Sunday, July 19, 2015

Camping, Ruinion, etc.

Last Friday we ventured out to the you pick garden that CSI has. We searched a few rows of bushes and came away with a nice bag of raspberries. After that we needed to cool off so we hit up the CSI museum for a water break and to see the latest exhibit (nothing much but hey it was air conditioned ; ). After the museum Casey found the Frisbee golf course that's on campus while the kids and I stayed and played at a park.  Later at home Kendal helped me mash up and turn the berries into raspberry jam that we've been enjoying ever since.
Last weekend we hit up Kimberly Good Neighbor days. Friday night we went to a dinner in the park. Saturday morning Casey went to help Brett with the fun run. After the kids woke up we joined everyone at the park. The kids played and we watched the parade together. After the parade we wandered the stands for a bit. The kids played on the bouncy slides and got to do a cupcake walk.
Casey went fishing with Brett in Haley Monday. He had a good time and probably would've caught more fish if his reel hadn't broken. The kids and I hit up lunch in the park that day and played for a while. Wednesday we gave the kids to Sarah for a bit while Casey and I went on a pre-anniversary date to see Jurassic World (Good movie!). The kids had fun together and even got to hit up the pool in Filer. They weren't thrilled when mom and dad came to stop their fun. Kendal wanted to "dive" (belly flop) and go down the slide a lot and Peter spent a lot of time in the kiddie pool area.
The rest of our week has been pretty low key. We've rode bikes, and spent time at home.

After lunch on Friday we headed out to Raft River. The kids played while we did a bit of Garden work for Casey's moms birthday. Sarah, Terry, and their crew of boys met up with us in Raft River and we headed up to Heagler canyon to camp for the night. It was a bit colder than we anticipated but we still had a good time camping. The kids had fun playing together, and spent some time sliding down the hill Saturday morning to amuse themselves while we cleaned. up.

After we cleaned up camp we headed back to Raft River to join the Brown family reunion. Casey took the kids to ride the tractor with Grandpa then we went to the water slide for the reunion. Both Kendal and Peter enjoyed the slide and loved going down the whole time we were there. We had all of the cousins together Saturday and a lot of extended family. It was nice that Kendal is sprouting her independence and would go down the slide on her own / with cousins. After the water slide / reunion we spent some time back at Casey's parents house. The kids played and adventured their hearts out all afternoon. After dinner we headed across the street to Casey's cousin's wedding reception (Mckay and Echo). After the reception we let the kids play a touch longer before we headed for home.

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