Friday, May 15, 2015

5 1/2 on 5.15.15

Kendal is five and a half today!
Kendal always seems to be bursting with questions.
I've heard that an average five year old asks 400 plus questions a day and I can honestly believe it. I know it means she wants to learn and know all she can. ; )
Kendal is obsessed with all things kindergarten lately. She is just itching to be at school and wishes the end of August was tomorrow instead of in three months. We're working with Kendal on many things to get ready for school. She's reading well, her math skills are decent, and her handwriting is coming along.
Kendal loves to play games. When Peter goes down for a nap the first thing Kendal does is go to our closet and asks to play a game. She has a slew of games she loves to play, but her favorite right now is rat a tat cat(#'s game). Kendal has many toy likes right now; legos, barbies, cars/dolls (most common Pete/Kendal play), puzzles, and pretend play. Kendal enjoys her computer/tablet time. Once in a while she does some chores or is helpful to earn extra minutes.
Kendal is all about goals this year. Our first one was ride her bike without training wheels; with a lot of practice and confidence boosters she's doing well. She has wanted lace up shoes so we made a goal to learn to tie shoes and then she could have some. She finished that goal and is quite proud of her lace up shoes. Kendal's current goals are reading to finish her latest reading chart, and to give 100% in swim lessons. Kendal's started swim lessons this spring. She was a bit cautious in her first couple of lessons, but thanks to some encouragement, and the example of fearless swim buddies in her class she's doing great. She's trying her best and being so brave in the water.
Kendal is generally our easy child (kinda always has been). She can be emotional at times; but I don't know a little girl or toddler who's not. (When I say emotional I mean she cares deeply about things / people and can become upset or passionate about them.) Kendal loves to play with Peter and while they're getting along better there are still days of time outs because she's trying to control the play and Peter is not having it, or he has a beloved toy and she fights to get it back.
It's hard to believe my baby girl and sweet toddler are long gone; cheers to Kendal and her little lady years!

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