Monday, June 5, 2017

School out for summer!

 On memorial day we joined Brett, Vanessa, and their kids on a cemetery adventure. We made it to Twin Falls, Oakley, Elba, Raft River, and Declo cemeteries. We found over a dozen grandparent / ancestors from Casey's family lines. It was cool to see the Oakley and Elba cemeteries. They are very "old mormon" type places so there are family plots, fenced areas, and unique clusters of graves. The kids took pictures at each place. We grabed free hot dogs in Twin and picniced while in Oakley. We had a break after we hit Raft River. We spent some time at Casey's parents and enjoyed dinner there and time with Nicole, Jordan, and their kids. After Raft River we made our way to Declo. We drove the same rout Casey used to take to school and showed the kids where Casey used to go to school.

We've looked up ancestry off and on over the years so we have a four generation list where grandparents on up are buried, and where our families immigrated from. It was neat to share some history with the kids and we talked about memories of family during our drives. Someday we'll hit up my side of the family on a cemetery tour.

Kendal and Casey ended school this past week. Casey had his hobby day the previous week. He went out to Hagerman fishing with the students. The kids commandeered the poles that he took so he just helped out and watched the kids fish. This week on the last day of school he went with the middle school Swimming. He hung out in the shade reading and supervising. You're an amazing teacher Casey; time for a much deserved break!
 Kendal had a field day her last day of school. She's gotten emotional a couple of times over school ending. Leaving her wonderful teachers, friends, and fun activities seems really hard. She is excited for second grade though!

My parents were able to come up for the weekend! They came up Friday and gave Kendal an nice surprise to come home to on her last day of school. They joined us and we all went over and joined Sarah, Vanessa, and our crew of kids having some fun in the water and outside to celebrate summer break starting!

My parents were awesome and took us for a pre-birthday dinner that night in town. Saturday morning my parents, Alice, and I relaxed at home while Casey took the kids to the western day parade. Casey said Peter was terrified of the horses and big tractors. Enough that he'd hide behind his chair or a bush. I'm guessing since it's a western parade he was in hiding quite a bit. We all went out for a picnic lunch in the Kimberly park. The kids played Frisbee with Grandma and Grandpa there.

Sunday morning Casey, my Mom, and I went to the Idaho Falls Temple re-dedication. My Dad was brave enough to take on the three kids at home. The kids were very "helpful" with Alice. We watched David, Becca, Thomas, and James so Brett and Vanessa could go to the noon session. The kids played outside and colored. We watched a show that afternoon to relax and Brett and Vanessa treated us to dinner before my parents headed out Sunday night. Thanks for the visit Mom and Dad!!

Casey's off at his last day of work for the school year. He's also got basketball this week with a tournament in Pocatello this weekend. The kids start Track today that will go for the next four weeks. Kendal is very excited. Peter keeps changing his mind from excitement, to nervous, to not wanting to do it. We'll see how it goes. Today was day one of summer routine. Kendal loves having her day scheduled and activities a plenty. Peter is !ess structure driven and likes things on his timeline. So finding a balance between these two and not going crazy is one of my goals this summer.

Smiles from Alice to end on a happy note!

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