Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Finishing out February

Alice's croup - She had a few rough days with her cough, not sleeping well, and being grumpy (sore throat, not feeling well ), some throwing up, and congestion. However we got lucky and she never got worse and it passed the following week (minus the congestion).
Casey went up Thursday - Saturday (16th-18th) to Boise for state basketball. The girls won their first, lost their second, and won their third game, so they ended up in third place overall! The kids and I really missed Casey. We were thrilled to have him back home Saturday night. Also Casey got called and set apart as the Ward Clerk for our ward. He's doing double duty (Clerk / Sunday School Pres.) for a few weeks until the new Sunday School presidency is called.
Our nephew James was born on the 16th! Because Alice had croup we held off meeting him for a week. The kids were so happy to meet him. Alice looked so big next to James. Her chunky cheeks make her look so much older.

Just as we had a few teaser days of warmth and snow melting a big storm came in last Thursday into Friday. The power went out for a bit Thursday morning and not long after they cancelled school for the rest of the day. It was the day we met James so I was crazy and drove through the blizzard to get David and Kendal from school. We had three foot drifts in our road and driveway. They ended up cancelling school Friday as well, because some roads were to bad for buses. Unfortunately they will have to make up this snow day and any other that may occur in the future.
I had my post pregnancy check up Friday so we braved the roads and went into town. While Casey grocery shopped with the two older kids I got the you're good at my appointment. (I feel that I've recovered fairly well this time around. While it was no picnic, I felt like I felt better sooner than the previous two. Sleep hasn't been the best which has made for some long days, but I get by. I've had a few days where I've pushed it too much and I've been in a lot of pain / had swelling afterwards. Overall though I'm doing pretty well right now.)
Kendal had her 100th day of school. She dressed up and I attempted makeup wrinkles and a white hair bun for her. She also had her first grade program this week. The program was patriotic with different songs about America / states. She was Miss. West Virginia and got to tell about the state animal, fruit, and tree. She has loved learning all of the fun songs and sings them all the time at home. (Johnnie B. Goode, God Bless the USA, Take me home country roads, etc.) During the performance though she would sometimes stop singing and enter la la land for a few moments (love our space case ; ).

Peter has had the short end of the stick being stuck with a recovering mom, cold / snowy outside he can't freely play in, and a baby sister who shouldn't go out; so we've been home A LOT. He's had a few stir crazy days, but overall he's made the best of it. He's a great at amusing himself, and I'm doing my best to find quality time with him while Alice is napping.

Alice is doing well. She is she more awake during the day and she doing better going back to sleep after her night feedings. While I wish she'd get up less through the night, she has given me a couple of nights with a four to five hour stretch of sleep. She still enjoys white noise. She likes the bath, but getting dressed isn't her favorite. She's fairly content, but her gas issues can make her unhappy. We've got a few real smiles out of her, and we try to coax more everyday. Alice went to church for the first time Sunday. She slept, ate, and chilled out in relief society with me. We love this little lady, her wild hair and her sweet squishy cheeks!

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