Monday, January 2, 2017

Last week of winter break

Casey and I wanted to do a fun activity with the kids before the baby comes. With him having games both Saturday's leading up to the baby we chose Christmas break to do something fun. So last Wednesday we took the kids out for the indoor mini golf in Twin Falls. They both enjoyed the neon lights that made colors glow and had fun whacking the balls all around each course. Afterwards we took them to Kiwi Loco for some frozen yogurt! Casey also pulled out the Magic Science kit and did experiments with the kids. They love doing experiments and were having a blast the different activities!

We also did some organization around the house last week. We de-cluttered, made a DI pile, Casey reworked a broken dresser so we can use it for the baby, and he set up the crib. I have a couple of deep cleaning things to do, and freezer meals to make then I'll feel ready for the 18th!
Thursday we headed to Raft River for the weekend to spend time with Casey's family. Grandma, Grandpa, Cody, Mia, Brett, Vanessa, and their kids were there Thursday. Peter took to Mia right away again and was her boon buddy throughout the weekend. She was so sweet and played with him (especially since he had a cough and sticks his stuffed animals in peoples faces, she might be a saint now ; ).
Friday Casey and Kenny scoped out a sledding hill and took the kids out for some fun in the snow. Everyone else showed up that evening and we had our Darrington Christmas party! It was a house full of energy and fun with the kids playing and enjoying each other. Kendal got a little Samantha doll and shirt from Grandma and Grandpa and a doll dress up and travel game from cousin David. Kendal is in love with her little doll so happy she got her. Peter got Star Wars Lego's and cars from Grandma and Grandpa and light sabor from cousin Jaxson. He loves the light sabor and was playing with it the rest of the weekend. The kids got to stay up quite late playing and some of the adults stayed up past one in the morning playing games. It's been years since we've played so much, but the kids are at great ages and we had the time to enjoy and play all throughout the weekend. Saturday I made tootsie rolls with some of the kids and then almost everyone went out sledding. After lunch the kids watched a show while we adults played games again or watched football. Vanessa pulled out Pie face to play with the kids. The kids loved it, and we even got Grandpa to play. Peter and Jaxson opted out of the game though. We ended up leaving after dinner because mostly everyone was gone, and I decided I needed a better nights sleep at home. We were spent from a great weekend with family so we went to bed before the New Year rang in.

2016 was a good year full of wonderful memories. We're looking forward to 2017 and all that it brings.
We get to welcome baby girl in just over two weeks! We're hoping to buy a home this spring. Peter will start Kindergarten this fall! Kendal will turn eight and be baptized at the end of the year!

I don't have any resolutions really, but I'm hoping to put some focus into each month.
This month my words of focus and encouragement are having COURAGE, and to be POSITIVE. I've chosen those to start out this year because I've had a lot of anxiety going into my surgery in a couple of weeks. It's been a rough last month of pregnancy with symptoms that just keep accumulating and i've felt weak, scared, and stressed. I know i'll pull through and things will turn out well in the end, it's just easy for my doubts, fears, and worries to take over. Here's to having courage and being positive in January!

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