Monday, October 7, 2013

Sunny but sick for Conference

Wednesday afternoon/evening Kendal got hit with the a stomach virus. Poor girl emptied her stomach numerous times and had a few clothing changes all starting waiting in line at Arctic Circle. (Now when we pass she doesn't just call it Arctical circle, she calls it Arctical Circle - the place I threw up. )
Thursday she wasn't herself, but no throw up so I hoped the sick was behind us. WRONG.
Friday morning Kendal emptied her stomach again; but she was excited for my family to come so she didn't let it get her down. My parents and sister arrived around lunch on Friday. Kendal was happy to have them here and didn't act to sick the rest of the day. We all went exploring around the Twin Falls area to see the canyon, the town, and then Shashone falls. During our outting I started feeling icky. Then Peter unloaded on my Dad, me, his car seat, and himself. Poor kid had to finish our little outting in a diaper and wrapped up in daddy's jacket. That night I was miserable and Peter was a bit grumpy.

 Saturday we got to watch conference and I was starting to feel so so, however our bug hit Casey full force. We left Casey to sleep and went to the park for lunch hoping to get the some energy out of the kids also. Just before heading back Kendal emptied her stomach yet again in the park. We took it easy and watched more conference. We went to see the Twin falls after the session for a quick outing. Saturday night we made cookies while the boys went to Priesthood. (Casey wasn't up to going but I chided that he only had to sit there so he went.) Unfortunately that night the bug got passed onto my poor sister.

Sunday was full of more wonderful conference a lot of sensitive tummy's and naps for almost everyone.
I'm grateful my parents and sister came to spend time with us. Aside from being sick it was a good weekend; sunny and family time. I feel bad it wasn't very awesome for them and hopefully my parents escape this nastiness.

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