Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Darrington party of five!

We were all ready for baby girl to join us Wednesday the 19th. However. . . She apparently had other plans.
Sunday the fifteenth we were resting at home after church. I was having back pains, but didn't think much about it, until I felt a gush. I rushed to the bathroom and sat there thinking there was no way my water broke. I finally called in Casey and we determined we better go in to the hospital. Now my worries surfaced and I made an emotional call to have Vanessa come and take the kids. (Both kids told everyone in the days to follow that the baby broke my water and wanted to come early :) Brett and Casey gave me a blessing and we sent the kids off, finished packing, and headed out.
We made our way to the hospital and because I had eaten they were going to make me wait till 8 to have my c section. I spent the afternoon getting prepped, poked (I was nicknamed pincushion), and having lame hard contractions. When it came close to eight o clock another mommy to be was being considered for an emergency c section so I waited a bit before they let me go back. While I've had a lot of anxiety going into surgery I feel I fared well; the staff took good care of me and I had Casey by my side.
Sweet Alice was born at 9:57 pm on the fifteenth. She weighed in at 8.4 pounds and was 20 inches long. She came out and cried for a while, but once she was swaddled and put in Casey's arms she was content. I got a quick snuggle and Casey held her while they continued to work on me. We named her Alice soon after. She came out with a cute crop of dark hair just like Peter had. I keep going back and forth over who she resembles more Kendal, or Peter, however I think she's got a bit of her own look. She has long tiny fingers and feet, plus sweet plump cheeks I love to kiss! We had a long night ahead of us. Thankfully Casey stayed the night and we had sweet Alice to enjoy.

Vanessa came with all the kids the next morning. Kendal was all questions, and Peter wanted to hold his little sister. Alice got to meet a handful of family her first couple of days. The kids got to come and enjoy Alice when they could.

Alice had a hard time eating at first. She went her first twelve hours without really eating. She ended up losing more than a pound in the first couple of days so I had a slew of lactation nurses and the pediatrician on my case during our stay. I was dealing with the usual post op fun and some extra gas pains that I loathe. Alice is definitely a sleeper. She slept a ton in the hospital and I'd have to bug her to eat. When it came time to go on Wednesday morning they decided to keep us longer and suppliant Alice's feedings. If she didn't improve they were going to admit her. Thankfully she pulled through and we were able to take her home Wednesday night. Peter had spent the day with Casey / us. With his schedule being thrown off and life being different for a few days he needed his mommy and daddy. He got emotional when he had to leave the hospital and just wanted us.

My parents and Katherine came up Thursday and spent the rest of the week with us. Alice had an appointment Friday and she's back to 7.12 pounds and the doctor says she looks good. We also kept an eye on her color (jaundice) for a few days. I've been trying to feed her every three hours to keep her going. She still is super sleepy, but she's getting longer stretches of being awake which is fun (unless it's the middle of the night : /. So far she tolerates well or tends to sleeps through Kendal and Peter's noise / play.
Kendal and Peter adore Alice. They want to hold and love on her all the time. While they're still learning to embrace the"helpful" part of things they are doing so well with Alice, and my recovery.
Thank you everyone who came to visit us both in the hospital and at home!!  We're happy you got to see sweet Alice and we're so happy she's here with us. Most of all thank you for all that helped us whether it was taking the kids, helping us at home, words of encouragement, or just love; it is all appreciated. We are truly surrounded by wonderful family.
Sweet Alice, welcome to our hearts, our home, our lives. I can't imagine life without you. You were a much anticipated blessing and present from heaven. We love you little one!

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