Saturday, September 21, 2013

Fall is coming

Fall may not be my favorite season, but there are things about it that I enjoy about it. I enjoy the crisp you feel in the air (as long as I have a sweater), leaves changing colors, and the glorious food (apples, corn, pumpkin, cider, etc.)
Fall also means canning season. I'm no expert, but I feel more experienced when it comes to canning. My treasure so far has been green beans, peaches, and chili sauce. None of this would be possible without my sister in law Vanessa's wonderful help. She knows so much about canning and has let me invade her home to can this past month. Vanessa, Sarah, and I spent all day yesterday ignoring our kids ; ) and putting up yummy things.
Here is a sample of my doings

Kendal is enjoying preschool. She asks daily if it is a preschool day and when it is a preschool day she's very excited. She can't wait to go, and procrastinates leaving when I come to pick her up. Kendal is having fun at preschool and likes to tell us about what she did and all of the friends she gets to be with. Below is a sample of Kendal's preschool crafts. Going clockwise - learning about the color blue, self portrait, melted crayon art, blue bird collage, and a sensory page of smells.

Kendal is over the moon with how much time we get to spend with cousins lately. We've started getting the cousins together on Wednesdays. This past week Nicole brought the boys up and we had all eight little monkeys were around. We "invade" aunt Vanessa's house a lot, and are grateful she welcomes the chaos.  Kendal will be four in less than two months. She's excited for her birthday to come and even more excited for Halloween. I've jumped the gun and started Halloween costumes. Casey's Smee shirt is made, and the kids costumes are sewn but not dyed green yet. 
 Often times Peter falls asleep on our way home from dropping Kendal off at preschool. I put him down for a nap and usually get some cleaning done. Peter's sixth tooth is now out. Pete is a smiley little guy, but he also has his withdrawn moments when he's shy. He's enjoyed freedom in Vanessa's backyard that has a slide, a little, house, and plenty of kids to wander around after.

Casey had his second football game a couple of days ago. He played Declo last week. Grandma Darrington came up and watched the game with us. I think it was a little off to her to be sitting opposite her home team. It took a few times for Kendal to understand that Uncle Brett and Daddy both coach together and that's why they were both on the field. Having snacks helped the kids get through some of the game. But wiggles set in and Kendal and Peter were done being still on the benches. Skinny Kendal gave some 6th graders a peep show when her pants fell down while she was climbing the bars. (I just shake my head at this little girl sometimes) The football team lost to Declo and they also lost their game this week. Casey knows these boys need to work on a lot to be decent. Right now Casey and Brett are doing their best with what they've been given. I know Casey is doing a good job and I hope these boys can toughen up, get some game, and pull out a win for them sometime this season.
Happy Fall!

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