Sunday, July 26, 2015

Fish, bikes, and pie

Casey and Brett took the kids fishing on Tuesday this week to Hayspur hatchery in Picabo. They were gone most of the day so I took the opportunity to go to a session at the temple, grocery shop alone, and get some cleaning, and sewing done. The kids had a fun day out and they caught a good group of fish.
We got some bike riding in this week. Peter keeps changing his mind about his training wheels. He'll ask for them to come off, but he only lasts a short while without them before he's done. Casey knows he can do it if he would try but he doesn't want to do well just go at his pace.
Casey spent a couple of days going to Wendell for a teacher's conference. The kids and I hit up the park, lunch at the school, and made cookies.
Friday we decided to walk around the canyon rim a bit. We saw a couple of base jumpers go of the bridge and spotted people boating below. The kids wanted to venture onto the bridge so we did, however as soon as a couple of semi trucks rumbled past and everything shook Casey and I decided the bridge adventure was over. We also stopped into the new visitors center that's by the canyon rim.
Saturday night was our Stake pioneer dinner. They had some bounce houses up so the kids downed most of their dinner so they could get to the fun. There were tables and tables of pies to choose from. I ended up eating the kids' because mine was still frozen and they just wanted a few bites before they ran back to the bounce houses. They did scout out some otter-pops too (thus the blue tongues below). I taught Kendal a bit about pioneer day, what it means, and a bit about church history.
Kendal is so excited for kindergarten next month. She asks me frequently when it starts and had loved doing a bit of back to school shopping the past could of weeks. Kendal has been doing well with reading and her work book this summer. We've also found a website to help her pick up some math skills. She's so in love with the math site that she asks to do it for most of her allotted computer time. We're happy she loves to learn and is gaining so much knowledge. (We realize she is over prepped for kindergarten. So hopefully her teacher has a good amount of patience with her and all that she knows and likes to share.)
I can't believe July ends this week so it's just a few weeks till Casey goes back to work, he's got football stuff the next couple of weeks and will start with his team about a week before school starts. We're going to soak up all of the daddy time we can and fit in a few more summer adventures before then.

Who wouldn't want to wear their new helmet to snack in. Safety first right ; )

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