Sunday, October 20, 2013

Family Pictures

I love pictures; they are moments captured that we get to look back on and smile, laugh, roll our eyes, or just wonder what the what? I enjoy having family photos taken, but since our wedding experience of how much I payed for what the little I got I am hesitant to go pro. and dump money into pictures. (It may have to do with the fact that I'm kinda cheap too.) Vanessa's was generous and let us borrow her great camera that has continuous photo taking abilities, and Cody kindly took a bunch of photo's for us when he was visiting.
I'm sure most family pictures with small children are tricky. One looks away, won't stop talking, and can't focus for her life. The other wants to get down to run around, see's something interesting on the ground, and won't give a genuine smile to save his life. O well. We shot over two hundred pictures and I'm happy that I was able to find a handful that are suitable for the wall, some OK shots, and plenty to laugh or roll my eyes at.

While we picked a spot to take pictures Kendal found a rock, sat down and started singing I am a child of God to herself.

 Tried some tickle time to get smiles out of them.
 These last two are "I'm done!" pictures.


Yesterday Casey's cousin was married in the Twin Falls Temple. Kendal had questions all day long about it. She enjoyed going to the reception and seeing the "Beautiful princess" she ran around and any kid that would come with her near the bride and groom she would tell them that they got married and she was a princess. So cute.  On our way to the reception I told her the bride would be in a beautiful white dress. She asked if uncle Cody was going to wear a white dress when he gets married someday. (No Kendal, his bride will, he will not. : D)

Casey and Brett's football team won their first game this last week against Bhul! Their last game will be this week at home so the kids and I get to go and cheer them on. It's been an ok season with some novice players, some decent players and some very opinionated parents. Casey's glad his season is ending but only gets a week off then he starts coaching freshman girls basketball.

Kendal is excited for her approaching birthday and wants reminders daily of when it is. We ask her what she wants and she tells that we can decide and she'll probably love it.

Till next time, happy fall ya'll!

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