Monday, December 26, 2016


We headed to Logan last Wednesday to visit family. My parents and Katherine were awesome and watched the kids that evening so Casey and I could get in an early Christmas present and go and see the Aggies play basketball (something we haven't done together since before Peter was born.) The team didn't pull out a win for us, however we had good seats and enjoyed watching the game. The kids got to watch a movie and eat treats with Grandma, Grandpa, and Katherine.
Thursday Casey headed out with my Dad to work on Davids house. The rest of us played around at Grandma's house for the morning. After lunch we went out to Nana's to make cookies. I remember eating Nana's delicious molasses cookies each year as a child and I thought it would be fun to make them with the kids. We did our best to follow the incomplete recipe. The cookies turned out fine, but weren't quite what they should have been.
Friday morning we played around at Grandma's again while the boys were off working. We met up with Dad and Casey for lunch, then went to see the house. Friday evening David, Anica, Elliot, and Nana joined us all and we had an early Christmas dinner. Patty and Eric stopped by and we got to chat with them also for a bit. After dinner we opened our gifts from my parents. My mom made blankets for the kids that they toted around that night and have loved sleeping with since. They also got Lego's (Elsa's castle, and a cement truck) that they built as soon as we got home. We got spoiled with other fun things as well games, magic trick kit, books, fun things for the kitchen, etc. (Thank you Mom and Dad!) The kids played around after. My parents pulled out musical figures that Elliot and Peter danced (bounced ; ) to for a while.

Saturday morning there was a layer of snow outside. The kids eagerly suited up and went out to make a snowman, and with Casey's help made their biggest one yet! Casey also got out his new Star Wars kit to play with the kids. They loved the experiment with the "light saber" and learning about static electricity! After lunch we headed home. We hit a lot of snow / rain on the way, but the roads were fair and we made it home just fine. Saturday afternoon the kids put together their Lego's they got from my parents. We decided to take it easy and eat out for dinner. The kids got to open their jammies; we told scripture stories and the night before Christmas before sending them off to bed.

The kids decided to peak out of their room at 4 a.m. They were quickly shooed back to bed and thankfully didn't come out till 7:30 to open gifts. The kids were thrilled with their gifts and had a wonderful morning opening presents then beginning Lego assembly. We headed to church around 10. The three wards in our church combined for a Christmas sacrament meeting. Casey joined the choir and put on a fantastic program. Casey did an great job and it was so special to get to put more Christ into our Christmas day. After church Casey cooked up some breakfast for lunch while the kids continued to build Lego's, try out their bow and arrows, and played the afternoon away. We ended our evening at Brett and Vanessa's to eat tamales. The kids were everywhere enjoying themselves. We had cake also. The kids wondered who's birthday it was. When we said it was Jesus' birthday Bryker asked if we had to wait for him to come and blow out the candles before we could eat it!

Today Kendal got to join Casey at basketball practice. The kids played with their Christmas fun throughout the day and got to play their new Wii games with Daddy. It's been a great weekend and we have a week with Daddy at home and Darrington family fun to look forward to this weekend!

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