing Campbell he knows my, Casey's and even baby Kendal's names; and he always gives wonderful hugs and kisses. He's definitely a Loosle in how much he's obsessed with Tractors, four wheelers, trucks, dirt, etc. We love this little buddy so very much and feel so blessed to have such an AMAZING kid in our lives.


On another note Kendal is now ten months old. She and Campbell were both born on the fifteenth of the month (just fourteen months apart). Our little lady has turned into quite the active little one lately. Kendal's new play time consists mostly of climbing over, and onto anything in her path. She thinks Casey and i are jungle-gyms and loves to crawl all over us. Crawl is something we say Kendal is doing, but in all reality she is still scooting. Kendal has mastered the Army crawl and should be recruited any day now. She'll do everything, pull up, sit on her own, etc. but she just wont get up on her hands and knees to crawl. Kendal has obtained two new teeth this past month. She has quite the bite on her and looks so cute when her little teeth show in her smile. She's eating a lot more table foods, and a lot less pureed. Kendal enjoys most foods, but still isn't doing well with cheese, and dairy. Kendal has a good crop of hair now, however it is so fine i still can't keep a clip, or ponytail holder in, so for now headbands have to suffice. Kendal gets more talkative everyday. Sometimes she can go on and on babbling to an object or person. Casey and i are more in love with Kendal everyday, and love watching her grow and blossom. Love you Kendal, our little Lady Bug (sometimes she's a lady, much of the time she's a bug)! (i'll post some pics from this past month on facebook)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

True Blue Aggie

Yesterday Kendal went to her first of many USU sporting events. Casey was excited for the beginning of football season and our first USU home game yesterday. We made sure Kendal was sporting her Aggie Blue to go out and cheer on our Aggies to a victory over ISU (We won 38 - 17). (Sorry to our relatives that attend ISU, but we kicked your butts) Kendal had a good time at the game, she just watched the people, the game, clapped with the Fan's, snacked a bit, and eventually fell asleep in the fourth quarter. Casey and i are pretty sure that Kendal said Aggie yesterday; even though it was a baby talk we're counting it.

Yes we are True Blue Aggie fans, even though football isn't my favorite sport to watch (i more look forward to a basketball game, indoors and sitting in seats) i still enjoy the Aggie spirit and spending time with my husband who loves football. I think Kendal is well on her way to becoming an Aggie (Which is more than fine with me)!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Happy Happy Birthday to You (DAD)

Today is my Dad's birthday, i wont divulge how old he is, but i'm guessing he's feeling older than his current age. I love my Dad so very much and appreciate all that he does for me. I have been truly blessed to have such a wonderful Dad. Since i'm not sharing his age i'll just make a list of my Dad's wonderful traits; and if you take the time to count them all you'll know how old he really is.
- hardworking - caring - supportive - gospel oriented - strong - talented - kind - silly - superbalous - thoughtful - considerate - clever - trustworthy - gifted - talented ears - funny - sometimes pessimistic - sweet tooth - lovable - handsome - adores his grand kids - teacher - grand - spiritual - provider - selfless - wonderful - practical - capable - accomplished - competent - noble - decent - gracious - witty - realistic - story teller - helpful - terrific - concerned - careful - loyal - friendly - obedient - loving - decent - righteous - handy - sweet - amiable - good natured - religious - giving - honest - reliable - exemplar - awesome

Dad, you are all these things and more. We love you so much. Have a wonderful birthday, and may all your wishes come true!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Let the Countdown Begin

Today begins 30 weeks (two semesters) left in Casey's college career at USU. Casey's in for a long semester with a full load of school work, a clinical, and a practicum (internship at two different places). After this crazy semester Casey only has to complete his student teaching in the spring and he will Graduate with TWO degree's in Social Studies Secondary Education, and Family Finance.
I am so proud of all that Casey has accomplished. Casey is full of so much knowledge and he is so smart. He works very hard in school and in other as well in many other aspects in life. I'm so happy that he's found a career path that he's excited about and eager to pursue.
Good Luck to my AGGIE Casey, i know you'll do AWESOME!!!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Nine and doing fine

Our little Sweet Pea Kendal has turned nine months old. She came in a little over 16 pounds, and 28 inches long at her appointment this week. As you know from the previous post Kendal is now scooting. She enjoys getting around on her own, and finding random things around the house to get into. Kendal has become quite the talker. She loves to talk when she's holding books (probably mimicking what i do when we read together), she also enjoys talking at objects. Her favorite word is dada. Kendal's hair is coming in so nicely. We're still working on small pony tail up top, however we haven't got an elastic to stay yet. Kendal loves to pick up and examine things. She gets her little pointer finger out and points to and feels things. Kendal is definitely observant. She can usually just sit there and watch what others are doing, fascinated. Kendal loves food, and is eating more and more everyday. Kendal has developed a bit of eczema this summer. Nothing to serious we just need to watch what soaps, lotions, and laundry detergents we use with her. We are very grateful to have a happy and healthy little gal, Kendal is a constant Joy in our lives.

This past weekend we were able to head up to Idaho for the Darrington Family reunion. Friday night turned into a blustery evening so i was very grateful to have stayed at Casey's parents home for the weekend. Unfortunately most of the extended family had to suffer through the night of high winds in tents. Saturday morning started out windy also so we all went to the church house to play minute to win it games. The games were fun, and pretty hilarious to watch. There are some pretty amazing hidden talents in the family if you just look. By Saturday afternoon the winds had died down for some decent water sliding. Kendal and i didn't participate, however we sat and watch others silly attempts at the slide. Sunday morning after breakfast the family went around to the Oregon Trail sites that are in Raft River. Kendal was sleeping, then hungry so my journey didn't go past the car, but i still heard the stories. All in all it was an excellent weekend. Casey's Mom put together the whole thing, and did a wonderful job.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Video fix

Are you missing someone, and longing to see them? This is a post dedicated to family who we don't get to see as often. We realize you and others care about our happenings (especially those that pertain to Kendal, because let's face it, it's all about her). Here are a couple photos and some videos of Kendal this past week. Casey and i have been meaning to get some video's of Kendal at the Pool and we finally remembered our Camera. Kendal's always been a water girl, and loves to kick and splash. We were a little disappointed last night because the weather was a bit iffy for our swim, however the rain and wind didn't bother Kendal till we had to take her out. We think she'll love swimming in a few years.

Kendal has been quite mobile lately. She's not officially crawling, however I'll say she scoots around. She can get herself pretty much anywhere she wants. In the right mood she'll even attempt to scoot the conventional way. Enjoy the video of our little Roley poly girl.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Just Sit Back and Relax

A while back Casey and i were looking through old photo albums at his parents house. We came to a photo with some neat little chairs made out of pvc pipe. So we thought to ourselves, sure we could make this, no problem. I made a simple sketch and Casey bought some pipe. After many different length variations and size changes we came up with a sweet looking chair. We made a pink chair for Kendal and a green chair for my nephew Campbell. Here are some pictures of the final results.

Also Kendal got to go see her first parade on the 24th this past weekend. She was so fascinated with the parade she wouldn't take her morning nap. Unfortunately since i work for the city i was tied up all day working. Casey took Sweet Pea to the Parade with Kim, Andy, Campbell, and my Mom. Then Casey spent the rest of the day four wheeling with my Dad and brothers, while Kendal spent some quality time with her Aunt Kim. Thanks again Kim!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Eight months Old

Hard to believe but Kendal is Eight months old today. I feel as though time has sped up since she entered our lives. I am still so thankful for the little miracle that she is in our lives, and i feel lucky to have her as my daughter.
It seems Kendal is growing everyday. I don't know her weight, and probably won't until her nine month appointment in a few weeks. However i know she's doing well.
-Kendal likes to eat, and has become quite the beggar at the table. Whenever she sees us eating she'll give little whines until she gets a bit of what we're having. Kendal loves most foods, and I've finally found the trick to getting her to eat my homemade veggies is to add rice cereal to them. Gross in my opinion but it dulls the strong flavor a bit for her still sensitive palate. Kendal does amazingly with a bottle when i have to work. She's never been a good nurser, and the one time I've seen her take a bottle it made me sad because she takes it 100% better than she will eat with me. Kendal also enjoys her sippy cup. I don't do juice, and Kendal seems to love water. Whether it's picking up a little puff to eat or grabbing my hair with full force, Kendal has seemed to develop quiet the grasp on things. She's also started to pull herself up when she's on my lap, she wants to stand all the time.
-Kendal will roll all over the place now and she'll even pivot on her stomach to move around in a circle. However, unless someone is helping her mover her legs, she won't crawl or scoot anywhere yet, even though we can tell she wants to move and get places. Kendal is still quite the kicker and loves finding different things under her feet to kick such as a box, book, pillow, etc.
- Still no teeth, but i can tell that she's been working on them for a few months now, so i figure they'll pop out any time now.
- Kendal has had some firsts in the last month. She went on her first camping trip. We went camping with Casey's family and she enjoyed the experience. Didn't really sleep well, but had fun with family. During the camping trip Kendal got to go to the pool for the first time. She loved it, she would either splash a lot, or just sit in her floaty lounging. She only got grumpy when she was splashed, or tired. Kendal also saw her first fireworks. I was prepared to have to leave early with an unhappy girl from all of the loud noises, but the two nights we watched fireworks she just sat in our laps and absorbed the experience.
- Kendal is so observant. She is definitely a people watcher. She gets very curious about what we are doing and wants to see everything. Kendal can be quiet, but in the right mood she will babble on and on. She'll now go off on dadada rants, and will give an occasional mama.
It is so fun to watch her growing up. To see the new things she is learning everyday, and to watch the little girl she's becoming. Time does fly when you're having fun, and we are definitely having fun with out little Sweet Pea Kendal!

As for Casey and i we've kept busy this summer. Casey has been working with my Dad doing Construction, has been taking an online summer class, and will do a week long class in August. He is still looking for a finance Internship to complete one of his majors. (So if anyone knows any openings anywhere that have to do with finance; please let us know). I get to enjoy my days with Kendal. However, I have been working part time doing summer playground. Which is a program for school age kids in the valley to come to a sort of day camp in the afternoons. We have enjoyed time with our familes, and are looking forward to more family fun before school starts again next month. Hope you all are having a wondeful summer and soaking up lots of sunshine!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Welcome home!

Yesterday i, along with my family had the great pleasure of going down to the airport and retrieving my little brother David; who just got off of his mission that he served in Louisiana. He had a wonderful experience, and has done such a great job serving the Lord. We are all definitely so happy to have him home and our family whole again. David had two little munchkins awaiting his arrival. Kendal and Campbell. Campbell is almost two and just missed David's departure by a couple of months, and Kendal has waited for seven months to meet him. It is so fun to see him again, and to have him back.
I truly look up to my little brother. He is a wonderful example and I'm grateful for all of the hard work he has put into these past two years. I know he will be blessed for his great dedication and service.

On another note, Kendal just celebrated her first fourth of July. We watched stadium fireworks on Friday night. Kendal just sat in my moms lap with some licorice and ate the experience up. We got to go up to Raft River for the rest of the weekend. It was to cold to water slide this time, so maybe well try Kendal on it next month at the family reunion, however we had a wonderful dinner, family time, and fireworks. Kendal turns eight months old next week, so I'll post more about her recent happenings later. Till then i wish you all a good week!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Camping with the Family

This past weekend we got to go up to a family cabin near Soda Springs and spend some time with the Darrington clan. All of the siblings (minus our important missionary Cody) and Mom and Dad were able to be there. It was good to have a little getaway and have some wonderful family time. I love our family so much. We all get a long so well, and always have fun together. We reached the cabin on Friday night. Saturday we went to Lava Hot Springs. Everyone went tubing, while Vanessa and i had to stand in a long line for the pool with the babies. Mom and Dad took the babies a bit later so that we could have some fun with the others in the pool too. It was Kendal's first time swimming, we had her in a flotie for most of her experience. She seemed to enjoy the pool, and loved relaxing and kicking in the water. I just feel bad that we all got a bit burnt from the trip. We had fun walking around in Nature, shooting, cooking, eating, playing, and having fun together. It was a wonderful weekend, and I'm grateful for my mother-in-law who put it all together!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Some pretty AWESOME Dads

I've got to say there are some pretty AWESOME Dads in my life!

This will be Casey's first year celebrating fathers day. I am so lucky to have Casey as my husband and as Kendal's Dad. He is so wonderful and does so much for us. I always knew Casey would be a great Dad and he definitely is. Casey is such a cute Dad, he is always willing to help out and do things for Kendal. From the moment Kendal was born Casey has been a hands on Dad. He is so wonderful with her; i love to watch him talk with and play with her.
I am very grateful to have my Dad (aka Papa Pill) in my life also. I feel so blessed to have been raised in a righteous home with a Father who honors his priesthood and loves us so much. My dad has taught me so many things such as hard work, serving others, a love for the gospel, and so much more. He is a big influence in my life and does so much for me and my little family. I couldn't ask for a better Dad.

I'm also so very glad to have Casey's Dad as my father-in-law; and i know Casey looks up to him and loves him so much. He is such a kind and loving person. He has done such a great job raising his family, and i can see that in the way Casey is with Kendal and me.

It has been a joy to watch my father and father-in-law become Grandparents these last couple of years. I believe it is their calling in life to have Grandchildren. I love to see them with their Grandchildren because it is such a wonderful thing to witness these two hard working, serious guys turn into sweet cuddly Grandpa's as they see and play with their little Grandchildren.
I can't forget the wonderful Brothers / Uncle's (some Dad's, other's future Dad's) on this father's day. They are all truly amazing men, and i am so happy to have them in my family.
I couldn't imagine my life without all of these magnificent men. I am truly spoiled and blessed to be a daughter, wife, and sister to so many great guys. I love you all, and hope your Father's Day is a good one!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Thank You

Right now i'm listening to my new awesome CD i got for my birthday and i just wanted to give a BIG THANK YOU to my family. Thanks to my family i had a wonderful birthday yesterday. I'm so glad Casey's folks were able to come and visit (even though i know it was all for Kendal) i still loved the visit, and love them. It was great spending time with my family. We were all there minus one important missionary that returns in a month. I have an awesome family and they do so much for me; i can't thank them enough! I am missing the family that wasn't able to come and visit, love you all!

On another note Kendal finally decided to roll over this week. From her back to her belly. After many weeks of coaxing her to do it, she finally did it. Next step crawling (we'll see how long that takes). Kendal is growing every day. She's getting more hair, I've been trying to give it a little curl, but it won't stay. She babbles a lot and i'm working on DA DA for fathers day. Still loves kicking, and lounging. We love her so much!