Monday, March 27, 2017

Spring Break

We started out spring break with watching Moana! Since it was St. Patricks day I made green pancakes for dinner, and  made coconut syrup to go with them since we were watching Moana. The kids had been anticipating the movie all week. Minus the couple of scary parts they loved the show and have been quoting it ever since. (I don't think it''ll replace Frozen in Kendal's heart, but at least it's something new she's into. ; )
Saturday we got a lot done. We had a bunch of errands that Casey and I took turns doing. Kendal got to go out with me in the morning while the boys played Star Wars at home. and Casey went out later. We successfully updated our 72 hr kits and made one for Alice. We added some emergency supplies to the car, and we did some spring cleaning and purged a bit from our closet. That night Casey and I had an at home date night and watched Inferno. I was a bit dissapointed it didn't follow the book to much; so I probably ruined it for Casey with all of my comments. Luckily he's a good sport and dealt with me.
Sunday I joined Peter's class in church with Alice. (Again, why does my son act 100% better for others than he does for me. . . sigh.) Minus church happening over lunchtime I'm loving the 11 o'clock church time. With Casey at meetings all morning it means I have time to get the kids and myself ready for church, and we still have a bit of afternoon to enjoy when we come home. That night Terry, Sarah, and their trio came for a visit!
Monday Kendal and I got busy with sewing projects. Kendal has been asking a lot to sew so I figured the perfect time would be over the break. I helped Kendal helped make a memory bear for Nana out of a cardigan that my papa used to wear. She also made a bunny for Alice all on her own. We had a few snags with the machine, but Kendal is doing very well for a beginner. She did a great job, and I'm proud she's doing so well and enjoying sewing! We decided to go to the park for a picnic dinner and some Tennis. It's a new experience going out with Alice, (we've lost a bit of freedom and independence, but gained one awesome little lady!) but we managed and Kendal and Peter enjoyed themselves and maybe learned a bit more about Tennis.

Tuesday afternoon we headed out to Raft River. Nicole and her kids were there also! Kenny and Cheryl had a Temple assignment so they left for a bit while we stayed back and played. Casey went to the dairy and got some fresh milk and made cheese to go with dinner. He did a great job and the cheese turned out well! We stayed overnight and enjoyed some more cousin time and time with Grandma before we headed out after lunch on Wednesday. We made our way to Logan. Katherine was up for the day and David, Anica, and Elliot came to meet Alice.
 Thursday we headed out to Nana's fairly early and spent most of our day there. Unfortunately Nana's furnace wasn't working so Dad and Casey spent the day diagnosing it. Luckily it was a simple fix that a technician was able to come and deal with that afternoon. The kids made cookies with Nana, we went through old pictures, the kids also played games from the closet, and we enjoyed quality time together. Alice got to meet her great Aunt Linda and Uncle Tony that day too. Thursday night David and Anica had us over for dinner. We got a tour of their new house. It is spectacular; they did an amazing job! The kids had fun together and even enjoyed a cardboard extravaganza David built in the basement.
Friday was our one sunny day while we were in Logan. Anica and Elliot joined us to go look at the chicks and ducks at Cal Ranch then we headed to chick -fil - a afterwards (sorry chickies ; ). After we ate we all headed up to the park near the temple. It was the busiest I've ever seen it, but the kids didn't care and had fun playing on everything. I actually ran into my old After School Club bosses Tara and Calley and got to chat with them for a bit. Alice had her first go on the swings and fell asleep fairly quickly so Grandma got to hold her the rest of our stay. Mom helped me sew Alice's blessing dress on Friday as well. I sew well, but Mom is amazing and I was so grateful to get her help. The dress looks wonderful thanks to her! David, Anica, Elliot, Nana, Patty, and Eric joined us for dinner that night. It was so nice spending time with them and catching up.

Saturday morning we took the kids to Bounce 4 kids. It was a great price and there were tons of inflatable slides, bounce houses, and such the kids got to enjoy! They ran around and had a blast playing. After lunch we headed out and made our way to Pocatello. We spent the afternoon / early evening at Nicole and Jordan's. The kids happily played and we celebrated Ashley's birthday. Kendal dealt with Chester, however Peter stayed on the trampoline until he was rescued each time to keep away from him.
We had A LOT of late nights this past week, but it was a good week full of family and memories. Back to the grind today. Casey and Kendal are back to school, Peter and I have colds, and Alice is happy just hanging out with us.
 Love these three so very much!

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