Sunday, September 5, 2010

Happy Happy Birthday to You (DAD)

Today is my Dad's birthday, i wont divulge how old he is, but i'm guessing he's feeling older than his current age. I love my Dad so very much and appreciate all that he does for me. I have been truly blessed to have such a wonderful Dad. Since i'm not sharing his age i'll just make a list of my Dad's wonderful traits; and if you take the time to count them all you'll know how old he really is.
- hardworking - caring - supportive - gospel oriented - strong - talented - kind - silly - superbalous - thoughtful - considerate - clever - trustworthy - gifted - talented ears - funny - sometimes pessimistic - sweet tooth - lovable - handsome - adores his grand kids - teacher - grand - spiritual - provider - selfless - wonderful - practical - capable - accomplished - competent - noble - decent - gracious - witty - realistic - story teller - helpful - terrific - concerned - careful - loyal - friendly - obedient - loving - decent - righteous - handy - sweet - amiable - good natured - religious - giving - honest - reliable - exemplar - awesome

Dad, you are all these things and more. We love you so much. Have a wonderful birthday, and may all your wishes come true!