Monday, June 19, 2017

Peter is 5!

 Peter is five today! He's been anticipating this day for months now. He also hasn't let people call it summer yet, because summer "starts" on his birthday.  Peter is our strong willed, creative, energetic, loves his baby sister, funny, independent, perfectionist, and all around awesome little man.
Peter has such a strong will. It can be amazing, and it can be a battle. It depends on the day, what we're doing, and amount of sleep determines how his attitude goes lately. Peter's favorite thing to play is Lego's. He's got many kinds of Legos (construction, star wars, space, city people, etc.) and he loves playing with them all! He's super creative, and imaginative it's fun to watch his play. If he's not constructing, he's outside playing and usually finding dirt. He Loves time with cousin Becca and playing at Aunt Nessa's house. He's learned so so much this past year and we're proud of all that he's accomplished. He also absorbs books lately. He can't read them yet (just pick out sight words), but he pours over the pictures and likes to be read to.

I joke that Peter's sandwiched between two sisters. We're still trying to find a balance, because big sis tends to take charge, and baby sis needs a lot of mom's attention; so some days Peter tends to act up and I feel it's because he's in the middle of it all.  Peter loves his sisters very much! He and Kendal play pretty well. however they do argue when it comes to picking what they play.
Peter adores Alice and loves her a ton. But sometimes his brotherly love is a bit much for his baby sister. He can get the best giggles and smiles out of Alice though.

Peter's birthday interview!
Favorite color: Gold
Favorite Animal: Monkey
Favorite Food: Apple sauce
Favorite Snack: Cheetos
Favorite book: Star wars
Favorite Show: Dinosaur Train
Favorite Toy: Little Legos
Favorite Song: I am a Child of God
When he grows up: he doesn't know right now
Nicknames: Petey, buddy

Peter is 36.6 lbs and 42 1/2 in. talk at five years old!

Happy fifth birthday Pete; we love you so much!

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