Monday, April 10, 2017

The winds of life

Last weekend was Conference. It was a wonderful weekend filled with messages I needed to hear. I'm so grateful I got to listen to those heaven sent messages, and I'm lucky I can go back and re-listen and glean more from those talks.
To try and get some wiggles out in between conference sessions on Sunday the kids and I took the kites out back to fly. We got Kendal's kite going, but it was hit and miss for how well it flew because of the strong inconsistent winds. Our first attempt for Peter got his kite tangled, after fixing it and trying for another attempt the heavy wind just took it and twisted it into a mess. I grabbed another kite for Peter and had it up and running, however it took only minutes for the strong wind to break the kite string and carry the kite off and high into a tree down the street. It was a bummer, but we learned our lesson and gave up for the day. We'll pull them out another day when the wind and tree's won't take away our kites.

Kite flying and Alice being so reverent during conference ! ♥

Monday evening I was getting the kids ready for bed. I heard sirens outside, however they didn't fade away. I opened the door to see smoke billowing into the street. We ran down the stairs and saw that two apartment complex's away from us were engulfed in flames. It was a chaotic scene and I felt sick to my stomach about the families affected and the potential of what else could catch on fire on that windy evening. I looked over to a panicked Kendal and whisked her and Peter back upstairs. It took over an hour to calm the kids down. We had on repeat that the fire fighters were doing their job, Daddy (who was out watching / helping if needed) would come get us if we were in danger, and Heavenly Father was watching over us. The kids just couldn't shake their fear so we talked about how Jesus knows our fears because he has felt them along with our pains, and sorrows. We also talked about the Holy Ghost and how he can comfort us. Kendal gave a sad retort that she hasn't been baptized yet and doesn't have the Holy Ghost. I reassured her that we can still rely on the Holy Ghost no matter our age or ability. After I got the kids to at least stay in their room I had put my words to use on myself. I was nervous about the wind spreading the fire towards us, and I felt sick for those poor families loosing everything. It was a long night to say the least. Casey and I fielded a plethora of calls and texts of concern on our behalf. We're so grateful for those who went out of their way to make sure we were ok. The firemen left around midnight. The next morning I was feeding Alice at five. I heard our neighbors Diesel running and shortly after it left a fire truck came back. I sent Casey out and sure enough the roof had restarted on fire. The crew spent till lunch that morning finishing up. Unfortunately Casey and I knew no one affected by the fire. I gave some clothes / items to one family and our ward donated many things to help out.
There are countless times in my life I get the subtle and not so subtle reminders "Hey Marianne God's in charge. You're on His plan on His timing." I either get to roll with it, deal with it, work with it, or adjust. The simple things like a kite being taken away by a forceful wind or a house close by going up in flames make me know to its time to readjust my focus in the simple and sometimes not so simple ways. I feel it's a recurring theme in my life (probably everyone's) that my path isn't going to be easy, simple, or how I planed it. But with the right outlook, knowing who's in charge (Heavenly Father), who to follow (Christ), and who to rely on (The Godhead / faith / family) I (we) can adjust to the winds of life.

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