Thursday, July 16, 2015

Nine years ♥

When your little Disney fairy tales seem so great and idealistic. It takes growing up and entering a real relationship \ marriage to understand that those fairy tales you once thought perfect aren't real.
The life we lead is real and its hard. No one goes through life singing citchy songs (though we try to ; ), having wildlife clean for us, or have magical things happen to us every day. I'm grateful for this real life I lead and I'm more grateful to have Casey by my side through it all. He is my perfectly imperfect Prince Charming.
These past nine years have brought many changes. Casey and I are no longer our doey eyed younger selves belting out A whole new world. Our tunes have changed just as we have changed through life experiences, education, children, health, family, etc. With those changes we've adapted and changed as a couple. We've seen each others best and worst. It takes constant forgiveness, courage, patience, partnership, and unyielding love to keep our marriage strong. I can truly say we are stronger together and more in love as time goes on. 
My fairy tale ending is not in this life, but in the eternities that I get to spend with Casey. Our story didn't end just as we feel in love or got married like the fairy tales show. It's an amazing story we will continuously add too; the good, the bad, and everything in between!

 Happy Anniversary to our little family that began nine years ago! ♥
7-18-2006 to Eternity →

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