Monday, April 17, 2017

Currently . . . and Easter Weekend

Casey's now had two track meets. The middles school teams are doing well in their meets. (The boys have won both!) Practices have been hit and miss on weather, so on bad days they just end up indoors doing what they can. They have two more meets (this week and next week) at home; however the forecast calls for rain both days so the kids and I most likely won't be going out for support. They'll have districts in a few weeks at Filer to end their season. With the end of school in sight Casey's trying to condense and cram in what he needs to before school finishes. With so many snow days this year he's had to shave off units and condense things to make it all fit in.
Kendal is doing well. She got good grades in her third quarter at school. Her teachers enjoy having her. She only needs to work on her writing. She does well on spelling tests (good at memorizing) but when she's just writing stories or on worksheets her spelling gets creative and she tries to put every rule she's learned into what she's writing. so she adds extra comas, apostrophes, and changes up letters by the way they sound in her head instead of what she knows them to be.  She has nothing but love for school she enjoys learning so much and can't get enough. She does her homework quickly so she can play, but some days reading is tough because she has to read certain books and she'd rather pick and choose. She even told me this week that she'll be sad when school gets out, because summer is just so boring. Kendal is learning to master the cartwheel right now. It's still kind of a tumble, but she's getting there. She likes to draw lately and we've been really impressed with her drawings and pictures from art class. She can copy things very well, then she'll do her own version that makes us smile.
Peter is good as well.  Peter loves Alice; he can get big smiles from her, and loves talking to her and being with her; however he is definitely lacking in the being gentle with a baby aspect of brotherhood. I'm working on a new mantra with him - Respect her face, respect her space. He gets very handsy with his sister and she doesn't really love it. Peter is still creative as ever and amazes me with his Lego creations, his imagination, and his humor. When Peter hasn't let out his energy for the day or is short on sleep he can be a bit much near dinner time. He gets very active and chooses that time to bug his sisters. Peter got to play with just Becca this past week. Their bond is very sweet and I love listening to their play and imaginations. We make our way to story time at the library each week also. He has good weeks at the library where he'll participate, and the occasional off week where he just isn't into it and tunes out. He's still got his strong stubborn streak in him that lately gets him a fair share of time outs when he's not in the mood to listen. He's more than ready for Kindergarten this fall! I just know he'll love being around all of the kids, learning (which he does way better for other's than for mommy), and getting some new freedoms and experiences.
Alice turned three months on Saturday. Casey has nicknamed her bubbles because she blows bubbles a lot and is starting to get a bubbly personality. Her tummy issues are less frequent so she's becoming more content. She has her moments of being fussy, but they're not often. She gets really into her bath lately and just loves to kick and splash around. She still hates getting dressed after, but she puts up less of an argument than she used to. We've got a decent routine going with eating and sleeping. She has two really good stretches of sleep at night (11 ish to 5 ish then 5-6ish to 9ish) While I don't get to sleep much in the second part I'll take what I can get. She's decent about going down on her own, but I still like to rock / put her down, and occasionally she needs Casey or I to help put her to sleep. Alice is generally a happy baby. She gives her best smiles and cooes to me (which is awesome, but it's just cause I'm around her 24 /7 ; )

This little lady actually looks at the camera, gives me real smiles, 
and can't run away so she has the most pictures lately ; )

Easter weekend:
Friday night after dinner Kendal and Peter dyed eggs with Casey. We attempted a tye-dye look with food coloring and paper towels. It was a bit messy for Casey's liking, but he made it work. I had the kids wear gloves because I didn't need multicolored kids for the weekend; unfortunately the gloves I have are latex so Peter was stuck with the big yellow cleaning gloves. He wasn't happy about using them so he ended up dotting the colors on while Casey held the messy eggs.

Saturday morning we had errands to run in town. Peter really didn't want to go but both Casey and I had to do's so he trudged along. Kendal got her face painted like a bunny in the mall (Peter declined having others touch him). Peter's attitude unfortunately carried into the afternoon. After lunch we went to a play (The Tortoise and the Hare) that the school put on and cousin David was apart of. (Mom fail - Kendal wanted to do the play but they initially said it would be a week long five hours a day commitment after school so I said no. The lesser parts {aka younger kids} didn't end up doing more than two hours a day. Soooo next time the opportunity comes along I'll make sure Kendal gets her chance.) The play was good and David played his part as a bunny very well. (When we walked in to buy tickets and he just stood in front of us hopping and "boinging" to us : D) I made a plethora (6 dozen) rolls Saturday afternoon. Kendal and Peter played outside and then helped me finished shaping rolls. We watched James that night while Vanessa was at the Easter Cantata.
Sunday morning Alice slept till 6:20 - Longest stretch ever!! However Kendal and Peter were up at 6:30. We ushered them back to their room, and "ignored" them for a while. When we were finally pried out of bed a while later they already knew where their hidden Easter baskets and some of their hidden eggs were. Kendal and Peter got new swimsuits (for upcoming swim lessons!), sunglasses, koosh balls, and kickstands (they've been begging for a while for kickstands for their bikes). They also got perler beads to share. They happily played and ate candy for a bit. We all had some of the hard boiled Easter eggs for breakfast. (I regretted that decision a while later when my stomach wasn't handling them well, I'm not an egg eater for a reason : /  After breakfast the kids had had enough candy so I took it away. Peter was upset and wasn't thrilled getting ready for church so his attitude carried into sacrament meeting with us. (Let's just say he lost his candy privileges for the rest of the day.) I had the opportunity to teach in relief society about Christ's life. It was a wonderful lesson to give. I have a very strong testimony of my Savior Jesus Christ.  I've had many experiences over the years that have brought me closer to my Savior and I'm so grateful to have his influence and presence in my life. I am blessed to know that through my Savior I can be made whole again, be with my Heavenly Father again, and have my family together for Eternity! I felt bad reading a lot out of the manual for this lesson, but some words are better from the book than my own scattered thoughts sometimes. It was a very spiritual lesson and I was honored to give it. Kendal also gave a talk in primary. She quoted the song I'm trying to be like Jesus then talked about ways she is and wants to be like Jesus. Casey said she did a wonderful job!

 Easter Goodies

Best pictures I could get of the kids : /

After church we quickly changed so we could head out to Raft River for some Darrington fun. Grandma had loads of goodies that the kids got to hunt for outside. We had all of the current grandkids there to enjoy the fun! (Cody and Mia found out this week they're having a boy!! Due late September!) After the candy hunt the kids played an active game with Grandma and then just enjoyed playing games out in the yard. Peter was unhappy his candy was in time out and Kendal snuck too much candy and ended up with a sour tummy later. We enjoyed a yummy dinner of peas and potatoes with fluff salad. We skyped Cody for a bit during dinner as well. The kids enjoyed the traditional bunny cake afterwards and played a bit longer before we all dispersed. Lack of sleep and sweet emotional Kendal was pretty distraught leaving Grandma and Grandpa's house. She "just loves them so very very much!" I agree family time is wonderful and we love them so much!

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