Thursday, July 15, 2010

Eight months Old

Hard to believe but Kendal is Eight months old today. I feel as though time has sped up since she entered our lives. I am still so thankful for the little miracle that she is in our lives, and i feel lucky to have her as my daughter.
It seems Kendal is growing everyday. I don't know her weight, and probably won't until her nine month appointment in a few weeks. However i know she's doing well.
-Kendal likes to eat, and has become quite the beggar at the table. Whenever she sees us eating she'll give little whines until she gets a bit of what we're having. Kendal loves most foods, and I've finally found the trick to getting her to eat my homemade veggies is to add rice cereal to them. Gross in my opinion but it dulls the strong flavor a bit for her still sensitive palate. Kendal does amazingly with a bottle when i have to work. She's never been a good nurser, and the one time I've seen her take a bottle it made me sad because she takes it 100% better than she will eat with me. Kendal also enjoys her sippy cup. I don't do juice, and Kendal seems to love water. Whether it's picking up a little puff to eat or grabbing my hair with full force, Kendal has seemed to develop quiet the grasp on things. She's also started to pull herself up when she's on my lap, she wants to stand all the time.
-Kendal will roll all over the place now and she'll even pivot on her stomach to move around in a circle. However, unless someone is helping her mover her legs, she won't crawl or scoot anywhere yet, even though we can tell she wants to move and get places. Kendal is still quite the kicker and loves finding different things under her feet to kick such as a box, book, pillow, etc.
- Still no teeth, but i can tell that she's been working on them for a few months now, so i figure they'll pop out any time now.
- Kendal has had some firsts in the last month. She went on her first camping trip. We went camping with Casey's family and she enjoyed the experience. Didn't really sleep well, but had fun with family. During the camping trip Kendal got to go to the pool for the first time. She loved it, she would either splash a lot, or just sit in her floaty lounging. She only got grumpy when she was splashed, or tired. Kendal also saw her first fireworks. I was prepared to have to leave early with an unhappy girl from all of the loud noises, but the two nights we watched fireworks she just sat in our laps and absorbed the experience.
- Kendal is so observant. She is definitely a people watcher. She gets very curious about what we are doing and wants to see everything. Kendal can be quiet, but in the right mood she will babble on and on. She'll now go off on dadada rants, and will give an occasional mama.
It is so fun to watch her growing up. To see the new things she is learning everyday, and to watch the little girl she's becoming. Time does fly when you're having fun, and we are definitely having fun with out little Sweet Pea Kendal!

As for Casey and i we've kept busy this summer. Casey has been working with my Dad doing Construction, has been taking an online summer class, and will do a week long class in August. He is still looking for a finance Internship to complete one of his majors. (So if anyone knows any openings anywhere that have to do with finance; please let us know). I get to enjoy my days with Kendal. However, I have been working part time doing summer playground. Which is a program for school age kids in the valley to come to a sort of day camp in the afternoons. We have enjoyed time with our familes, and are looking forward to more family fun before school starts again next month. Hope you all are having a wondeful summer and soaking up lots of sunshine!


Janalee said...

I can't believe she is eight months already either! that is so crazy! She is such a doll!

Darrington Family said...

Sounds like you all are having a great summer! Glad to hear it! It's funny, we have the opposite problem with baby food. I decided to start David on baby food and he doesn't fancy rice cereal much, but LOVES homemade bananas and sweet potatoes. He's all about the strong flavors and just looks at me like "what in the heck is this garbage" when I give him rice. Brett says he doesn't blame him because it has no flavor!