Thursday, October 31, 2013

This is Halloween

We had a day full of fun Halloween activities with Kendal loving every minute of it and Pete was sick but did ok through most of the day. Kendal loved being Tinker Bell, and Pete wanted his costume off most of the time. Kendal went to preschool this morning. Peter and I joined her a bit later so the kids could put on a costume parade, sing some songs for us, and had treats together. It was cute. David and Kendal did all of the actions with the songs and knew them pretty well. After the party we had lunch and both kids thankfully went down for a nap. After naps we got to meet up with Sarah, Bryker, Keegan, Vanessa, David, Becca, and Garrett. We did a trick or treat in a parking lot with a bunch of local businesses. (Freebies!) We were told Jamba Juice was giving out free kids smoothies so we went there afterwards. We went home and Casey joined our crew. Casey dressed up as Smee and I became Tigger Lilly. Our ward doesn't do Halloween stuff so we went and joined Brett and Vanessa's for a chili dinner and trunk or treating. Busy day, but a good one. Kendal hasn't gone overboard on the candy (yet).

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