Thursday, June 15, 2017

Summer, Track, 5 months!

The kids are participating in Track for the month of June. Practices are Monday's and the meets are on Wednesday's.Casey's been at the end of the track timing runs each meet, he's tried to see what he can of the kids events. I've tried my best to go back and forth to each kids events and Casey.
For their first meet Kendal chose to do long jump, the 100 meter dash, shot put, and hurdles. She's been very enthusiastic about the whole thing. While her numbers aren't tops were working on self improvement with the kids. In her second meet Kendal did the long jump, 200 meter dash, shot put, and hurdles. Each event she repeated from last week she improved. Her greatest improvement was in shot put. (6' 4" last week, 9' 2" this week!) Chalk it up to practice and instruction from Daddy. She didn't want to repeat shot put, because it was hard, but I pushed her and said she was set on doing it last week so the least she could do was practice, try to improve, and if she still didn't like it she could try something else next time. So we'll see if she does it or chooses something else.
Going into track Peter wasn't super enthusiastic because he didn't feel like he could win. But he's gone and he's participated. (I did have to bribe him with a Popsicle to finish out his long jumps this week- apparently three practice jumps and three actual jumps is asking a lot.) His age group does three events; long jump, hurdles, and the 50 meter dash. He also stopped and picked up the hurdle he knocked over this week making his time 2 seconds longer than last week. While his numbers aren't tops, I'm grateful he's sticking it out, trying something new, and participating. (Let's hear it for the stubborn child!!)

Simply put neither of the kids have a big competitive drive or strong athletic endurance. With practice Kendal does well at things, and when Peter wants to he has natural athletic abilities. It should be an entertaining / fun next couple of weeks. Let's hope the temperatures don't go crazy on us again and Alice and I don't melt.

Casey has basketball twice a week this month. He had a basketball tournament in Pocatello last Friday and Saturday. The girls were a mixed up group of upcoming sophomores and juniors so they didn't play super well and only won one out of five games. He may have another tournament later this month, well see.

We've got our summer schedule on a roll now. Each morning the kids do a chore, read, then alternate between math and writing during the week. When those are completed they can do tech time on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. They also get to do an extra activity after lunch. We've met with some resistance to our schedule (cough cough Pete), but they've done what's needed every day to get their bonus fun. So far the kids have done sun prints, built catapults, made skeletons, made a volcano, made a Lego mini figure swimming pools, earned a movie (Trolls) and we've gone out to the splash pad with cousins. We've hit up lunch in the park a few times and gone to story time at the library both weeks. I feel like everyday is full and busy. We've only had a couple of days where the kids have had much down time to go out and play for a good stretch (they seem to be attracted to mud though when the go out : (.

Pictures below: Kendal the rainbow unicorn, Pete the cat w/ green whiskers, Mommy the accident victim / Kendal's endless doodles ending in a heart, and lastly Alice the unwilling participant. 

Alice is five months old today!! This week she started regularly rolling from her back to her belly; so she can roll both ways now, even though she doesn't roll off her tummy much. She has found her feet this past month and loves to grab them and roll side to side with them. She's still very tactile and loves her hands, blankets, and toys in her mouth. She gives the best smiles and when she's in the mood she'll babble away for a while. She gives giggles, but we have to work hard to get them. (Peter's the best at it even though it's practically torture when he's getting them.) We've had a rough month of transitioning from no swaddle and now sleeping in the crib. With neighbors on all sides I hate to make her cry it out so we're still up one to three times a night putting her back down, and inevitably I give in and feed her in the wee hours of the morning and put her in our room so she can sleep undisturbed from big brother and sister when they noisily start their day. She technically sleeps from 9 to 9 lately it's just she has one to three times she wakes up. Alice has had a few tastes of food this past month, (banana, smashed peas, etc.) but we finally bought some cereal that she's had a handful of times. She's already a great eater and is usually eager to down some food. The kids are still very hands on with Alice and love her (sometimes a bit to rough (Peter) or a bit to smothered (Kendal), but Alice takes it in stride and loves them back).

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